
[On Divorce] Important things to take into consideration when you decide on divorce.

Firstly, you must transform human relationships to accord with your marital status. It is recommended that you transform relationships into relationships of a divorced person as you consider getting a divorce and even before divorce is actually processed. You may have to sever some relationships, maintain some others, change the dynamics of some, or form some new relationships. 

Secondly, you must take children into consideration. When you do not prepare for adequately taking care of your children before, during, and after the divorce process, you may have to confront quite serious problems with children's psychology and behaviors. It is not a divorce itself but inadequate parenting that causes the problems of children. When you just get a divorce accumulating stress and wounds and without transferring to the psychology of divorce, you will definitely experience problems with psychology of your children. It is crucial to be well-prepared for divorce and adequate parenting to prevent problems that may emerge soon or years after divorce.

Thirdly, you must take your career and financial ability into consideration to become financially independent. You must build at least the minimum level of financial ability and the ability for your future career to support yourself and your children after divorce. It is not recommended that you depend only on child rearing expense provided by your ex-spouse to support yourself and your children since it is likely to lead you to pursue economic values in a distorted way. 

Fourthly, you must set new standards for happiness after divorce. New standards for happiness after divorce can be determined based on your changed psychology, which is the psychology of divorce. When you stay in the psychology of marriage or in the state of some mixed forms of psychology, it is impossible to achieve happiness in a true sense after divorce.

You and your life will be and must be different after divorce. If you take the four things into consideration when preparing for a divorce, you and your children will be able to maneuver smoothly into the life after divorce and live as happily as or even happier than when you were happily married. It is also recommended that you treat deep psychological wounds that have accumulated for a long time before getting a divorce and reset all human relationships putting yourself at the center. Building happiness ability will make you happy whether you get a divorce or not. It is hoped that, through Free Consultation on Divorce of KIP, you will learn about how to prepare for divorce, how you can build the psychology of divorce, how to change relationships with other people, and how to achieve happiness after divorce.

     Apply for Free Consultation on Divorce

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  Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/ 

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