
[SATW] All human happiness and unhappiness originate from sexuality.


All women are born with true sex ability and true sexual charm, but not many women know that they have sex ability. The conventional concepts of sexuality available for education and information women are exposed to for the whole lifetime are seriously distorted. No one tells them how human sexuality is supposed to operate and how the operation of sexuality affects human body and mind.

     The Theory of Mimind and the Theory of Xesmind that attempt to explain the operational mechanism of men's and women's mimind and xesmind postulate that human sexuality is supposed to operate with women at the center instead of men. However, problems cannot but continue to occur throughout history since distorted concepts of sexuality that put men instead of women at the center and prioritize having sex as a core component of sexuality prevail all around the world.

     Xesmind generates mimind, and mimind activates psychological operations. Humans live in a society forming relationships with other people. When individuals' sexuality or the operation of xesmind, which is the basis of all human relationships, is distorted, their mind collapses, psychology is damaged, and not only individuals but also the whole society suffer from all kinds of problems due to distorted and ruined relationships. At the center of all these problems exist women with true sex ability as major agents of restoration of happiness of individuals and the society.

     When women understand the true nature of human sexuality and restore true sex ability through Sex Ability Training for Women, they can build wound treatment ability and happiness ability as well as powerful sex ability in a true sense. They can live a happy life as women who have the best charm and as major agents who generate happiness and sexual happiness, making all the relationships related with them healthy and happy. Only women can have this ability.


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