
[Sex & Xes] Living in the animal world


When you learn about the operational mechanism of human sexuality and build true sex ability, you will see the fundamental factors that lie underneath the visible phenomena regarding sexuality. You will see how naive and destructive people can be activating sexuality in distorted ways. You will also see how people end up paying for their ignorance and distorted ideas.

      In a world where sexuality is viewed from the perspective of sexual pleasure and where sexuality is considered to be closely connected with love at the same time, men are likely to generate negative xes energy and reinforce stress and sexual desire and women are likely to generate negative xes energy and reinforce the desire for love and attention.     

They may live with psychological problems or psychological disorders depending on levels of wounds and stress and the degree of distortion of ideas. Men and women who dont have true sex ability only aggravate their physical and psychological conditions as they continue activating sexuality. They cannot but keep going away from generating pure passion, love, and happiness by generating positive xes energy and their body and mind keep deteriorating.

Then, women try to appeal their sexual attractiveness and do their best to become mens sexual objects based on their desire to get attention and consolation. They never imagine that such behaviors induce wounds in their mind and destroy their body. Men encourage women to appeal sexual attractiveness and look for women who activate sexuality based on wounds in mimind. Then men develop sexual dysfunctions and lose true sex ability in spite of themselves. Both men and women falsely believe that they are going in the right direction because they recognize pleasure and love in the conscious when activating sexuality in distorted ways.

Sadly enough, most conventional knowledge and information lead us to generate negative xes energy and destroy our body and mind. Our mind will try to compensate for what we have destroyed and lost, but all our expressions and actions based on wounds and stress in mimind, which is manifested as sexual desire, activate sexuality in distorted ways. 

Having a small talk with men and women who have strong negative xes energy can be compared to having sex with them. The operations of xesmind and mimnd in actual sexual actions and in having a small talk based on strong sexual desire are the same. This phenomenon occurs in our daily life, so men and women who know about the operational mechanism of human sexuality and have true sex ability may feel that they are in the animal world instead of the human world.  

You may have to live as an animal who only follows sexual desire instead of a human being as you keep activating sexuality based on stress and wounds and the desire for attention and consolation, not even knowing what is wrong and what is right. Your level of education or intelligence may not be a factor in this condition since you have already developed a psychological disorder with which you justify all your thoughts and behaviors. Furthermore, xesmind cannot be controlled by the conscious after all.  

Men can build true sex ability through Sex Therapy for Men, and women can build true sex ability through Sex Ability Training for Women. It is hoped that you will leave the animal world as soon as possible, protect yourself, and generate pure passion, love and happiness as well as sexual happiness by building true sex ability.


       About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)

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