
Work and Family


           We create valuable lives as PIRs by working. so, when looking at the relationship between work and family, we can notice how important the work and family are. Males create value of life as they strengthen passion and achievement. By working, they create social value, value of human relationships, and economic value. The reasons for making these value is that males want to provide stability and happiness to family and that it is their meanings of life. Thus, males form the happiness of family by making value of life (social value, value of human relationships, and economic value through work) and have meanings of life.

           They pursue future happiness by immersing in the passion and achievement of work. As they actualize the value of life, they think their family will also be happy if they form their future happiness. However, the family members are unhappy since future happiness has not been established in the present yet.

           If a man lives hard for future happiness by immersing in the fun of working, his place at home in the present disappears. He is certain that his family had a stable and comfortable life because he did his best and worked hard to establish future happiness. But when it's time to stop working and live comfortably, such as getting old and retiring, he realizes that his family isn't around. So, the man complains that it is unfair. This is because the happiness of work and family has not been balanced in harmony.

           On the other hand, it is the same for females to have passion and achievement of working, but, unlike males, they work not for future happiness but for present happiness. Because males pursue future happiness through work, they have fun at work and think their family will have fun if they have fun and become happy if they are happy. However, females strengthen passion and achievement for their present happiness as they work. They strengthen passion and achievement through work in order to establish present happiness. They prefer work that they can be stable and happy whereas males prefer future-oriented work.

           Even in the case of venture firms, the workforce varies depending on whether they seek future happiness or want present happiness. Males have passion and achievement in their work for their future happiness, but females have passion and achievement in their work for their present happiness. Therefore, even when selecting a workforce, it is possible to hire males by presenting a low salary if the vision of hopes and dreams is guaranteed along with a bigger salary in the future; however, females must be satisfied with their work and present happiness as well.

           In the end, when working, a female makes sacrifices and dedication to her family while pursuing her own happiness, but a male gives up his present happiness while pursuing his family's happiness and demands sacrifice and dedication from his family while pursuing his future happiness. Males pursue future happiness, demanding sacrifice and dedication from their families, but females do what they can to their families for their present happiness. Therefore, harmony between work and family is necessary for both males and females.

           A man seeks the happiness of his family in his unconsciousness, but he does not recognize the happiness of his family as he pursues future happiness, immersing in the fun of his work. Therefore, if work and family happiness are not balanced at the same time, work and family cannot be stabilized. Also, a woman feels the love given to her family by sacrificing and devoting herself, but she cannot recognize passion and achievement from work as her own happiness. So, neither her work nor her family cannot be stabilized if the happiness of work and family is not in harmony.

          Immersing with passion and achievement in work may be good for a company since it increases profits and value, but problems occur in a family as his or her family become unhappy if a male or a female prioritize work over the family. This is the same for both males and females. They may be excellent in their work, but their family becomes unhappy suffering from difficulties. So, balancing work and family in harmony is very important for making meanings and value as PIRs (a person in relationships).

           The harmony between work and family is so important in the self-actualization and happiness of PIR that it can never be overemphasized. When studying the way to make the harmony of work and family, the first thing to be done is to change the recognition of males and females. Males must know that 'the happiness of a family is not in the value of work and life.' They must get away from the thought that "working hard is the only thing that is for the family." It means, knowing that it's not the happiness of a family to be immersed in work and to work hard. Work is just for fun. man should not think the happiness of his family is in achieving values of life (social value, value of human relationship, and economic value).

           A male should turn the object of passion and achievement into a family. It is to recognize that a family has the most precious value he must keep. He thinks that his family will always be there for him and that he will live comfortably and happily with his family cheering and recognizing himself if he immerses himself in his work and achieves the value of life. But the reality is different from what he thinks. Because making value of life by immersing himself in his work is the vague future happiness, his family does not think the same as he does and cannot have present happiness. Due to this, he faces conflicts with his family over time and have problems generated.

           Therefore, a male should know that the purpose of immersion in work and working hard is not only for the value of life but also for his family. Why do you work? Why would you want to live with your family if you work for the value of your life or only for your own happiness? Most would say, 'That's not it.' After all, it shouldn't be forgotten that the purpose of immersion in work and working hard is to live with the family together and to recognize that the family is the most valuable.

           On the contrary, a female should know that the happiness of her family is her-centered when it is formed. Females tend to prioritize work over the family when they focus on and immerse themselves in their work as they enjoy their work. Her husband and children think that they would do fine and immerse themselves in their work. They think that everything can be resolved with money and that they can spare time for a moment when it's needed. So, their interpretations of work are self-centered.

           A female makes the happiness of her family her-centered. Her work and family should be balanced in harmony, but in most cases, it's slanted toward one side. Work is for pursuing self-happiness, not for the happiness of the family. She could feel bad when she is told that her work is supposed to be not for her family but for her happiness. She could be a little sad saying that 'I've been working so hard for my husband and children.' She could feel bad when she is told that her work is supposed to be not for her family but for her happiness. She could be a little sad saying that 'I've been working so hard for my husband and children.' In the end, if she immerses in work for her husband and children, it is just a part of her maternal love. It is, in fact, not immersing herself in work. Of course, it is true that her maternal love is strong and great because she has been sacrificing herself, but it is not actually immersing in work.

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