
A man whose ex-wife, ex-partner, present wife all resemble his mother in appearance

Q. I know a man who had an affair and got a divorce. His ex-wife, ex-adulteress, ex-partner, present wife all resemble his mother in their appearance. They always wear a big smile showing all their teeth, always wear skirts, and have straight medium-length hair. Does it mean that he misses his deceased mother so much? He looks pretty weird to me.  

A. There is nothing weird about him. It could be just coincidence or his habits that even he may not realize. If he had had an affair in hid first marriage, he is considered to have the condition of relationship addiction, which is supposed to operate in all his relationships including his second marriage. He is not missing his mother or ex-wife at all, but he can get addicted to any relationship where women, including the ex-adulteress and the present wife, respond to his attention and consolation. Relationship addiction is to progress as time passes and he repeats relationships with women. 

He may find that even his ex-wife looks like a new woman if they meet again, which may lead to another infidelity case with his ex-wife. Now, every woman who has the relationship with him can be considered as his adulteress. He may just happen to like women who always wear a big smile showing all their teeth, always wear skirts, and have straight medium-length hair. 

  Apply for Free Consultation on Divorce

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  Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/    

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