
[Infidelity Therapy] How to defeat the devil called spouse infidelity


The spouse in infidelity has developed relationship addiction, which is a psychological disorder. Relationship addiction is a psychological disorder that destroys all healthy human relationships. Relationship addiction recurs and keeps deteriorating for the whole life time unless adequately treated. 

People in infidelity justify their behaviors. They keep relationships mostly only with people in infidelity and develop distorted ideas of love and sex. They begin to destroy normal relationships including marriage and family relationships. 

The victimized spouse develops post traumatic stress, with which all his or her life experiences turn into stress and wounds, and he or she experiences the pain of death and life crisis. When victimized spouses suppress their feelings without adequate treatment and become dependent on people or activities such as parenting, work, religion, study, or hobbies, they end up living in unhappiness for the rest of their life. Also, most attempts to deal with the situation of spouse infidelity by taking practical measures including counseling, coaching, lawsuits, or divorce aggravate post traumatic stress, and make them destroy healthy relationships with people including their own children. When victimized spouses are not adequately treated for post traumatic stress, they are bound to live the worst kind of life they can imagine. 

When spouse infidelity occurs, marriage relationship and family relationship are considered to be going through a crisis. Then, should we just be devastated and give up? Fortunately, you are in a crisis situation but you still have a chance / to restore your happiness and healthy marriage and family relationships by taking the right steps. 

Step 1 : To transform your life into a happy one by treating post traumatic stress. 

You must transform your thoughts and emotions into healthy ones that you had before the discovery of spouse infidelity. You must also build problem solving ability and wound treatment ability for future life. As you proceed with the treatment of post traumatic stress, you can build these abilities and can prevent the recurrence of post traumatic stress. Post traumatic stress turns all your life experiences into stress and wounds referred to as fake stress and wounds, triggered by the incident of spouse infidelity. You can restore happiness only when you treat the condition of post traumatic stress.

Step 2. To make decisions on marriage relationship. 

When you have built happiness ability, with which you can be happy on your own, you can give your spouse an opportunity to treat relationship addiction and decide whether you will stay in marriage or get a divorce. 

Step 3. To live a happy life and take practical measures on infidelity issues. 

You will live a happy life regardless of your marital status and your spouse's psychological condition. Now, you can also take practical measures on infidelity issues such as lawsuits or divorce with healthy psychology and right judgment. 

     If you are suffering from pain and confusion due to spouse infidelity, please, make reference to the provided guideline to overcome the crisis and restore happiness in a true sense. 


 About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)

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