
Anyone can be related with the issue of spouse infidelity.


     Not many people ever imagine that they would experience spouse infidelity in their life before they actually experience it. Most people think that such incidents would happen only to people who appear on TV or newspaper. They naturally suffer from the sense of betrayal and despair when it happens in their own life. 

     The victimized wife usually thinks that it is caused by problems of love above anything, and then problems of sex and marriage relationship. On the other hand, the victimized husband usually thinks that it is caused by problems of sex above anything, and then problems of love and marriage relationship.

      The issue of spouse infidelity affects not only the wife and the husband but also their family, friends, coworkers, and acquaintances. Then, who would be free from being affected by the issue of spouse infidelity during the whole course of life? You may think that such incidents can never affect you but it is very unlikely that you will die without ever experiencing spouse infidelity directly or indirectly in your life. 

     Infidelity occurs as a result of relationship addiction, which can happen to anyone suddenly and acutely. It can happen to you even if you never wanted it to happen. Especially, anyone who has a certain degree of social activities can be susceptible to getting involved in infidelity. 

     The real problem is that people in relationship addiction are self-convinced and justify their actions by arguing that infidelity is caused by problems of love, sex, and marriage relationship, and the victimized spouses and psychology experts believe their argument. This misunderstanding of the phenomenon has led to collapse of many individuals and families for generations. 

     We all must raise the awareness that infidelity can happen to anyone, it is an acute psychological disorder, and the prevalence of the wrong concept of infidelity in both experts and lay people has contributed to destroying many people's lives. It would be ideal to prevent such incidents in advance, but at least, we must accurately understand the phenomenon and treat psychological disorders to restore healthy psychology and happiness. 

     The spouse in infidelity has developed relationship addiction and the victimized spouse has developed post traumatic stress accompanied by the most excruciating psychological pain. The couple are considered to be in a crisis situation in their life respectively. They are in the turning point of life where they cannot but choose either happiness or unhappiness. They can restore healthy psychology and happiness through adequate treatment or live an unhappy life without proper treatment destroying the life of their own and their loved ones. 

     All the inadequate attempts to resolve the issue of spouse infidelity will lead to unhappiness, which include despair, suppression, dependency, seeking comfort or pleasure, and practical solutions such as divorce and law suits. In the process, people around you will also be negatively affected and may be led to destroy their life, too. 


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