
The problem of repeatedly experiencing another problem after you solve a problem


The phenomenon of another problem keeping occurring after one problem is solved is referred to as a balloon effect. This phenomenon applies to not only psychological problems but also all problems of life. It is very common that we find the cause of one problem and solve it, and then another problem occurs and find the cause and solve it, endlessly repeating the process.

As we continue to solve specific problems finding causes for each problem producing the balloon effect, the severity of problems keeps growing. If you have solved the problem with the severity of -10, the severity of the next problem becomes -20. When problems continue to occur with the balloon effect, the severity of problems also continues to grow more and more.

We should keep in mind that one root cause may result in an infinite number of problems. Problems cannot be predicted easily, and it is usually the case that we realize there is a problem only after it has occurred. In order to solve the problem number 1, we find the cause number 1, and for problem number 2, the cause number 2. The number of individual causes as well as the number of individual problems is infinite.

To be able to effectively deal with the problems with the balloon effect, it is imperative to find the root cause of all the problems instead of finding individual causes corresponding to individual problems. Solving the problems based on the analysis of the root cause will allow us to solve all the problems without experiencing the balloon effect each time problems occur.

Many people think that solving one individual problem they are facing at present will adequately deal with the whole situation. However, if you are experiencing the balloon effect with problems continuing to occur, it may indicate that you are not dealing with the root cause adequately. In order to find the root cause of problems, you need to understand the nature of the problems accurately. It is a pity that even some experts and specialists are focusing on individual problems and individual causes. When experts and specialists focus only on individual problems and causes, they will come up with and provide an infinite number of solutions to an infinite number of problems. In the field of psychological treatment, there are many counselors and therapists who provide individual solutions to individual problems. It is recommended that both experts and clients examine whether they are adequately dealing with the root cause of problems or just dealing with individual causes and problems.

For example, conventional treatment of depression provides individual solutions based on the analysis of individual causes. Then, the patient is necessarily to experience the balloon effect aggravating the psychological condition. A common and conventional practice in the treatment of depression is to guide the patient to get immersed into fun and pleasure of some kind in order to get out of depressive emotions and restore confidence. When we can get immersed into fun and pleasure and restore confidence, we can easily get out of depressive emotions.

However, when people in depression get immersed into fun and pleasure and restore confidence, they are to develop addiction. The treatment of depression has induced addiction. It may be argued that depression has been treated in such cases, which is right in a sense since the person is in addiction instead of depression. However, it is not a treatment or cure in any true sense. It is only an example of the balloon effect. When depression advances into addiction, which is a more severe type of psychological disorders, the patient has actually aggravated the condition rather than improved.

When the patient experiences some difficult circumstances after he or she develops addiction, another case of depression may occur. Now, the patient has a more advanced condition of depression than when he or she developed depression at first. As he or she repeats alternating between depression and addiction, the severity of both depression and addiction continues to increase. The patient may repeat the process of staying in depression for some time and then in addiction for some other time until he or she develops the condition of bipolar disorder. This unfortunate condition is resulted from dealing with only individual problems and causes and applying individual solutions, producing the balloon effect and eventually aggravating one’s psychology.

Also, in the process of repeating depression and addiction and developing bipolar disorder, incidents of hysteria and intermittent explosive disorder may be experienced aggravating the condition even further.

Differently from most conventional approaches to psychological problems, Korea Institute of Psycho-education tries to identity the root cause of psychological problems. This naturally leads to less detailed categorization of psychological problems and more unified and fundamental treatment methods to avoid the balloon effect and achieve the restoration of stabilized psychology in a true sense. In the Theory of Mimind and Xesmind, human psychology consists of only three components : perception, memory, and expression. Treatment methods are determined based on the analysis of which of the three components has developed problems. More than one component may develop problems, and then, the treatment is applied accordingly. It is aimed to understand the nature of human psychology and to find the root cause of psychological problems for accurate and adequate treatment.

The balloon effect is observed not only in the treatment of psychology but also all areas of life and society including human relationships. For example, when you meet person A and break up due to some problems,  and then meet person B and become happy, it is not a case of the balloon effect since the problem has been completely solved. However, if you meet person A and break up, and then meet person B and break up, and then meet person C and break up again due to similar problems, you are considered to have some fundamental problems and experience the balloon effect without understanding the nature of human relationship. When you experience similar problems repeatedly or have other problems continually even after trying to solve the problems, it is an indication that you are experiencing the balloon effect.

We must understand how serious the consequences of neglecting or not recognizing the balloon effect in all areas of life and society. We must try to find the root cause of problems that we are facing, and then find a solution that can address the fundamentals of the issue. This principle also applies to the treatment of psychological disorders. Only addressing the root cause of psychological problems may lead to the cure of the condition and the prevention of other psychological problems. 

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