
[Mother Therapy] How do you solve problems? Building problem-solving skills


How do you deal with problems when they arise? Our lives are a series of problems and solutions. Sometimes in relationships, sometimes in our minds, sometimes in our work or in our daily lives, we are constantly faced with big and small problems that make us wonder, “Why is this happening to me?”

We all have different attitudes and ways of dealing with problems - some of us are good at staying calm and finding solutions, while others' first instinct is to avoid or run away. Are problem-solving skills something you're born with? Or can it be cultivated? I believe that problem-solving skills can be cultivated, just like a muscle that you develop through consistent exercise. It's a skill that gets stronger with experience and practice, just like physical training.

So how do you develop problem-solving skills? You can start by being open to new experiences. It's about stepping out of your comfort zone, embracing diversity, drawing a lot of simulations, learning something new that you don't normally do, trying new tools, meeting people from different fields and hearing about their experiences. The more you expose yourself to different perspectives and experiences, the broader your view of a problem and the better your ability to find a solution. I'm not suggesting that you go out on a limb and try something risky. It can be difficult at first, but it gives you the opportunity to see things from different perspectives.

Even if you've practiced looking at things from different perspectives, it's not always going to work every time, so it's important to stop and take a break when things aren't working. If something is stuck and it doesn't work out right away, instead of holding on to it, I'll stop and walk away and go for a walk or get a cup of tea. If it doesn't work out, I'll try to let go of everything and look away from it for a little while, or I'll do something easier that's quicker to solve. After I've satisfied myself by doing something easy, I'll come back to the stuck problem, and sometimes I'll see it again with a much lighter heart and find a clue to the solution.

The important thing is to find a method that works for you and stick with it. Problem-solving skills don't happen overnight, but if you keep an open mind, embrace new experiences, and practice consistently, you'll definitely get better at it. You may be stumped, upset, and frustrated in the moment when faced with a problem, but you'll soon find yourself able to shift gears and deal with it flexibly and effectively.


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                                 Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net 

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