
What victimized wives and husbands who are in pain due to spouse infidelity 'like' the most

      People in pain due to spouse infidelity are suffering from post traumatic stress. Post traumatic stress occurs in both the victimized husband and the victimized wife although they show different patterns and mechanisms. The victimized wife becomes to be inclined to reinforce wounds and the victimized husband becomes to be inclined to reinforce stress in spite of themselves due to the distorted operation of the unconscious habits. They appear to 'like' to reinforce wounds and stress due to the operation of severe wounds and stress. 

     The victimized wife is inclined to look for distorted information that reinforces wounds. She may feel comfortable for a moment when more wounds are added by being exposed to such information, but it only aggravates the condition. Similarly, the victimized husband may try to add more stress by taking practical measures to get out of stress. The condition gets more and more serious as they seek to add more wounds and stress. The initial condition of post traumatic stress is caused by spouse infidelity, but the victimized spouses themselves tend to reinforce their psychological disorder even further. 

     Post traumatic stress progresses into psychological disorders and then, into post traumatic stress disorder when it is not properly treated.  The husband develops perception disorder and expression disorder at the same time, and the wife develops the disorder of memory of emotion and expression disorder at the same time. Adding up more wounds and stress expedites the progression into a more serious condition. 


     It is recommended that anyone with post traumatic stress due to spouse infidelity stop seeking ways to reinforce the condition by taking conventional and practical measures to resolve the issue, and choose to properly treat the pathological condition first and foremost. It is so common that victimized spouses reinforce psychological disorders by taking different measures available out in the world. For example, when you browse for information on how to collect evidence of spouse infidelity, your exposure to all the related information on the internet adds to your wounds and stress aggravating the condition even further.   

     It is understandable that you may not even be interested in the treatment and just want to get out of the situation or revenge out of the operation of severe wounds and stress. However, as you keep taking coping strategies and practical solutions for spouse infidelity, you will end up ruining your own life and the lives of your loved ones. So, it is recommended that you stop taking any practical measure until you treat your post traumatic stress. 

     So many people are spending time, money, and effort to grow wounds and stress aggravating their psychological disorders. It is high time we reflected upon where to look to and how to go about for the recovery of healthy psychology and true happiness.   

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