
[Mother Therapy] The Power of Organizing : Creating Psychological Space

The autumn season is such a great time of year that you can do just about anything, but I'd like to recommend organizing. We often think of organizing as simply rearranging the clutter around us, but what I'm talking about is separating what we need from what we don't need, and getting rid of what we don't need by giving it away or throwing it away. It may not seem like a big deal, but it's about freeing up the space in our mind as well as at home.

We all have a lot of stuff around us that we don't need, and we probably don't think much about it, but when we accumulate what we don't need, no matter how much we clean them, they quickly become cluttered again. Not only do they take up space, but they can also make us feel psychologically overwhelmed and affect our attitudes and routines negatively.

In fact, studies have shown that when we accumulate stuff we don't need, our brains are flooded with unnecessary information, which can lead to stress and anxiety. It's like having a head full of unnecessary thoughts, which makes it harder to focus on what's important and makes you feel more stressed over small problems.

But even when you feel the need to get rid of things, you may find yourself thinking, “I might use this later...” or “I paid a lot for this...”, and you can't get rid of it. This is the hardest part of organizing, but if you don't organize and leave it behind, will you really use it again? No, you won't. Most of the things you leave behind will never be used again. We need to have the courage to organize.

For example, you've probably had the experience of going through your seasonal clothes to organize your wardrobe, only to find that you haven't worn them in the last year, and you can't bring yourself to throw them out because you think, “I'll wear them someday,” or “You never know,” or “They're still good,” and every year you take them out but don't wear them. If you hesitate at the moment of choice to throw them out or not, and you end up hoarding them, it's almost like an obsession, and it can develop into a compulsion to feel psychological security through them.

It's helpful to have clear criteria to help you organize such as: “If I haven't worn it in a year, I don't need it.” When you're ready to part with it, you can fill the empty space in your closet with what you really need and reduce the stress of going through so many things to find what you need.  

You can leave the empty space as it is, or you can use it to fill in the space with new things you need. The best part about decluttering is the freedom and possibilities. You can organize any time of year, and it doesn't have to be in the fall, but I like to recommend it now because the cooler weather and quieter atmosphere can be so calming and relaxing. Autumn is a good season to organize your thoughts and feelings as well as your possessions. By getting organized, you'll be able to slow down a little and think about what you can do for the rest of the year, while also preparing for the new year.


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