
Concepts of Conversation


People think that communication and conversation are the same things, but they are different. Communication is delivering ideas to each other whereas conversation is exchanging opinions and emotions. They are considered to be the same things because both are expressed by speeches and actions, but meanings are completely different. 

The conversation is the process of negotiating opinions for resolving either specific incidents or problems. However, emotions are aroused in the process of negotiating opinions; when emotions occur in human relationships is when psychology is operating. Ultimately, the conversation is the process of exchanges in emotions by psychological operations and negotiations of opinions; thus, the conversation is the process of exchanging speeches, actions, and facial expressions along with the coexistence of opinions and emotions. 

In the conversation with the purpose of negotiating opinions, it is important to exclude emotions. If emotions are included, negotiating opinions would be very difficult. If negative emotions are included in negotiating opinions, the counterparty's opinions will be negatively heard. Thus, even though the counterparty shares good and necessary opinions, they all will sound so negatively that you won't want to hear them and will feel bad along with your confidence scratched. In the end, the conversation will be cut off as the counterparty will oppose emotionally. The conversation will become an emotional confrontation. Thus, you will start blaming each other for the causes of every problem if the conversation is cut off. Problems will occur if emotions are included in the process of negotiating opinions since emotions come first rather than opinions. Problems cannot be resolved. 

The conversation plays a crucial role in psychological operations in human relationships. Conversations are necessary for psychological operations. The purpose of making speeches, actions, and facial expressions is because of conversations. 

The conversation is making expressions to each other in order to resolve problems. It is expressing in forms of speeches, actions, and facial expressions for problem-solving. It is expressing and sharing opinions and emotions with each other when wanting to exchange problems of your own, counterparty or both, problems of specific incident or subject, and emotions. 

The conversation is not one-way but two-way communication. If you speak one-way straight and if your counterparty only listens to you only, it is not a conversation but communication that just delivers what you think to the counterparty. The conversation is to make mutual psychological operations with each other by delivering speeches, actions, and facial expressions by the conscious and the unconscious. Results of these psychological operations become the mediation of opinions, and emotions occur. This is the result of the psychology of conversation and the principle of conversation. 

Therefore, the conversation is the core means of psychological operations. The purposes of having conversations are negotiations of opinions and exchanges of emotions. You must understand that the opinions and emotions coexist and that the methods of conversations change depending on the purpose of having conversations. 

Conversations for negotiating opinions are preferred by men because they have standards based on opinions, values, and ideas and judge right or wrong very well about opinions. So, they perceive conversations as the process of negotiating opinions even if they have very negative emotions to each other. However, women prefer conversations for exchanging emotions because they think conversations are the means of psychological operations and think that they can stabilize and treat their psychology through exchanges of emotions and resolve problems. Women prefer conversations based on emotions rather than opinions because they have the mind of standards of emotions. 

Conversations have two purposes, which are the negotiation of opinions and the exchange of emotions; it is necessary to choose one of the two. Without knowing how these two purposes operate, it is impossible to understand the psychology of conversation. Thus, when having conversations for problem-solving, whether to negotiate opinions or to resolve emotional problems must be decided. 

Let's assume that you are having a conversation about the success of your business for example. If emotions are included when talking about the success of the business, your emotions would come first rather than the success of the business. So, the psychology that you don't mind about the business but mind only about your feelings will operate. If opinions and emotions are not separated, the purpose of having a conversation would be lost. 

Therefore, the purpose, whether it is going to aim for negotiating opinions or it is going to aim for exchanging emotions, must be decided when having a conversation.

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