
[Sex & Xes] Pedophilia : a severe psychological disorder


     Feeling sexually attracted presupposes human relationships where the mind connected with sexuality is in operation. When a person activates sexuality toward an object or an animal, which can't have the mind connected with sexuality, it is considered as a psychological disorder.

     Children do not activate the mind in the way it is connected with sexuality yet, so they cannot be the objects for being sexually attracted to. Being sexually attracted to children, or the condition of pedophilia, is just a severe psychololgical disorder that leads to crimes against children. It should never be considered as a type of sexual orientation or preference as some ignorant people get confused.

     Some people even categorize pedophilia, a severe psychological disorder, as a type of sexual preferences or orientations at the same level with sexual preference for older people or

SM play, or sexual orientation for homosexuality. It must be clearly understood that children do not have the mind connected with sexuality yet, so they can never be objects of being sexually attracted to. 

      Being sexually attracted to children because they look like adult women is not pedophilia. In this case, the fact that the object is a child is not connected to being sexually attracted to. In this sense, it is also dangerous for parents to have their children look like adults through clothes, hair style, and make-up. Such parents already have distorted concepts of human sexuality and generate negative energy by activating sexuality.

     People who have the condition of pedophilia usually look serious and solemn and make other people have respect for them. However, they view other people only as objects for their own pleasure and satisfaction. It is important to accurately understand the operational mechanism of human mind and sexuality to build the right concepts of human relationships and live a healthy and happy life.


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