
Standardized psychology tests are unnecessary for treating psychological disorders


Standardized psychology tests may be useful in some situations such as when you use them for diagnosing general psychological conditions or for addressing mild cases of psychological problems. However, they interfere with the treatment process and aggravate psychological conditions rather then help when you treat psychological disorders.


Some clients may feel that standardized psychology tests serve as the basis for building trust with the therapists and facilitate the treatment but such process is usually unnecessary for treating psychological disorders, which must focus more on the operation of the unconscious than on that of the conscious.


When the therapists of psychology treatment refer to and rely on the results of the standardized psychology tests, they may build bias toward the clients' psychological conditions and become to focus on the manifested phenomena relying on the clients' conscious, which includes conscious thoughts and retrieved memories. Then, the therapists cannot but be led to analyze and focus on the original family, growth process, and traumatic events themselves rather than on the underlying imbalance of the unconscious operation of mind.


It is impossible to treat psychological disorders when the therapists become dependent on the clients' consciousness and then, the clients' psychological conditions deteriorate in the process. It is strongly recommended not to adopt methods that advocate taking standardized psychology tests for treating psychological disorders.  

Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac

E-mail : uip@uip.ac

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