
[Mother Therapy] Building psychological immunity during adolescence

How are your teenage children doing these days? Are they going through difficulty time being depressed or rebellious? Do they look like aliens to you? Teenagers are going through the phase of the formation of self-identity in which they form their own thought standards through diverse experiences and trials and errors. Teenagers can develop immunity against troubles and hardships they will face when they become adults by forming healthy thought standards. They can maneuver their life in a more stable an successful way making their way through winds and waves. 

Suppose that two adults may look similar on the outside but one formed resilient and abundant thought standards during adolescence and the other did not. They may perceive and respond very differently when they face the situation while pursuing self-actualization. The one who formed abundant thought standards through diverse experiences and trials and errors and developed psychological immunity deal with mistakes properly and overcome difficult situations wisely. The one who did not develop psychological immunity is more likely to fail to deal with mistakes and overcome difficulties.

Experiencing trials and errors during adolescence and adulthood are completely different. Teenagers can experience trials and errors under the protection of parents and the society, but adults must take the responsibility for all their mistakes and errors. Teenagers who grow up doing only as they are told by adults without forming their own thought standards tend to experience more difficulties not being able to deal with diverse situations properly with their own thought standards. 

It is important for parents to adopt right parenting strategies. They must help teenagers form their own thought standards and psychological immunity by providing a safe and stable environment where children can heal stress and have diverse experiences. When teenagers can maintain balance between trying out different things and heal stress in a safe and nurturing environment, they can build psychological immunity for their adulthood. Then, they can pursue self-actualization in a healthy way when they become adults even when they face troubles and hardships on the way. Good parents should help children build not only physical immunity but also psychological immunity. 


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                      on child's psychological problem

                              Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net/

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