
[Infidelity Therapy] Infidelity is not just craziness but caused by relationship addiction.


    Many people think that people in infidelity are just crazy since their speech and behaviors are abnormal. People in infidelity have developed relationship addiction, which is an advanced condition of psychological disorder. 

     When one of the three psychological components, which are perception, memory, and expression, develops a disorder, it is referred to as a psychological disorder, two of them, an advanced condition of psychological disorder, all three, a psychosis. The victimized spouse of spouse infidelity, develops post traumatic stress upon the discovery of spouse infidelity. They are considered to be on the verge of developing a psychological disorder with problems in all three components of psychology temporarily. 

     The spouse in infidelity has developed psychological disorders in two components of psychology. The victimized spouse can develop psychological disorders in all three components of psychology when they neglect post traumatic stress. Psychological disorder and post traumatic stress are not psychological problems but problems of habits of psychology. They cannot but deteriorate unless they are treated properly. 

     When men develop psychological disorders such as relationship addiction, they are considered to have perception disorder and expression disorder. When women develop advanced condition of psychological disorder, they have the disorder of memory of emotions, and expression disorder. People with an advanced condition of psychological disorder still have one component of psychology working in a normal way. However, they become pleasure seekers and destroy all human relationships. People with normal psychology find that their behaviors are abnormal.

     They have an opportunity to recover and treat psychological disorders and since they still have one component of psychology working normally. They can activate the psychological component working normally to restore healthy psychology. When all three components of psychology develop disorders as in psychosis, hysteria, or intermittent explosive disorder, they cannot live with the mind of human beings and may not be able to recover. 

     It is recommended that you should not aggravate the condition of people in infidelity, which will make them develop even more severe psychological condition. The victimized spouse in recommended to treat their own condition instead of displaying rage or taking any practical measures, which will only aggravate the condition of the spouse in infidelity. 

     People who suffer from post traumatic stress may develop a psychosis when they pursue pleasure and build confidence without treating their condition properly. Then, of course, they cannot but destroy all human relationships. They suffer from intense stress and great wounds and literally lose their mind when they interact with normal people since their habits of psychology are completely different of those of normal people. They may have to stay in an institution for their whole life time or destroy their life in their own hands. It is no wonder that they want abnormal relationships with people. 

     Problems of habits of psychology necessarily deteriorate, so they must be treated properly before it is too late. You can take the treatment program of KIP when you develop problems of habits of psychology to be able to restore health and happiness. 



About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education) 

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