
[Mother Therapy] Being responsible for what you have tamed


Have you ever read the book The Little Prince? You may or may not have. I remember it was listed as one of the must-read books at school, and even if you haven't, you probably know the title because it's so famous.

The other day, I stumbled across a quote from The Little Prince, where the fox says to the prince: “The reason this rose has become so dear to you is because of the time you've spent with it, but don't forget. You will always be responsible for what you have tamed. You are responsible for your rose.”

It's not just about having a relationship with someone, it's about the feelings, expectations, and responsibilities that come with that relationship. This quote made me think about myself as a parent. When I read it as a student, I thought it was about relationships with friends, but now I'm thinking about the role of a parent.  

In the relationship between a parent and children, we create a special bond with our children by giving them love and attention, and in the process, we naturally feel a deep responsibility for them. The expression ‘tame’ here doesn't mean simply raising a child in a parental way, but rather the process of building a loving relationship and trust with a child.

In addition to simply caring for a child, parents play an important role in shaping their emotional stability and social relationships so that children learn how to relate to the world through their parents and discover themselves in the process.

In the end, “responsibility for what you have tamed” means that we are not just responsible for the physical care of our children, but also for their emotions and their whole lives. It is our responsibility to be there for them when they need us, to understand and help them through their emotional struggles, and to encourage them to grow on their own.

When I saw the quote from The Little Prince, I dwelled on the phrase “responsible for what you have tamed,” and it gave me a chance to reflect on my role as a parent in my relationship with my children. What do you think your responsibilities are in your relationship with your children?


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