
[Sex & Xes] Having extramarital intercourse indicates you have a psychological disorder.


Most modern societies consider infidelity, prostitution, swapping, threesome or group sex of married people as immoral or illegal. Why would the society regulate individuals sexual activities if sexuality is personal and instinctual by nature?

In case of men, their instinct doesnt restrict sex partners only to the spouse since men do not connect sexuality with the operation of mind. Men learn to think that they have to restrict sex partners only to women they love and protect in the socialization process. Men also accept only new sexual information in their xesmind without conscious recognition. They are automatically and instantly attracted to unfamiliar and pretty women passing by in the street even when they are with women who they are truly in love with.

On the other hand, women feel uncomfortable when they perceive new and unfamiliar sexual information. They are also much slower than men in perceiving information of men they see for the first time. Thus, as a couple stay together for a long time, the man perceives less and less sexual information from the woman partner, but the woman perceives more and more sexual information from the man partner. The man becomes so poor at recognizing any change in the woman and the woman becomes so good at detecting even a small change in the man.

We are born into a certain culture and custom that is regulated by the society. We learn to pursue harmony and order of the society as well as individuals freedom and right. Our psychology develops in accordance with the social norm, custom, and law. People who have normal psychology naturally accord with social, moral, and cultural standards. If extramarital intercourse is considered as a norm in a society, thinking that it is no problem is also considered to be normal psychologically, since they are born and raised in accordance with the specific social custom and culture.

In other societies where extramarital intercourse is unacceptable socially and culturally, such as a society that takes monogamy as a norm, thinking extramarital intercourse is abnormal is considered to be psychologically normal. If you start thinking you can ignore social norm to achieve sexual pleasure, or having sex with someone who is not your spouse is OK, it indicates that you are developing a psychological disorder. Furthermore, if you actually have extramarital intercourse, it indicates that you are in an advanced condition of a psychological disorder. 

When you have a psychological disorder, you have a strong conviction of your own ideas, and you justify your thoughts and behaviors. You ignore or strongly disagree on socially accepted customs and laws that exist for harmony and order. You may become good at using sophistry and blame the society for your problems.

Many people think that infidelity, prostitution, swapping, and group sex are all different, but all of them are based on and caused by psychological disorders. Sexual actions of any kind dont carry value judgment in themselves. We cannot say one sexual action is right and another is wrong in itself. However, human societies and human relationships put meanings on sexual actions. That is, sexual actions are strongly connected with human mind and activating sexuality generates powerful energy in human mind. Humans produce the sense of ownership, feelings of love, and the desire for happiness, which becomes the basis of the most important constituent of the society, family.  

Sexuality itself is personal and instinctual, but you must not activate sexuality out of the context of your society, culture, and circumstance. Sexuality must not be activated only as a means of getting pleasure. The issue of extramarital intercourse also must be discussed not from the perspective of individuals and instincts but from the perspective of humans who live together and human mind that is intertwined with the operation of sexuality. Sexuality is only one of many human instincts that we yield and restrain for living together with others in harmony and order. Justifying extramarital intercourse in the society where it is not accepted is a clear sign of a psychological disorder.


   About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)

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