
[Life Crisis] Interaction between economic class and psychological class


Economic class can be divided roughly into 3 categories : upper class, middle class, and lower class. Psychological class can also be divided roughly into 3 categories : psychology of leaders, psychology of self-actualization, and psychology of survival. One's life is determined as a happy life, an unhappy life, the worst life, and a ruined life by the psychological class adopted for each economic class. Understanding the relationship between economic class and psychological class will lead you to pursue happiness in a more adequate way for yourself and your family. 

People with psychology of leaders pursue happiness through helping people with psychology of self-actualization and psychology of survival to pursue happiness. People with psychology of self-actualization pursue happiness of self-actualization with meanings and values. People with psychology of survival pursue the satisfaction of basic necessities of food, clothing, and shelter. The relationship between economic class and psychological class are as follows. 

     1. Life of economically upper class with psychology of leaders

They use their wealth to help people with psychology of self-actualization and survival to pursue happiness and are respected by others.

     2. Life of economically upper class with psychology of self-actualization

They have strong desire for wealth and use their wealth for their own satisfaction and pleasure through consumption and self-display. 

     3. Life of economically upper class with psychology of survival

They have strong desire for basic necessities and pursue their own satisfaction and pleasure through consumption and self-display. 

     4. Life of economically middle class with psychology of leaders

They use their wealth to help people through donation and voluntary work and are respected by others. 

     5. Life of economically middle class with psychology of self-actualization

They have strong desire for wealth and try hard to become upper class. They use their wealth for their own satisfaction and pleasure through consumption and self-display. 

     6. Life of economically middle class with psychology of survival

They have strong desire for basic necessities and use their wealth for their own satisfaction and pleasure through consumption and self-display. 

     7. Life of economically lower class with psychology of leaders

They try hard to stabilize their condition for survival and do their best to share what they have through donation and voluntary work. They are respected by others. 

     8. Life of economically lower class with psychology of self-actualization

They try hard to stabilize their condition for survival and have strong desire for wealth. They try hard to become middle class or upper class. 

     9. Life of economically lower class with psychology of survival

They try hard for survival but have no desire for wealth. They are satisfied with the stabilized condition for survival.

     You can make reference to the above categorization to analyze your current situation and decide what to do to achieve your happiness and your family's happiness. 


      Apply for free consultation on psychological problems


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