
[Infidelity Therapy] How the husband in infidelity can recover


    The husband in infidelity has developed relationship addiction, which is an advanced condition of psychological disorder. Relationship addiction causes the destruction of relationships, love, happiness, and sexuality. It is impossible for the husband to recover only by trying on his own. 

   The victimized wife develops post traumatic stress and perceives all her memories of past experiences as wounds suffering from excruciating pain. She is on the verge of developing a psychological disorder that destroys relationships, love, happiness, and sexuality. It is also impossible for the wife to recover only by trying on her own. 

    There are two ways the husband in relationship addiction can recover. One is to have a strong will power to live after he loses everything he has achieved in his whole life and almost gives up on his life. He must realize that the cause of his collapse is psychological disorder and build up a strong will power to recover by taking KIP treatment program. He must treat relationship addiction, prevent the recurrence of the condition, and build habits of healing and happiness. He can restore happiness and regain what he has lost after he is cured completely.

   If he has not collapses completely, not lost everything he has, not experienced a crisis of losing his life, and he does not have a strong will power for life, he wouldn't even think about recovery. He couldn't recover even if he tries unless he realizes and admits that his relationship addiction has caused his misfortune, and adopts a right treatment method with professional help. 

    The other is for the victimized wife to build happiness ability through KIP treatment program and the husband an opportunity to treat relationship addiction. When the wife restore happiness, the husband can have hope for happiness and have the will poser to treat his condition. He can treat relationship addiction, prevent the recurrence of the condition, and build habits of healing and happiness. He can restore happiness and regain what he has lost after he is cured completely.

     When the husband recover through the two methods described above, he never commits infidelity again and lives happily with his wife. When the husband has recovered but the wife has not, it is impossible for them to stay together. When the wife refuses to treat herself and insists on staying with post traumatic stress, the husband has to get a divorce to protect children from the wife and live happily with children.            It is not important to argue about who is in the wrong and who is in pain when infidelity occurs. The life of the whole family is at stake. Both the husband and the wife must treat their psychological disorders to restore individuals' happiness and the happiness of the family. 


About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education) 

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