
[Mother Therapy] What to do when parents think their children have problems.


     Many parents cannot understand their children and find parenting difficult. Then, parents must first think about why they think that way. They may have their own fixed ideas about what sons should be like, what daughters should be like, what 12 year-old children should be like, and what 17 year-old teenagers should be like. They may try to make their children fit in their own standards. 

     Parents may judge that children have problems when they view children applying their own standards and ideas even when children are growing with healthy psychology according to their phases of psychological development.

     When parents have fixed ideas about children and their growth process and judge children only based on their standards, it makes both parents and children go through difficulties. Parents will be able to acknowledge and accept children's behaviors as they are and encourage and help children to go through trials and errors in healthy ways when they accurately understand children's psychological development and learn the right parenting methods. 


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                      on child's psychological problem

                              Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net/ 

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