
Meaning and Value


             Self-actualization is for a human being to pursue the meaning and value of their existence. The prime importance is for them to exist as human beings, meaning they have to be alive and not dead. Living as a human being allows them to pursue self-actualization. Thus, in achieving self-actualization, the first priority is physical health, then stable psychology, and finally intellectual desire. 

             Existence is linked with physical health. Physical health enables ones existence. If the body is unwell, ones existence is threatened, and the meaning and value of ones existence is unnecessary. Therefore, health is the first priority.

             The meaning of existence is related to feelings and it is formed within ones unconsciousness. Humans try to find this meaning in relationships. Thus, the meaning of existence is connected to mind and usually pursued by women. The value of existence is connected to objects rather than human relationships and is usually pursued by men. Thus, if a man is healthy, he will try to find the value of his existence. Most people do not regard mind, the meaning of existence, important. If a man pursues the value of his existence, he becomes self-centered, and with increased intellectual desire, he tries to accumulate more experiences and works hard. However, he does not hold the concept of mind. Having formed his own memories by his intellectual desire, he considers what he thinks as mind. He cant realize what the meaning of his existence in his mind is.

             Man experiences things, accumulates knowledge, and purses value. When he achieves one of the values - economical, relational, or social, he will stop pursuing the value. Then, other questions begin to come to his mind along with urgent desire to pursue other values. What do I live for? Who am I? This is a dangerous phase for man. He is trying to find the meaning of his existence, yet since he can only remember facts, not feelings, he cannot sense feelings and his meaning of existence is nowhere to be found.

             When a woman is in a healthy state, she tends to pursue the meaning of mind. It is so crucial to her and she tries to create the feelings of happiness. Without creating the meaning of her existence, her intellectual desire will not be stirred up. But, once she forms her meaning of existence with mental stability and the feelings of happiness, the intellectual desire will occur naturally.

             For both man and woman, it is important to pursue their desires in the order of health, mind, and intellectual. Without this knowledge of self-actualization, some people only pursue intellectual achievement and success. The intellectual desire includes experience, study, information, knowledge, enlightenment and etc.

             Human beings tend to focus only on their own survival and happiness when they exist as a person. Then, they pursue meaning through stabilizing their mind and feeling happiness as a PIR. Then, they are ready to pursue intellectual achievement or success.

             Man, since he cannot sense the meaning of his existence, only pursues the value of his existence, and woman must sense the meaning of her existence before she can pursue the value of her existence. Hence, a woman who pursues both meaning and value is very important and should be protected. Man only recognizes value, but woman knows both meaning and value. When a woman's meaning is disrupted, her value also collapses. Thus, if a woman has a problem in her mind, her man has an issue with his value, too.

             Woman should feel the present happiness with her meaning. This is the foundation for her to be able to pursue the future happiness and its value. Value is considered to be sensed in the future rather than at present. Hence, man with his pursuit of the future happiness pursues the future value. Woman may not necessarily pursue the future happiness if she is happy at the present time. She may want to enjoy the present happiness.

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