
Psychology and Mind Energy


First of all, positive emotion and positive psychology are different. Emotions exist individually whereas psychology means operations of emotions. Positive psychology is not made automatically just because you have positive emotions. When a positive emotion generates another positive emotion, it is called positive psychology. Thus, positive emotions and positive psychology have different concepts. 

Man's positive psychology and active energy are not positive moods and active energy.  Strictly saying, they don't remember positive moods; positive psychology operates instead. For men, positive moods are generated from passion as positive psychology, like the desire for psychological operation and devotion, operates. Thus, when they have passion, they have devoting passion, which becomes the power to enjoy stress. It is the passion that allows them to enjoy devoting for others. 

On the other hand, there's a case when having passion for oneself not for others; pleasure seekers and those having specific purposes represent this case. Seeking pleasure constantly as if being addicted to drugs by maximizing positive emotions is the same as having a passion for oneself only. So, most of passion is formed when a man devotes himself to his counterparty. It is a stress for sure to do something for the counterparty, but the man perceives it fun and interesting. He's making devotions. 

If a man has devoting passion, positive moods are generated; as these moods last, the unlimited responsibility, which is the love of the unconscious, is formed unknowingly, making positive psychology operates. So, he gets hopes and anticipations for the future being with his counterparty and pursues future happiness constantly. By doing so, the energy of passion is constantly formed for himself. Like this, a man gets the energy of passion when he has passion. 

Man's passion can be felt, but the energy of passion is formed vaguely. Ultimately, it means that positive psychology is at work in human psychology. The energy of passion is the operation of positive psychology; man's passion is the power of enjoying stress. 

If a woman's wounds are treated, positive psychology is formed, generating active energy called love. As negative emotions become the void of emotions, she feels as if her emotions become positive. At this point, positive emotions are formed, but they are not real. Woman's positive psychology is not real whereas mans' positive psychology is real.

A woman gets the emotion of love and has the operation of positive psychology as she communes with her counterparty. Since those emotions are felt and that psychology is operated, the woman communes with counterparties she gets the emotions of love. In other words, psychology operates for women as they exchange positive emotions. Through this, women feel present happiness. This is how the energy of love is created for women. As their negative emotions get treated, they generate the energy of love, which is active energy, and feel present happiness. 

What needs to beware of at this point is that psychological disorders might occur. Men can have positive emotions even if their passion is distorted, which is good for oneself. However, if positive emotions formed distortedly operates in psychology, negative psychology operates. If passion is distorted, psychology operates negatively. Similarly, women can have positive emotions even if their love is distorted. Their emotions are good, but these emotions created distortedly operate negatively in psychology, causing psychological disorders. Problems occur when psychology operates even if oneself is good. 

For men, the energy of passion is consumed if positive emotions exist only for themselves and become maximized because psychology operates negatively despite positive emotions generated. The reason for the operations of negative psychology and consuming energy is that men pursue purposes and pleasures as their passion become distorted. They constantly ask for strong positive emotions. Thus, negative psychology operates as psychological disorders appear; the bigger the positive emotions, the greater the psychology operates negatively. According to this, men mistake future happiness, hopes, and anticipations. 

Originally, future happiness is vague, but they become certain that having positive emotions is the future happiness and think distortedly. So, the psychology of consuming energy for distorted future happiness operates. 

In general, thinking that possibility of having the future happiness come true, they believe that everything will be done fine whereas mistaking future happiness is thinking that positive emotions are the only happiness for themselves and being certain that taking and seeking strong pleasures and fun is the future happiness. They don't refuse to commit crimes and do drugs for their happiness. Problems have occurred in both mind and body. They don't mind about others being damaged by them. What they only care about is their own pleasures. 

Therefore, When mistaking future happiness and hopes, one will constantly consume and waste the energy in a wrong way. Whats distinctive of these men is that facial expressions they have now are way much different from the facial expressions they had before. In cases when having psychology works as consuming energy by pursuit of pleasures due to psychological disorders and the past when the future happiness was pursued vaguely, facial expressions change rapidly and dont look fine. They pursue very strong pleasures but have their mind and body becoming devastated, which is unusual. 

When looking into womens negative psychology and consuming energy, they mistake that their wounds get treated through consolations. So, rather than treating negative emotions, they ask for fast positive emotions. However, positive emotions disappear fast; this causes them to ask positive emotions again and again in their psychology. They mistake the love and get psychological disorders; as negative psychology operates at this point, they end up mistaking the present happiness. 

Then, the energy is consumed endlessly. They think they have positive emotions, but problems keep constantly occur in psychology. This is because of negative psychology operating. Theres only the consumption of energy without the energy of love being generated. 

The condition of psychology in usual is not good, but they mistake it for present happiness. So, they dont have any other choice but live the mistaken life and keep consuming the energy. When circumstances like this come, women cut off maternal love. The love given will disappear. Like this, negative psychology is different from negative emotions. Negative psychology means that psychology operates negatively. 

What must be aware of is psychological disorder as well. If men have negative psychology even though they have positive emotions generated, they have psychological disorder. Men will consume energy if they pursue pleasure; women will have psychological disorder of mistaking happiness if they mistake consolation for love. 

If psychological disorders occur, operations of negative psychology will cause problems despite comfortable and good positive emotions. One might be good because of the positive emotions of oneself, but others around this person will be damaged. One might fall in pleasures due to positive emotions, but the mind and the body become ill as energy keeps being consumed due to negative psychology.

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