
Two different pathways of life after post traumatic stress : Happiness or unhappiness

Post traumatic stress occurs when you discover or suspect spouse infidelity. Post traumatic stress is caused by the fear of your whole life and family collapsing at one blow. You may start blaming yourself or others to get out of fear and think that you must do something to solve the problems.

It is only natural that you sense excruciating pain and deep sorrow upon the discovery of spouse infidelity. Anyone who has lived a happy family life so far develops post traumatic stress upon the discovery of spouse infidelity. In this situation, you must select one of the two pathways of life. One is to deeply reflect upon your past life and think about how to transform the suffering into happiness. Post traumatic stress actually provides you with an opportunity to become even happier than before you experience post traumatic stress and prevent another psychological disorder from occurring for your whole life time. 

The other pathway of life after post traumatic stress is to aggravate your condition and ruin your life even further turning all your past life into a wrong one. You cannot but choose between the two pathways and there is no other pathways of life for people who are suffering from post traumatic stress. It is as if post traumatic stress forced you to choose between the two pathways of life. 

If you choose to ruin your whole life upon the occurrence of post traumatic stress due to spouse infidelity, you can do anything as you please. However, if you choose to recover and become even happier than before you experience post traumatic stress, you must find the right way to restore healthy psychology and build happiness ability. 

In the process of recovery, you should make sure that you take charge of your own life and make decisions on your own. You must not develop dependency on anyone else for making important decisions and managing your life. Also, you must put aside the issue of spouse infidelity itself and stop paying attention to the spouse for now in order to prioritize restoring your psychology and protecting your children. You will have an opportunity to address marriage relationship after you recover yourself.

It will take a couple of years of continuous efforts to recover healthy psychology and transform your life into a happy one including all your past, present, and future life. You must be the only active agent in the process of recovery and your children will greatly benefit from your effort and recovery. When you choose to avoid pain and suffering and try to find an easy and quick fix, you will end up ruining the whole life of yours and your loved ones. As you face the condition of post traumatic stress due to spouse infidelity, you are standing at a turning point from which you can rise high or fall deep. It is only you yourself who can decide which pathway you will take : one to happiness or one to unhappiness.


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