
[Publication] The Theory of Mimind


The Principles of How Human Mind and Psychology Work

Human mind consists of the conscious and the unconscious, and the mind operates differently when a human exists as an individual and as a person in relationship. Human mind is the standard and expression of psychology, and the principle and rule by which psychology operates. Humans have the mind of pursuing happiness. Males and females have complete differences in the working of the mind, the pursuit of happiness, the memory of emotions, and the immersion and concentration. The Theory of Mimind explains how the mind exists and works to have the conscious and the unconscious operate, to activate Migene, and to have the human psychology work. The Theory of Mimind is a psychological theory that investigates the working of human mind.


I have been researching psychological disorders and developing treatments while developing a new psychological theory. This is a book of psychological theory, which is written based on my experiences of counseling and psycho-educating many people to treat their various psychological disorders. I had never majored in psychology, counseling, or psychiatry. However, through many years of clinical counseling and psycho-education, I was capable of not only inventing mimind, xesmind, and migene, but also verifying them so that many people from all walks of life, both professionals in medical and psychological field and non-professionals, might be able to study on their own. That is the main purpose of this book. Therefore, I have used mostly generic terms rather than psychological jargons and for new terms adopted in this book, I have explained each new term in the footnote.

While I was writing 'the Theory of Mimind', I have thought long and hard about the organization of this book. Chapter 1 explains the hypothesis of the Theory of Mimind; Chapter 2, the mind and psychology of humans; Chapter 3, the foundation of the mind and psychology of humans; Chapter 4, the different function of the mind of man and woman; Chapter 5, habits and personality; Chapter 6, the psychology of xes; Chapter 7, the psychology of communication; chapter 8, the psychology of happiness; chapter 9, trauma; and Chapter 10, psychological disorders.

I have classified psychological disorders into perception disorder, the disorder of memory of emotion, expression disorder. And for each disorder, I have come up with treatments and proved their efficacy. While researching the causes and the treatments of various psychological disorders, I saw the necessity of developing a new psychological principle that can explain how the mind and psychology of humans operate. Hence, I analyzed my clinical counseling reports and developed the theories of mimind, xesmind, and migene. Having analyzed the results of the different operations of the mind of man and woman, we can say that man and woman have different ways of cognizing and interpreting a problem, different operation of stress and wounds on them, and different psychological disorders that operate in a complex manner. The Theory of Mimind has systematically arranged these findings.


I want to express my gratitude to BiHyun Park, Chairman of Korea Institute of Psycho-Education, who helped me greatly with publishing this book, who have always been there for me, Yoonsu Song from Forum for Psychology Research, Yoon Hee Ko, and many training specialists who endeavored to spread this theory of human mind. Without them, the Theory of Mimind would have been difficult to develop. Also, deeply heartfelt thanks to those who participated in the treatments of psychological disorders and in the psycho-education training programs. Their clinical contribution played a major role in the development of the Theory of Mimind.

Many friends helped me overcome difficulties and restore the habits of a passionate life so that I could focus on researching the psychological principles and operations of the human mind. Last but not least, I want to say big 'thank you' to my family who have always supported me with unwavering trust no matter what I do.


Table of Contents

Preface & Acknowledgement

Chapter 1. The Theory of Mimind

(1) The Research Background

(2) The Hypothesis

(3) The Application

Chapter 2. The Person and the Person In Relationship

(1) Body and Mind

(2) Human Mind

(3) Facts and Emotions

(4) Meaningful Life and Valuable Life

(5) Comparison of Psychology

Chapter 3. Mind and Psychology

(1) The System of Mind

(2) The Development Process

(3) The Psychology of Perception

(4) The Psychology of Memory

(5) The Psychology of Expression

(6) Understanding and Consideration

(7) Human Relationship

Chapter 4. The Mind of Male and Female

(1) The Difference of Mind

(2) The Difference of Memories of Emotions

(3) The Difference of Happiness

(4) The Difference of Emotional Immersion

(5) "Too Much Is As Bad As Too Little."

Chapter 5. Habits and Personality

(1) The Formation of Habits

(2) The Modification of Habits

(3) The Symmetry of Psychology

Chapter 6. The Psychology of Xes

(1) Adults and Minors

(2) Woman's Psychology of Xes

(3) Man's Psychology of Xes

(4) The Right of Self-determination on Sex

(5) The Psychological Purity

(6) Sexual Crime

Chapter 7. The Psychology of Communication

(1) Emotions and Opinions

(2) Perception of Communication

(3) Emotional Confrontation

(4) Manners of Communication

Chapter 8. The Psychology of Happiness

(1) The Principle of Happiness

(2) Woman's Happiness

(3) Man's Happiness

Chapter 9. Trauma

(1) The Occurrence of Trauma

(2) Stress and Wounds

(3) The Defense Mechanism of Trauma

Chapter 10. Psychological Disorder

(1) Perception Disorder and Disorder of Memory of Emotion

(2) Disorder of Memory of Emotion (Depression)

(3) Expression Disorder (Addiction)

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