
[Life Crisis] Wealthy and successful people need to build leader psychology.


We usually classify people into wealthy and successful class, middle class, and poor class with respect to economic and social status. We can also classify people's psychology into leader psychology, psychology of self-actualization, and psychology of survival.

The combination of economic and social class and psychological class leads some people to live a happy life benefiting self and others and being respected by everyone. It leads others to live an unhappy life destroying self and others and being condemned by everyone.

Especially, wealthy and successful people cannot but have great social influences whether they are positive or negative. Thus, wealthy and successful people's psychological status is intimately associated with the society's overall condition and wellbeing.

For example, when wealthy and successful people have healthy leader psychology, they use their power of influence to lead other people to happiness. People in middle class and poor class can have more opportunities for self-actualization and survival, they pay respect to wealthy people who help them, and the society progresses in the direction of happiness and prosperity.

However, when wealthy and successful people live with distorted psychological condition, they prioritize their own individual happiness. Then, people with less economic ability and lower social status are more deprived of opportunities to pursue happiness since people cannot but affect one another in human relationships and people with wealth and success and distorted psychology negatively influence other people with more power. When wealthy people with the psychology of self-actualization or survival pursue distorted happiness with greed and selfishness, many people's pursuit of happiness is destroyed. Then, everyone in the society suffers and lives of many people are destroyed.

Not all wealthy and successful people have leader psychology, so they must try to build healthy leader psychology when they achieve financial and social success. You cannot just automatically obtain leader psychology when you rise from middle class or poor class to wealthy and successful class. 

Also, they must lead their children and their spouse to build leader psychology. Then, they can enjoy not only economic affluence but also true happiness, which is accompanied by respect from other people and prosperity of the whole society. When wealthy people and their family cannot build healthy leader psychology, they may look fancy and happy outside, but they live in pain and unhappiness inside with insatiable greed and distorted desire. They may develop compensation mentality with self-display and over-consumption seeking pleasure and indulgence at all costs. Wealthy and successful people with distorted psychology inflict great damage upon many people and aggravate division and conflict in the whole society. Then, the society will have more and more people with distorted and destructive psychology in all social and financial classes. 

If you feel that you and people around you are not happy even when you are rich and successful, you may greatly benefit from Consultation on Leader Psychology. For your wealth and success to be valued and be connected with happiness in a true sense, you need to live in healthy relationships with other people with harmony and order. Consultation on Leader Psychology will help you build and maintain healthy leader psychology so that you can achieve happiness in a true sense on top of what you have already achieved. 

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