
[Sex & Xes] Men who claim they have no sexual desire


     Hello, everyone. Today, let's fact-check on men who claim they are asexual. In a nutshell, men who claim they are asexual are most likely to be lying about the matter. They are likely to have more sexual desire than other men. They usually claim they are not interested in having relationships and having sex because they are not satisfied with their sex life. 

     Firstly, they are likely to consider having sex only as a means for satisfying their sensory organs. The process of hedonic adaptation makes them continuously seek new stimulation based on this distorted concept. They may try different ways to satisfy themselves sexually, but they naturally end up finding limitations for every new attempt. Then, they reach the point where nothing is new to them and nothing satisfies them. This phenomenon occurs since they do not understand anything about the nature of human sexuality. 

     Secondly, some men may develop sexual dysfunctions since they have accumulated too many xes wounds inside themselves due to past experiences of having sex. They may experience impotence and the reduction of the pleasurable sensation in ejaculation. That is, they have developed both physical and psychological problems due to too many xes wounds, which results in sexual dysfunctions and makes them say they have lost interest in sex. 

     Ironically enough, men who have sexual dysfunctions due to different reasons tend to have stronger sexual desire than normal men. They have stronger desire for stronger stimulation, more exciting sex, and more powerful sexual functions. This is how human desire of any kind operates. The more you feel you lack something, the more you want it. Men cannot but grow sexual desire as their sexual functions diminish. 

     Men who claim that they are asexual are actually saying that they have problems with sexual functions. Not many people understand this mechanism, and innocent women are in danger of being deceived by men who claim they are asexual. Women who develop a relationship with such men may develop psychological problems and may be used for satisfying men's perverted sexual desire. Women naturally develop wounds in mimind in the process of getting involved and getting separated from such men. 

     If men feel that they are actually losing interest in sex and losing sexual desire without any specific reason, and recognize in the conscious that it is problematic, they must think that it may indicate they have some psychological problems and must try to recover. They must accurately understand the operational mechanism of human mind and sexuality and learn about the right concept of sexuality. Then, they can activate their xes energy in positive ways, which will restore their powerful sexual functions and enjoy sexual utopia with the woman they love and protect for the whole life time.


About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)

Sex Therapy for Men : https://www.xestherapy.com/

Sex Ability Training for Women : http://www.sextraining.net/

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