
[Sex & Xes] Is a complete life impossible? (Complete love and success through sex training)


The reason we think our lives are not perfect is because they are not in our control completely. To put it another way, if we could control our lives, our life would be perfect. The two most important things in our lives are love and success. A human being who is able to love enough and achieve enough will feel they have a perfect life, where there is nothing lacking.

However, even if we marry for the sake of perfect love, it soon withers away, and even if we achieve the material values that others envy, we feel it is not enough. In other words, we live an ironic life where the more we love and succeed, the more we feel lacking. Many people analyze this by connecting it to dopamine, and others by connecting it to religion, psychology, and philosophy, but I would argue that it's due to the intrinsic nature of human sexuality.

We have an instinct before we have a mind to navigate the world, and sexuality is an instinct. Sexuality creates the energy that fuels the mind, which is called xes energy. The energy generated by sexual action can become positive energy for restoration and creation, but when it is combined with relationships, purposes, and emotions in the mind, it changes to negative energy. However, we don't know that xes energy is working on us because we don't feel it directly in our consciousness.

The problem is that negative energy, created by the combination of our feelings for relationships or purpose and sexuality, is an energy that is wasteful. This negative energy burns our own bodies and minds to create love and passion, so the more we love and achieve with negative energy, the more we feel a deficit created by something that has been burned away. We feel satisfied only in the moment when we are immersed in the good feeling of love and passion, and when that moment is gone, we feel an even greater deficit, and our desire grows stronger.

However, love and success can be achieved only in relationships, so if we don't know the mechanisms and methods of converting this negative energy into positive energy in relationships, we cannot but live with endless needs. In other words, if we know how to convert negative energy into positive energy, we can live a full life, with enough love and success, without deficiency.

To do this, we need to train ourselves to understand exactly what the nature of sexuality is and how to change ourselves accordingly. Instincts cannot be overridden, but the mind that allows them to work in order can be changed by training our thoughts and habits.

This is how a man who shifts to a life that generates positive xes energy rises to the top of the pecking order over a man with the greatest success that comes from negative xes energy. And a woman who shifts to a life that generates positive xes energy can live a life filled with love and happiness, no matter who she is with. Men and women who generate positive xes energy have no deficit.

You've often heard the saying, “If you envy, you lose,” meaning that lack and want make you feel inferior and prevent you from feeling complete. No matter how much you try to change this by adopting philosophy, medicine, or religion, the harder you try, the more your needs will only grow, because none of them teaches you a way to shift the workings of your xes energy to a positive one.

Of course, when you let go of everything, feelings of deficiency and inferiority disappear. Such a life may be a comfortable life, but it will not be a complete life, because love and passion will also disappear if you put everything down. On the other hand, a life lived by converting negative energy into positive energy will definitely give you fulfillment in love and success in healthy ways, which will allow you to live a perfect life.


                 About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)

Sex Therapy for Men : https://www.xestherapy.com/

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