
The Means of Conversation


There are some means of conversations. Because the conversation is the method of psychological operations, psychological expressions (habits like speeches, actions, and facial expression operate unconsciously) and psychological perception (thoughts of the conscious operate through 5 sensory organs) are at work as psychology operates. This is the methods of conversation with the purpose of exchanging emotions. By speeches, actions, and facial expression, emotions are intervened. 

In the method of conversation for negotiating opinions, the conversations will be operations of only thoughts and memories without emotions included. Simply saying, only the conscious will operate. In this case, opinions are expressed mostly through writings. So, speeches and actions express emotions and are used for conversation when exchanging emotions whereas writings are the means of conversation when exchanging opinions. Therefore, depending on circumstances, environments, and purposes of conversations, the right means and methods are supposed to be chosen. 

Speeches, actions, and facial expressions are just methods of expressing psychology, which is one's own emotion, whereas writings are the methods of expressing opinions since the counterparty thinks about one's thoughts through the conscious. If opinions are delivered only through writings, misunderstandings could occur by one's own guesses on the counterparty's intention since visible expressions such as voices, actions, and facial expressions are missing. That is to say, regardless of self, emotions are occurred by the counterparty. 

Moreover, there are things called emoticons among writings; since these emoticons express facial expressions in forms of texts, they are perceived as visual information and can express emotions partially. Emoticons and characters are used a lot in online chats and games since they can express one's own emotions to the counterparty accurately when exchanging writings. 

Speeches, actions, and facial expressions are the means of psychological expressions. When one makes psychological expressions, his or her counterparty will integrate the expressions, accept them to the conscious, and perceive them distortedly. For example, if you are saying bad words with a big, happy smile to your counterparty and if your counterparty is blocking his or her ears, what do you think how the counterparty would accept this situation? Think about which kind of emotions, whether positive emotions or negative emotions, would occur to your counterparty. The counterparty is more likely to think and perceive the information distortedly. This is the error of psychological perception and the error of thoughts. 

If opinions and emotions are integrated during conversations, oneself and the counterparty could have distorted emotions about each other's expression. Therefore, the possibility of having an emotional confrontation is going to increase if emotions come first rather than opinions when having conversations. 

Since opinions and emotions can occur simultaneously in conversations, it would be good to use writings when exchanging opinions and use speeches, actions, and facial expression when exchanging emotions. If opinions and emotions need to be exchanged at the same time, it would be better if the means of conversations can be interconnected.

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