
[Review] I want to praise myself for winning through the difficult time.


It is a peaceful and calm weekend.

My husband went out early to see his friends, 

children are enjoying the time doing things they want, 

and I am reading next to the window with a cup of coffee. 

I read what I wrote on the cover of the book last year. 

'Yeah, it was a hard time for me.' 

I feel overwhelmed for a second remembering the time. 

I feel not pain and sorrow 

but fullness and pride for winning through the difficult time. 

I have read other members' reviews.

I thought I wanted to share my experiences, too.

The fact that I have such an idea must indicate that I am free from pain now and have been treated.   

Everything I went through feels almost like some good experience rather than pain. 

As I was told when I started KIP Treatment Program, 

things that caused pain and suffering in me are becoming old memories. 

Still, I plan to keep making efforts until I reach full recovery.


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