
Emotions of Psychological Operations


Psychological operation is when each of one's own psychology and the counterparty's psychology is perceived to each other's conscious through external expressions. Among one's own psychology, the conscious which takes up 5 % only, habits which takes up another 5 %, and the mind, which takes up 90 % are expressed through speeches and actions. Although this person expresses his or her psychology unconsciously, the counterparty thinks that these expressions are made intendedly for 100 %.
This process is called psychological operations; by the results of processes of one's own speeches and actions, the counterparty's emotions are generated. The problem is that 95 % of the speeches and actions that one makes are expressed by the unconscious (habits and the mind) whereas the counterparty perceives these speeches and actions as if they are intended for 100 % sure. The errors of psychological operations occur at this moment. These are very important in human relationships because they become the causes of both one's intentions and the counterparty's thoughts being distorted and misunderstood and are very important factors of generations of emotions.
Like this, the psychological operation is the process of one's and the counterparty's psychology being accepted mutually to each other's conscious; one cannot make psychological operations by alone but will only have the memory of emotions. As results of psychological operations, either positive or negative emotions are generated; thus, human relationships are up to the process of emotions being generated through one's and counterparty's psychological operations.
Whether emotions are positive or negative when they are generated depends on whether psychological operations are self-centered or whether they are other-centered. If self-centered psychological operations and other-centered psychological operations are mutually made in harmony, both oneself and the counterparty will have positive emotions and happiness. Having psychological operations like this is called either the exchange of positive emotions or communion.
Results of self-centered psychological operations generate positive emotions to oneself, but one will become dogmatic, behave self-righteously, and be faithful to only one's own emotions; due to this, understanding and considering the counterparty will be impossible to be done. The counterparty will suffer from wounds and agony. Human relationships will be destroyed, and psychological operations won't be possible. For the pursuit of one's own happiness, the counterparty will be wounded, which is a very serious problem.
Moreover, results of other-centered psychological operations generate positive emotions to counterparty, but one will be dependent on the counterparty, lose confidence, and easily assimilate with the counterparty's emotions. Rather than understanding and considering the counterparty, one will sacrifice the self, be wounded for the counterparty's happiness, and won't be able to have psychological operations as human relationships become complicated. Abnormal human relationships will be formed, and the suppression and compulsion of one's psychology will happen. For the pursuit of the counterparty's happiness, one will end up being wounded, which is also a very serious problem.
Since serious problems occur if psychological operations lean toward either side, self-centered or other-centered, it is necessary to create positive emotions for oneself and the counterparty by forming a harmony of psychological operations. At this point, the method of forming harmony of psychological operations is understanding and considering counterparty.

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