
[Mother Therapy] Does absence of parents cause problems in children?

When children have psychological and behavioral problems, they are usually attributed to the absence of parents such as a single-parent family or a family with divorced or remarried parents. Would it be really that children develop problems more when they don't have both parents around them? Would they have less problems when they live with both parents? 

There can be many different types of family and it is not the structure of family but many other important factors that affect children's physical and psychological health. The most important factor is the care giver's role in parenting. Children may develop problems even when they live with both parents if parents don't have stable psychology or don't adopt right parenting strategies. 

How the care giver is interacting with children with what condition of psychology must be the focal point of assessing care giver-child relationship and children's problems. When parents suffer from their own psychological issues, they will naturally affect children negatively, and it is very difficult to adopt right parenting strategies. It may be manifested as diverse and seemingly unrelated problems of children at home and at school. Of course, both parents and children will experience all kinds of relational conflicts. Children will not develop problems if the primary care giver has healthy psychology and adopts right parenting strategies in daily interactions with children. The primary care giver may not be children's biological parent for children to grow in healthy ways physically and psychologically. 

Adults who play the role of the primary care giver must check for their own psychological condition before trying to deal with children's problems by taking practical measures. Then, they must check whether they are adopting right parenting strategies that accord with the children's developmental phase of psychology. Any parent goes through trials and errors and make mistakes during parenting, but they will not have big problems if they approach parenting always having the two principles checked as the most crucial reference points.

Many parents fight over children's problems blaming each other when problems occur. They may blame themselves or their marital status for children's problems. In many cases, they just cannot even figure out what is going on and what causes the problem, which in turn may aggravate the situation further. It is no one's fault and you just didn't accurately understand the fundamental mechanism of human mind and psychology. Every family member can be happy when parents or care givers restore healthy psychology and adopt right parenting strategies. 


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                        on child's psychological problem

                                 Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net/

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