
[SATW] Women who want to look sexually attractive


     Many women consider looking attractive to be important. They try to raise their value of attractiveness through fashion, make-up, diet, plastic surgery and so on. This is caused by growing up with the distorted concept of sexuality in their culture and society.

Women are designed to generate feelings of wounds in mimind from birth to death, and they can also treat wounds and generate feelings of love and happiness when they get consolation and attention in the right way.

     Women who have many wounds in mimind naturally want to get attention and consolation in proportion with the amount of wounds. The most intense attention and consolation women can get are through sexual actions. This mechanism leads women to try to raise their value of sexual attractiveness through fashion, make-up, diet, or surgery to get more and more attention and consolation.

     As more and more women try to focus on their sex appeal, even normal women may develop distorted concepts and standards of sexuality. They may try to follow those who try to look sexually attractive, or they may develop the sense of deprivation. Women generate feelings of wounds in mimind in both cases.

     When women get married and feel safe and convinced of the relationship with the husband, they do not care much about their value of sexual attractiveness any more. Marriage makes womens wounds treated considerably. Then, after some time, women may feel lonely as children grow, or they may accumulate wounds during their marriage life, which makes them focus on their sexual attractiveness again. It means that attention and consolation that can treat womens wounds and make them have feelings of love and happiness have stopped being provided for quite a long time. Then, women may try to prove their sexual attractiveness by enhancing their appearance or feel depressed and dispirited thinking that they dont look attractive enough.

     However, these are all wrong ideas caused by the distorted concept of sexuality. All women are born with the utmost value of sexuality without having to look attractive sexually in appearance. Women can activate their own xes energy in a positive way on their own regardless of their appearance. Women who can activate xes energy in a positive way are perceived as the most charming women through their facial expressions, speech, and gestures without fancy clothes and make-up. They will look attractive to everyone regardless of their size or shape.

     Women who try to look sexually attractive become the sexual objects of men who pursue sexual pleasure. On the other hand, women who activate xes energy in a positive way become the objects of love and happiness men want to protect and share happiness with. The true value of women comes from true sex ability instead of appearance. Women can build true sex ability and their own unique charm regardless of their age. Any woman who wants to raise their value in a true sense can take Sex Ability Training for Women.


               About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)

Sex Ability Training for Women : http://www.sextraining.net/ 

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