
[Publication] The Theory of Xesmind


Xesmind exists within mimind in human beings.

It is difficult to interpret xesmind since we can not even interpret mimind in the real world of the present.

Everything that is known about sex so far is from distorted and faluty interpretation.

Psychological problems, psychological disorders, sexual dysfunctions, and physical illnesses develop as distorted information on sex is admitted as facts and proliferated.

The Theory of Xesmind organizes and systematizes all aspects about human sex.


I have researched psychological disorders and developed psychology treatment methods and psychological theories. I have not majored in psychology, psychology counseling, or psychiatry, but have developed the Theory of Mimind, the Theory of Xesmind, and the Theory of Migene based on years of counseling and treatment training experiences to treat psychological disorders. Also, it was found that sexual dysfunctions and physical illnesses could be improved in the process of treating psychological disorders. Not being a medical doctor, I was not able to study on the treatment methods of physical illnesses, but was able to study on the treatment methods of sexual dysfunctions, and developed Xes Therapy, a treatment method for sexual dysfunctions.

Human beings, whether females or males, have body and mind, but the principles by which mind operates in the body is not accurately interpreted. The Theory of Mimind on the principles of the operation of human mind and psychology was developed in the process of treating people who suffered from stress and wounds and treating psychological disorders, and the Theory of Xesmind in the process of treating psychological disorders and the disorders of psychology of sex.

The Theory of Mimind and the Theory of Xesmind were originally developed by the present author, and psychology treatment methods of treating males and females psychological disorders were also developed applying the Theory of Mimind and the Theory of Xesmind. The treatment of wounds and that of psychology were differentiated, and the treatment methods were separately developed accordingly. Learning and training with the Theory of Mimind allows the prevention of psychological disorders by equipping with the ability to treat stress and wounds, and the methods of wound treatment and psychology treatment are perfected with the Theory of Xesmind.

Human mind consists of mimind that operates for general information and xesmind that operates for the mind of sex: xesmind. The term mind is sometimes used to refer to mimind as opposed to xesmind in this book.

It was found that the concept of mind as used in conventional meaning has limits in interpreting the mind that operates for general information and the mind that operates for the information of xes, and the development of the Theory of Mimind and the Theory of Xesmind allowed the systematization of mimind and xesmind.

Human mind is composed of two parts:

The first is the mind of general, which operates on general information and knowledge (general information or the information of mimind). This is named mimind. Mimind operates for processing information and knowledge by psychology and sensing the emotions.

The second is the mind that operates on the information of sex. This is named xesmind. Xesmind operates and processes the information of sex by xes psychology. Mimind and xesmind are newly coined terms by the author.

The term human mind has been used inclusively to describe mimind and xesmind, which led to difficulties in interpreting the principles of the operation of human mind and psychology. The discipline of conventional psychology studies only the psychologies of perception, memory, and expression that operate on mimind. The principles of the operation of mimind have not been adequately researched so far, not to mention the principles of the operation of xesmind and xes psychology.

The term mind can be used to mean mimind in this book. All information except for xes information is referred to as the information of mimind or general information, and all information related with xes is referred to as xes information. Information and knowledge are to classified into information of mimind and that of xesmind. That is, the separation of mind into mimind and xesmind will allow the adequate analysis of the operation of human mind.

The effects of mind energy that operates in both mimind and xesmind on the body should be analyzed to understand that the causes of sexual dysfunctions, psychological disorders, and physical illnesses are related to the mind energy generated by mimind and xesmind.

The principles and the reasoning of mimind can be understood through the Theory of Mimind and those of xesmind through the Theory of Xesmind. The principles of the operation of human mind and psychology can be understood through the Theory of Mimind and the Theory of Xesmind.

Within xesmind are xes perception through which xes information is perceived, xes memory through which xes information and xes wounds are stored, and xes expression through which xes information is expressed. Xes information does not exist by itself, but necessarily exists with general information. Xes information is part of general information. Therefore, mind and psychology operate based on general information, and at the same time, xesmind and xes psychology operate based on xes information.

General information and knowledge without xes information let mind and psychology operate, and xesmind and xes psychology operate simultaneously with mind and psychology when xes information is included as part of the general information. General information necessarily operates in mimind whenever xes information operates in xesmind. Xesmind cannot operate independently, and the operation of xesmind is always accompanied by the operation of mimind.

For example, when one watches a pornographic video on the mobile phone, the phone and the act of watching at the phone are general information. However, the pornographic video is xes information. Watching a pornographic video on the mobile phone becomes xes information by combining general information and xes information. Then, the mobile phone becomes xes information from that moment, and xesmind is operated by xes information.

The information that combines general information and xes information is referred to xes information. Now, all information related to the mobile phone becomes xes information once one watches a pornographic video on the mobile phone, due to the xes information of the pornographic video.

For another example, in the information of a sexy woman wearing a bikini bathing suit, a woman and wearing are general information, and sexy and a bikini bathing suit can be xes information. A sexy woman and wearing a bikini bathing suit become xes information when combining general information and xes information, which creates the xes information of a sexy woman wearing a bikini bathing suit. Although general information operates here, it operates to result in producing xes information. The analysis of the pattern of memory in this case shows that all information related to a sexy woman and a bikini bathing suit becomes xes information.

In case of A woman and a man are having sex on the bed, a woman and a man on the bed is general information, and having sex is xes information referring to sexual action. Then, the whole information of A woman and a man are having sex on the bed becomes a piece of xes information. If one has this information stored in the memory, all information related to the bed as well as a woman and a man on the bed becomes xes information.

Xes information does not exist by itself, and should be combined with the information of mimind to exist. When the information of A woman is sleeping naked is stored in the memory, a woman is the information of mimind and naked can be xes information. Then, all information related to a woman becomes xes information and all information related to a sleeping woman becomes xes information.

Also, in the information of a slim woman is having sex in the pornographic video, a slim woman is the information of mimind, and a pornographic video and sex are xes information. Since then, all information related to a slim woman operates as xes information.

Human beings have xesmind inside mimind. It is utterly challenging to interpret xesmind in the reality of not even being able to interpret mimind. All information and knowledge that is known to us are the result of distorted and faulty interpretation. Sexual dysfunctions, psychological disorders, and physical illnesses develop when the distorted information on sex is accepted as facts and conviction follows.

Mind energy that operates in mimind and xesmind is a crucial element in the analysis of mind. Mind energy is generated in human mind when mimind and xesmind operate. Humans not only have the energy that operates in the body, but also one that operates in mimind and xesmind. This energy does not flow in from the outside but is generated in ones own mimind and xesmind.

This book is a report of the results of researching the principles of the operation of xesmind along with the principles of the operation of mind and psychology developed in the Theory of Mimind.

I earnestly thank Beehyun Park, Director of Korea Institute of Psycho-education, who has studied with me, and always helped me overcome all the challenges until this book is published, and the researchers of the Theory of Mimind and Xesmind. The Theory of Mimind and the Theory of Xesmind could not have been completed without their support.

Above all, all my gratitude is for those who participated in the treatment of psychological disorders and sexual dysfunctions, the treatment training of Therapy Tour, the training of Mimind and Xesmind. The development of the Theory of Xesmind was possible thanks to their efforts. And last but not least, I would like to thank my family with all my heart, who have always trusted and supported me for the projects I undertook.


Table of Contents


Chapter 1. The Theory of Mimind

1. The Principles of the Operation of Mind and Psychology

2. The Structure of Human Psychology

3. The Research Background of the Theory of Mimind

4. The Hypotheses of the Theory of Mimind

5. The Theory of Mimind and Academic Disciplines

6. Practical Application of the Theory of Mimind

7. The Existence and Self-actualization

8. Mind and Psychology

9. The Psychology of Perception

10. The Psychology of Memory

11. The Psychology of Expression

12. Trauma

13. Psychological Problems and Psychological Disorders

14. The Errors of the Study of Psychology

15. The Concept of Psychology Treatment

16. Psychology Treatment and Wound Treatment

17. Mens and Womens Psychology Treatment

Chapter 2. The Theory of Xesmind

1. Xes, a New Concept

2. Developmental Background

3. Hypotheses of the Theory of Xesmind

4. Xesmind and Xes Psychology

5. The Theory of Xesmind

6. Xesmind

7. Xes Psychology

8. The Principles of Psychology and Xes Psychology

9. Perception and Xes Perception


11. Expression and Xes Expression

12. The Developmental Process of Xes-psychology

13. The Concept of Xes Information

14. The Difference between Men and Women

15. The Difference between Xes and Sex

16. Components of Xes

17. Mens sexual desire is the desire of xesmind

18. Womens sexual desire is the desire of Mimind

Chapter 3. Xesmind and Xes Psychology

1. The Xesmind of a Person and a Person in Relationship

2. The Mimind and the Xesmind of a Person in Relashionship (PIR)

3. The Psychology and Xespsychology of Human Beings

4. What Is Sex to Human Beings?

5. Human Relationship and Xes Relationship

6. The Xesmind of Men and Women

7. Mens and Womens xes psychology

8. Mens and Womens Xes-function

9. Mens and Womens Desire for Xes

10. Mens and Womens Sex

11. Mens and Womens Xes-trouble

12. Xes psychology of Opposite Sex Relationships

13. The Root Source of Mimind and Xesmind

Chapter 4. Xes Psychology in Human Relationships

1. The Principles of Mens Xes Happiness

2. The Principles of Womens Xes Happiness

3. Xes Happiness of Married Couples

4. Xes Psychology between the Opposite Sex

5. Xes Psychology between the Same Sex

6. Womens Love and Xes Psychology

7. Mens Passion and Xes Psychology

8. Mens and Womens Pleasure

9. Mens and Womens Sex Psychology

10. Xes Psychology in Romantic Relationships

11. Xes Psychology in Marriage

12. Xes Psychology in Divorced People

13. Xes Psychology in Remarriage

14. Xes Psychology in the Bereavement of the Spouse

15. Human Relationships and Xes Relationships

16. Xes Psychology in Intimate Human Relationsps

17. Xes Psychology in Conscious Human Relationshps

18. Xes Psychology in Abnormal Human Relationships

19. Too Much Is As Bad As Too Little for Xes Psychology

Chapter 5. Xes Emotion and Xes Desire

1. The Xes Unconscious

2. Xesmind and Xes Emotion

3. Five Senses and Xes Emotion

4. Facts and Emostions of Xes

5. Xes Moods and Xes Feelings

6. Mens Xes Desire

7. Womens Xes Desire

8. Xes Desire and Xes Stress

Chapter 6. Xes Trauma

1. Womens Xes Trauma

2. Womens Defense Standard of Xes Trauma

3. Womens Treatment Habits of Xes Trauma

4. Mens Xes Trauma

5. Mens Defense Standard of Xes Trauma

6. Mens Treatment Habits of Xes Trauma

7. The Disorder of Xes Psychology

Chapter 7. Sex Crimes

1. The Concept of Sex Crimes

2. The Prevention of Sex Crimes

3. The Treatment of Trauma Caused by Sex Crimes

4. Sexual Violence

5. Sexual Harassment

6. Prostitution

7. Victim Psychology in Sex Crimes

8. Treatment for the Perpetrator of Sex Crimes

Chapter 8. Sexual Dysfunctions

1. What is Xes Function?

2. The Impact of Physical Sensation on Mind

3. The Memory of Xes Emotion and Its Impact on the Body

4. Mens Xes Function

5. Men's Xesmind and Xes Function

6. Womens Xes Function

7. Womens Xesmind and Xes Function

8. Difference in Men's and Womens Xes Function

9. Xes Psychology and Xes Function

10. Sexual Desire and Xes Function

11. Xes Immersion and Xes Function

12. Stress and Xes Function

13. Wounds and Xes Function

14. Difference in Perception of Xes Function

15. Mens Sexual Dysfunction

16. The Concept of Mens Sexual Dysfunction

17. The Cause of Mens Sexual Dysfunction

18. Introduction to Womens Sexual Dysfunction

19. The Cause of Womens Sexual Dysfunction

20. Difference in Perception of Sexual Dysfunction

Appendex 1. The Xes Psychology of Sex Education

Appendix 2. The Psychology of Sex Techniques

Xes Training : http://www.xestraining.com/
Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/

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