
You yourself are the only CEO of your mind


     Every human being has mind. Mind lets us generate and sense moods and emotions such as joy, sorrow, pleasure, and anger. Only you yourself can sense your own moods and emotions, and only your own mind can determine types and levels of moods and emotions based on your habits of perception. When your mind is compared to a company, you are the one and only CEO of your mind. Your right for decisions for the company is necessarily accompanied by responsibility. You must make decisions and take responsibilities regarding the management and development of the company as the CEO. With respect to the management of mind, you must make decisions and take responsibilities on managing and developing your thoughts and emotions as the CEO of mind. 

     In order to be able to take charge of the operation of our mind, we must first understand the operational mechanism of mind and psychology. We must understand how thoughts and emotions are generated and sensed and how we are affected by diverse internal and external factors. We also must understand what happiness is and how we can achieve and maintain happiness. 

     We are supposed to make decisions and take responsibilities for ourselves when we become adults. Adults can and must pursue self-actualization in relationships in the society. Adults must take charge of the operation of their mind all their life and can retire from the position only when they die.    

     Children do not have the ability to make decisions and take responsibilities on their own yet. Children must learn about the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology to be able to adequately manage their mind and psychology as adults. Children who are exposed to many experiences and trials and errors are considered to build greater abilities to manage their life as adults. With this respect, childhood and adolescence are important periods when children and teenagers prepare themselves for managing their mind. They need proper protection, nurturing, and education to learn about it. Even then, they are still not guaranteed for success and happiness when they live as adults since every life is unique and everyone is the first person in history who has to maneuver their life with their own standards. 


     Some parents try to decide what happiness is and what life path should be taken for their children based on their standards. Unfortunately, this way of directing and guiding children will only deprive children of opportunities to build abilities to adequately manage their mind operation when they become adults. These children may develop dependency on other people for operating their life, but the probability of achieving success and happiness through letting other people manage their life is extremely low. They may be easily taken advantage of by other people and blame other people for their failure and unhappiness. They may even blame themselves for not being able to take charge of managing their own life. Also, depending on other people for managing your life can be to burden other people with undue responsibilities and take advantage of other people. A CEO of a company must not rely on other people for managing the company, and other people cannot and must not make decisions and take responsibilities for managing your mind. You yourself are the only CEO of your mind and your life. 

     Taking responsibilities for your decisions is different from blaming yourself for a wrong decision. It rather means reflecting upon your actions and correcting and developing for better decisions in the future. This is what we are supposed to do in the pursuit of happiness and self-actualization as adults. Thus, giving up on the right for operating your mind is equivalent to giving up on success and happiness of life. When children grow being deprived of opportunities to build the ability to manage their mind, they become dependent people as adults. They cannot have hope for the future without depending on other people since they don' know how to manage life on their own. In extreme cases, they may lose the will for life when they think they have no hope for dependence. It is giving up on becoming the CEO of their life completely. Understanding this mechanism will help you take a full control of your mind and your life and the pursuit of success and happiness. It will also help you raise your children in the right and healthy way so that they can become successful CEOs of their mind and their life as adults.       

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