
Is treatment of post traumatic stress due to spouse infidelity possible during pregnancy?


Q : Can I get treatment for trauma caused by the spouse's infidelity in pregnancy? I won't look good in a short skirt. 

A : Pregnancy and Infidelity Therapy are separate matters.

And there is no short skirt in therapeutic tasks. Most people say it is a short skirt, but it is H-line skirt (a pencil skirt). Depending on the length of this skirt, the wearer could be perceived either as a woman or as she looks like. So, the task of wearing a H-line skirt is only used as the means of treating the wearer's wounds regardless of how others perceive her. 

Also, therapeutic tasks are a little bit different during pregnancy. During the pregnancy, maternal love already exists, so the therapeutic tasks are partially excluded. Wearing a H-line skirt is one of the excluded tasks. Even if you are in your pregnancy, your rage and wounds must be treated.

Infidelity Therapy treats rage and wounds caused by a spouse's infidelity. Among psychological disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder is the most serious, which causes errors in all three kinds of psychology that are perception, memory, and expression; this occurs by a spouse's infidelity. 


Whatever is perceived, remembered, and expressed operates as pain. That much so that all of yours acts as a powerful wound, so if you don't treat yourself immediately, you want to be as comfortable as deep as your wounds, you want to retaliate against someone, or powerful energy that causes you to become reckless to others will move.

You must face the matter squarely and treat it first immediately due to the reasons that are mentioned above. You must be treated and recovered so that you can make the right decision. In the condition where you have post-traumatic stress disorder, whatever you think and choose will be wounds and errors.

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