
How women can succeed in their career?


What should women do to achieve success in their career? What attitudes and precautions should be taken when women pursue career? Let’s consider these questions from the perspective of operation of mind.

Work is a means of pursuing values in life. There can be two purposes of working. One is the pursuit of values and the other is survival. The perception of work is different depending on the purposes of working. We usually discuss work and career from the perspective of the pursuit of values since survival is ensured by welfare system in most societies.

Work is a way of pursuing values of life when survival is ensured, but it is a means for existence when not. This is a concept that must be kept in mind first and foremost when you learn about how to become a successful woman in her career. As mentioned above, the first thing you must do is to clearly understand your purpose of working. When your purpose of having a career is to pursue values of life, you must also set specific goals of pursuing career. Otherwise, you may easily get confused in the process and go into a different direction from one you have intended or even be taken advantage of by other people.

Secondly, you must have earnestness and determination. The fanciest and the greatest plans may lose the momentum and go nowhere without earnestness and determination. Without earnestness and determination, you may easily give up even with small obstacles and hardships. They are crucial elements in the pursuit of values of life.

Thirdly, you should decide on what and how to proceed for goals. If you think that you lack knowledge, experiences, or abilities, you must research and study to obtain them. It is imperative that you must do it yourself firsthand. Fourthly, you must put your plans into practice. Practice necessarily requires efforts.

The four components must be proceeded in the designated order. When any one of the components goes wrong, it means that you don’t have the basics for pursuing values, so it is unlikely that you will succeed in your work and career.

Also, you must consider the worst possible situations that could happen and make plans for them. For example, if you have made plans for starting your own business after quitting your job, you must also make plans for what to do when you fail in your business. Unfortunately, many people start new business without preparing for when they may fail, since they are filled with only passion and hope. Most of us need to work within a given situations and with other people forming relationships. The worst situations can always happen due to circumstances or other people even if you try the hardest.

On top of all the elements described above, women’s pursuit of values of life through work & career needs additional consideration. Women need to take precautions on managing feelings of love and happiness, which are related with meanings of life. Men’s mind do not carry meanings of life. Men’s mind is designed to pursue only values of life, so the management of feelings is not a major concern in pursuing career. On the other hand, women’s mind carry both meanings and values of life, and they often get confused and fail to clearly separate meanings and values of life.

When problems occur in women’s spouse, children, and family, which are related with meanings of life, and they cannot heal stress and treat wounds, the pursuit of values may be adversely affected. For women, it is crucial and necessary that meanings and values, be clearly separated, and they do not attach feelings to work and career.

Do you want to become a woman who is successful in her career? You can, when you follow the methods and the order provided.If you just proceed with your plans without purposes, without earnestness and determination, without knowledge and abilities, you may soon regret your attempts and go nowhere. Please, follow the procedure as described, and train yourself for separating meanings and values of life. Then, you will become what are dreaming of. 

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