
The Conversation is the Process of Exchanging Emotions and Negotiating Opinions


The conversation is an important means in human relationships when exchanging emotions and opinions of each other. Psychology is expressed outward in forms of speeches and actions by habits; when it is perceived, it is perceived by the thoughts of the conscious through sensory organs of the body. At this point, the process of expressing psychology by speeches and accepting as thoughts through sensory organs is called conversation. 

The conversation has direct impacts on human psychology since it is the process of negotiating opinions and emotions by expressing one's own psychology to the counterparty and through psychological operations each other by accepting the counterparty's psychology. Ultimately, the conversation is a critical factor in every psychology of human relationships since the psychology of conversation is psychological operations about emotions being occurred in the process of having conversations. 

There's a saying, 'watch out your speeches and actions especially in close relationships.' It is because habits, the unconscious, operate when speeches and actions are made in close relationships; this causes unintended speeches and actions. The counterparty will accept the unintended speeches and actions as thoughts of the conscious and think that they are made on purpose. This is called the error of psychological perception (the error of psychological operations). Thus, the major cause of the occurrence of negative emotions from conversations in closer relationships is the error of psychological perception (the error of psychological operations). 

The process of conversation is that one expresses one's own emotions through speeches, actions, and facial expressions by habits and that the counterparty accepts these expressions as thoughts of the conscious through sensory organs and vice versa. At this point, the operation of habits can be controlled by the conscious, but it can be expressed by habits regardless of the conscious.  This is the same for both oneself and the counterparty. 

The more intimate a relationship is, the more the conversation expresses emotions through speeches, actions, and facial expressions which are the habits of the unconscious; due to this, one will express emotions through speeches, actions, and facial expressions that are unintended. The counterparty will accept one's expressions through sensory organs as thoughts of the conscious, which causes 'the error of psychological perception or the error of psychological operations' thinking that the expressions are made intendedly. The vice versa is also the same. 

Therefore, about the speeches, actions, and facial expressions of the unconscious that are not intended, the counterparty will accept them as intended speeches, actions, and facial expressions; one will think the speeches, actions, and facial expressions of the unconscious as intended speeches, actions, and facial expressions. This means that emotions might be delivered incorrectly to both sides through conversations by the error of psychological perception (or the error of psychological operation). The psychology of conversations must be analyzed accurately for this reason. Although speeches and actions can be recognized by self even though they are made unconsciously, facial expressions cannot be recognized by self. Thus, in most cases, facial expressions can become the main cause of negative emotions occurred in conversations.

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