Sexual desire is
something that any man or woman can have, and it is not subject to judgment as
right or wrong because it is a thought that belongs to only one's own mind.
Sexual desire as well as appetite and the desire for achievement is energy that
seeks to fill in, compensate for, or develop something that is missing in order
to live happily. Therefore, the first premise is that an individual's sexual
desire is no one's business to judge or interfere with, unless it is
misguidedly expressed outwardly and causes harm to others.
Sexual desire can
always be converted into the desire to pursue values of life. However, there
are some people whose thoughts remain stuck on sexual desire. This is usually
the case for men who are unable to pursue their values and heal from stress, or
for women who are in an unstable state in the pursuit of meanings in their
lives and have many wounds. Overly focusing on sexual desire can lead to a life
of pursuing only sex as the manifestation of sexual desire. However, sexual
desire can also be used as a great source of energy for happiness.
Some people
self-impose abstinence because they believe that having sex wastes energy that
could be spent for other fulfillments. From the perspective of the theory of
mimind and xesmind, this is actually not a suppression of desire, but rather a
transformation of desire into the energy of value-pursuit. For men, for whom having
sex is actually only a temporary outlet for their sensory organs, there is only
a small and temporary loss of energy, not enough to be called a waste.
In fact, when men
have passionate sex with someone they love and protect, this energy is actually
used to fuel their passion for future happiness, and this energy can be used to
better pursue their values in life. However, when a man has reckless sex with a
woman he doesn't love and protect, his xes wounds grow to be excessive, causing
damage to the body and leading to sexual dysfunction and somatization.
Men are usually very
passionate about their value pursuits, and when they put all their energy into
them day and night, they have no reason to think about sex. When they stop
pursuing their values in life for a moment, the energy that they put into them
becomes disoriented, and they feel sexual desire, but when they return to their
value pursuits, sexual desire disappears again soon.
If you are
considering trying abstinence for any reason, it's good to know that it's
possible to have a fully satisfying sex life with someone you love and protect and
still live happily with the great energy of passion that your happy sex life
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