
[Sex & Xes] How sexuality shapes the mind


Today, we're going to talk about the process of sexuality affecting the mind and the caveats that come with it. Xesmind works within your own mind, energizing only your own mind. It also affects the psychological operation of the mind, and it's important to remember that xesmind, mind, and psychology all belong to you.

Xesmind is designed to help the mind pursue happiness on its own by energizing it. It's supposed to create love and passion and heal wounds, but in today's society, where the concept of sexuality has become so distorted, it's easy to let your xesmind take over your mind and be directed toward other people. Especially for women, their xesmind should be working for their own happiness, but most of them direct their xesmind toward others because they want to look good to other people, because others want their sexuality, because they want to please others, and so on. Or they combine sexuality with social ideas or systems, and they end up having a negative perception of sexuality and even feel guilty about enjoying sex, or they do the opposite and have sex for pleasure that is recognized in the conscious mind, causing all kinds of problems.

But when all the sexual energy that should be feeding your own mind is directed toward the other person, your mind can't be healthy. You won't have the self-esteem you need, and you won't have the energy to repair stress and wounds on your own, resulting in frequent psychological problems and psychological disorders.

Humans are supposed to pursue happiness and live in self-actualization activating the conscious and unconscious mind, and xesmind works to support this process. However, as  xesmind gradually becomes more and more directed toward other people, the operation of mind and psychology are no longer centered on the mind, but on the xesmind, and mind, xesmind, and psychology become all entangled. As a result, mind continues to create wounds in relationships, and sexual desire keeps arising to repair these wounds to no avail. Sexual desire is generated as xesmind works to restore one's own mind, but no matter how much  xesmind works, psychology is bound to be ruined since it is directed toward others or outside.

When a man or a woman develops a psychological disorder, their sexuality is overly expressed and their sexual desire is intensified. When you have sex in this state, you can't help but feel a very powerful pleasure unlike anything you've ever felt before, because your mind is no longer in control. Needless to say, there's no need for human happiness anymore because you're living as if the pleasure of your sensory organs is the most important thing and you're mistaking pleasure for happiness.

There are exceptions. Depression in women and neurosis in men are also psychological disorders, but in the case of depression and neurosis, mind blocks out everything about sexuality, so instead of having a sexual desire, you become extremely resistant to having sex. When this happens, you can't even think about recovery or happiness because your xesmind can't energize your mind.


                 About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)

Sex Therapy for Men : https://www.xestherapy.com/

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