
[Infidelity Therapy] The husband in infidelity, the wife in pain, and the adulteress as a sexual object


     All parties involved in a case of infidelity, the husband in infidelity, the wife in pain, and the adulteress as a sexual object are living an unhappy life. They end up living a life of destruction unless they take a proper treatment such as KIP Treatment. Without proper treatment, all of them end up living a life of destruction destroying love, happiness, and sexuality as well as all human relationships pursuing only their own survival and pleasure. 

     [The wife in pain] When the wife suspects or discovers husband infidelity, she develops post traumatic stress. She may end up destroying love, happiness and sexuality as well as all human relationships. Post traumatic stress deteriorates as time passes unless properly treated. 

     1. She develops dependency on things, activities, or people. The objects of dependency could be anything from children, family, career, religion, study, hobbies, counseling, to shopping, traveling, plastic surgery, diet, or sex. They feel comfort and relief only through the activities that cap their negative emotions. Their level of dependency increases and post traumatic stress advances, which destroys their own life and the life of many others.      

     2. She destroys her whole life. As post traumatic stress advances, she destroys love, happiness, and sexuality as well as all human relationships. She only pursues her own pleasure including sexual pleasure. She easily becomes a sexual object of many men and a victim or a perpetrator of crimes related with affairs whether she is divorced or not. 

     3. She destroys the life of her husband and children. Post traumatic stress her husband's relationship addiction progress as she suppresses her pain, develops dependency or obsession, or keeps taking practical measures. The husband eventually develops intermittent explosive disorder and destroys his life. Children's psychology also deteriorates and they develop psychological problems. They will experience spouse infidelity or commit infidelity themselves when they become adults.

     The wife who is suffering from husband infidelity must treat her post traumatic stress and build habits of treatment, prevention, and happiness by taking proper treatment programs such as KIP Treatment. When she treats her condition and live happily with children, she can give her husband an opportunity to treat his relationship addiction. 

     [The husband in infidelity] The husband does not realize that he has developed relationship addiction. He is addicted to the adulteress's sexual response and destroys his own life. Relationship addiction is a psychological disorder that destroys love, happiness, and sexuality as well as all human relationships. 

     1. He can be damaged by the adulteress any time. As the adulteress's sexual response grows bigger and bigger, she may develop hysteria and destroy everything.           

     2. The husband in infidelity usually neglects his wife thinking that his wife can never commit infidelity. In the mean time, the wife may easily respond sexually to men around her as her post traumatic stress progresses and become an adulteress. 

     3. The husband and the wife have developed relationship addiction and post traumatic stress respectively. In the mean time, children are not cared properly and can develop psychological problems. They are easily taken advantage of by other people. 

     The husband in infidelity must take KIP treatment to treat relationship addiction and sexual dysfunction. Then, they will build habits of treatment, prevention, and happiness and never commit infidelity. When the husband recovers, he can protect his family and persuade his wife to treat post traumatic stress. 

     [The adulteress as a sexual object] The adulteress does not realize that she has developed relationship addiction, which is an advanced psychological disorder. She is addicted to men's attention and consolation and easily becomes a sexual object of many men. Of course, she destroys love, happiness, sexuality as well as all human relationships. She may be attacked by the adulterer's wife or become a victim of intermittent explosive disorder of the adulterer. She is in danger of becoming a victim or a perpetrator of crimes related with infidelity. She may mistake becoming a sexual object of many men for happiness and pleasure and feel confident and proud. 

     The adulteress must take KIP Treatment and treat her condition on her own without anyone's help. She can restore happiness by building habits of treatment, prevention, and happiness. 



About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education) 

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