
The Conscious Human Relationship


When meeting someone for the first time, when doing things related to work, or when talking about specific incidents, psychology operates by the conscious human relationship. In this case, habits, the unconscious, are suppressed; psychology operates only by thoughts and memories, which are the conscious. 

When one's thoughts and memories (the part that is being recognized) are expressed to his or her counterparty, the counterparty accepts these through thoughts and memories (the part that is being recognized). At this point, when expressing one's own thoughts and memories to counterparty, the remaining speeches, actions, and facial expressions except for the part that is being recognized are expressed by habits, the unconscious. The counterparty perceives the expressed psychology by thoughts and memories and then expresses his or her thoughts and memories (the part that is being recognized), which makes one perceives them to thoughts and memories (the part being recognized) as well. When the counterparty expresses his or her thoughts and memories, at this point, the remaining speeches, actions, and facial expressions except for the part that is being recognized are expressed by habits, the unconscious, as well. 

Like this, the relationship where one and the counterparty perceives and expresses through thoughts and memories (the part that is being recognized) is called the conscious human relationship. At this point, expressing through the part of thoughts and memory that are being recognized is important, but it would be much more helpful for human relationships if expressions made by habits can be sharply paid attention. 

The conscious human relationship is at work in uncomfortable relationships when meeting strangers for the first time, relationships formed by things related to work, etc. In intimate human relationships, speeches and actions are made by habits, the unconscious; however, in the conscious human relationships, expressions are made by thoughts, the conscious. So, many thoughts are made making stress operates that causes tiredness. 

The conscious is always at work in expressions and perceptions of psychology in the conscious human relationship; thus, it causes tiredness a lot. Operations of the conscious generate thoughts; thoughts cause stress a lot. This is why people who work hard at workplaces want to take rests comfortably when they are back home. If they cannot relieve stress at home, they try to relieve stress before they get back home. Having some alcohol, going somewhere for fun or hanging out with close friends before going back home are the operations of psychology trying to relieve stress. There's also a case that some people forget going back home because they enjoy and are deeply into their works. 

The conscious human relationship generates lots of stress like this. If the conscious that requires reasonable, decisive judgment keeps operating, it will cause compulsion and suppression. In other words, as stress becomes stronger, more tiredness is caused; in the case of after working hard, one feels very tired after the work is finished. 

If one is back home without his or her stress relieved, the stress will be relieved by habits unconsciously when the person is with his or her close friends or people he or she loves. A lot of people doing works that are very important and difficult, works that ask for high-developed skills and professional, works that are strictly hierarchy, etc. tend to become violent (using abusive words or physical violence) to relieve their stress when they are at home where they have intimate human relationships although their job performances are excellent due to the operations of reasonable controls and thoughts. This occurs when they are back home without relieving their stress. 

There was a TV program that showed measuring the stress of a husband when he's at work and when he is at home. His blood pressure was between 80 and 90 when he's at home whereas it was measured to be between 130 and 140 when he's at work. The blood pressure went down to 80-90 when he's back home. 

Rather than the conscious of thoughts, habits of the unconscious operate when one is in intimate human relationships at home whereas the conscious operates when that person is at work and constantly causes stress that makes the blood pressure stay in high. Depending on which psychology operates, whether the conscious or the unconscious, lots of effects are caused by these psychological operations.

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