
[Mother Therapy] Are you happier when you're alone or together?


Are you happier when you're alone or together? There are times when we are alone and times when we are with someone. We naturally move back and forth between being alone and being together, and depending on our own experiences, we say “I like being alone” or “I like being together,” but how we feel is highly dependent on our current emotions and circumstances, so some people feel more comfortable and better when they're alone because they're currently struggling in a relationship, while others feel happier when they're with people because they're currently feeling lonely and empty.

The important thing is to recognize what you need now, not just one way or the other. If being alone feels comfortable and good to you right now, it may be the break you need at the moment, or if being with someone brings you joy, it may be a sign that your heart needs a relationship.

It's interesting to note that people feel happier when they bring joy to someone else than they do when they get pleasure for themselves. Perhaps we are naturally altruistic beings. For example, preparing delicious food for children and seeing them enjoy it brings you more joy than when you eat it. In this way, other people's happiness can become your happiness, too.

But if I'm struggling in a relationship, I need to take a moment to focus on myself. When I notice that I'm feeling a little more emotional than usual, or that I'm overthinking about things, I intentionally move my body to shift gears. Going for a walk, exercising, or just tidying up around the house really helps me. When we're in an emotionally unstable state, we can have a negative impact on the people around us, which in turn can make us feel worse, so it's important to look at how we're feeling and take care of ourselves first and foremost.

We all experience both happiness when we're alone and happiness when we're together. It's important not to stay in one or the other, and by creating healing habits of self-care and taking care of yourself well, whether you are alone or together, you can stay emotionally balanced.

We all know that the state of your body affects the state of your mind, so taking care of your health is also an essential part of self-care. To be happy both alone and together, find balance in your day by seeing yourself as you are right now and taking care of yourself physically and psychologically.


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[Sex & Xes] The way you think about sexuality is the rudder of your life.


Today we're going to talk about the connection between your perception of sexuality and your life. Many of you might be thinking, “What big impact does sex have on your life?” And you might be thinking, “Well, maybe marriage and childbirth, or disease, or crime, or something else that's a big deal should have a greater impact,” but actually your perception of sexuality is the rudder that steers your life. Sexuality may be nothing, but it can also be everything.

We often say, “It's all in the mind,” and this is true. No matter what kind of environment we are in, our happiness or unhappiness is determined by how we perceive it and how our mind works. But it is the xesmind working within the mind that creates this mind. Although it is not recognized by the consciousness, it is responsible for healing stress and treating wounds by supplying energy to the mind, or, on the contrary, worsening wounds and stress. Therefore, the body and mind can be healthy due to the work of the xesmind, or, on the contrary, the body and mind can be destroyed by the xesmind.

Most importantly, most people associate xesmind with sexual actions. However, sexual actions are merely a manifestation of the xesmind's work on the mind. Also, the work of the xesmind and the mind changes depending on what perceptions and ideas we have about sexual actions. In fact, the xesmind is just a constant source of energy, and it's the mind's job to use that energy in ways that either promote happiness or unhappiness.

For example, sexual actions may be perceived as being very negative for someone. They've formed memories that make sexual actions uncomfortable, annoying, painful, or frustrating. For others, it's perceived as being very positive. It's enjoyable, fun, loving, and pleasurable. Sexual actions can be all of life's highs and lows, but the problem is that stereotypes are often applied only in one direction. Sexual actions are a double-edged sword that can be very painful and unhappy for some, or healing and revitalizing for others.

When a distorted perception of sexuality takes hold, sexual actions can become extremely pleasure-oriented, or the opposite, extremely aversive. This is because the emotions generated in the mind by the distorted concept of sexuality are set up that way. In such a case, psychological disorders are caused by the energy of the xesmind being supplied to the mind for pursuing excessive pleasure or for excessive nurturing of wounds.

When we think of sexuality, we usually think of it in an eroticized way, as a sexual act between a man and a woman. But sexual action is the result of the workings of the xesmind and mind, and it is not just about pleasure or love. If you have the right perception of sexuality and understand how it works in essence, you can use it as a rudder to help you heal your stresses and treat your wounds and live happily ever after.

Having sex itself is just a sexual action that pleases your sensory organs and generates temporary positive moods that you can turn around and forget no matter how many fancy techniques you know and apply. When you know how human mind and sexuality work behind the scenes, you can use sexual actions appropriately to make your mind and psychology healthy and happy, and live the life you want.


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[Sex & Xes] Is a complete life impossible? (Complete love and success through sex training)


The reason we think our lives are not perfect is because they are not in our control completely. To put it another way, if we could control our lives, our life would be perfect. The two most important things in our lives are love and success. A human being who is able to love enough and achieve enough will feel they have a perfect life, where there is nothing lacking.

However, even if we marry for the sake of perfect love, it soon withers away, and even if we achieve the material values that others envy, we feel it is not enough. In other words, we live an ironic life where the more we love and succeed, the more we feel lacking. Many people analyze this by connecting it to dopamine, and others by connecting it to religion, psychology, and philosophy, but I would argue that it's due to the intrinsic nature of human sexuality.

We have an instinct before we have a mind to navigate the world, and sexuality is an instinct. Sexuality creates the energy that fuels the mind, which is called xes energy. The energy generated by sexual action can become positive energy for restoration and creation, but when it is combined with relationships, purposes, and emotions in the mind, it changes to negative energy. However, we don't know that xes energy is working on us because we don't feel it directly in our consciousness.

The problem is that negative energy, created by the combination of our feelings for relationships or purpose and sexuality, is an energy that is wasteful. This negative energy burns our own bodies and minds to create love and passion, so the more we love and achieve with negative energy, the more we feel a deficit created by something that has been burned away. We feel satisfied only in the moment when we are immersed in the good feeling of love and passion, and when that moment is gone, we feel an even greater deficit, and our desire grows stronger.

However, love and success can be achieved only in relationships, so if we don't know the mechanisms and methods of converting this negative energy into positive energy in relationships, we cannot but live with endless needs. In other words, if we know how to convert negative energy into positive energy, we can live a full life, with enough love and success, without deficiency.

To do this, we need to train ourselves to understand exactly what the nature of sexuality is and how to change ourselves accordingly. Instincts cannot be overridden, but the mind that allows them to work in order can be changed by training our thoughts and habits.

This is how a man who shifts to a life that generates positive xes energy rises to the top of the pecking order over a man with the greatest success that comes from negative xes energy. And a woman who shifts to a life that generates positive xes energy can live a life filled with love and happiness, no matter who she is with. Men and women who generate positive xes energy have no deficit.

You've often heard the saying, “If you envy, you lose,” meaning that lack and want make you feel inferior and prevent you from feeling complete. No matter how much you try to change this by adopting philosophy, medicine, or religion, the harder you try, the more your needs will only grow, because none of them teaches you a way to shift the workings of your xes energy to a positive one.

Of course, when you let go of everything, feelings of deficiency and inferiority disappear. Such a life may be a comfortable life, but it will not be a complete life, because love and passion will also disappear if you put everything down. On the other hand, a life lived by converting negative energy into positive energy will definitely give you fulfillment in love and success in healthy ways, which will allow you to live a perfect life.


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[Mother Therapy] The Power of Organizing : Creating Psychological Space

The autumn season is such a great time of year that you can do just about anything, but I'd like to recommend organizing. We often think of organizing as simply rearranging the clutter around us, but what I'm talking about is separating what we need from what we don't need, and getting rid of what we don't need by giving it away or throwing it away. It may not seem like a big deal, but it's about freeing up the space in our mind as well as at home.

We all have a lot of stuff around us that we don't need, and we probably don't think much about it, but when we accumulate what we don't need, no matter how much we clean them, they quickly become cluttered again. Not only do they take up space, but they can also make us feel psychologically overwhelmed and affect our attitudes and routines negatively.

In fact, studies have shown that when we accumulate stuff we don't need, our brains are flooded with unnecessary information, which can lead to stress and anxiety. It's like having a head full of unnecessary thoughts, which makes it harder to focus on what's important and makes you feel more stressed over small problems.

But even when you feel the need to get rid of things, you may find yourself thinking, “I might use this later...” or “I paid a lot for this...”, and you can't get rid of it. This is the hardest part of organizing, but if you don't organize and leave it behind, will you really use it again? No, you won't. Most of the things you leave behind will never be used again. We need to have the courage to organize.

For example, you've probably had the experience of going through your seasonal clothes to organize your wardrobe, only to find that you haven't worn them in the last year, and you can't bring yourself to throw them out because you think, “I'll wear them someday,” or “You never know,” or “They're still good,” and every year you take them out but don't wear them. If you hesitate at the moment of choice to throw them out or not, and you end up hoarding them, it's almost like an obsession, and it can develop into a compulsion to feel psychological security through them.

It's helpful to have clear criteria to help you organize such as: “If I haven't worn it in a year, I don't need it.” When you're ready to part with it, you can fill the empty space in your closet with what you really need and reduce the stress of going through so many things to find what you need.  

You can leave the empty space as it is, or you can use it to fill in the space with new things you need. The best part about decluttering is the freedom and possibilities. You can organize any time of year, and it doesn't have to be in the fall, but I like to recommend it now because the cooler weather and quieter atmosphere can be so calming and relaxing. Autumn is a good season to organize your thoughts and feelings as well as your possessions. By getting organized, you'll be able to slow down a little and think about what you can do for the rest of the year, while also preparing for the new year.


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[Sex & Xes] Why both mind and sexuality are so distorted today


We all have mind, and we all have psychology that works connecting the mind and the body. Psychology is composed of three parts: perception, which recognizes information from the outside world; memory, which stores and retrieves the perceived information; and expression, which expresses the results of the mind's work back to the outside world. The human mind takes in external information and expresses internal thoughts and emotions to the outside world through psychological processes. Why? Because we live in relationships with other people. The human mind is necessary for connecting with others.

Meanwhile, within the human mind is xesmind. It energizes our minds and bodies. Xesmind also has xes psychology that recognizes sexuality, remembers sexuality, and expresses sexuality, but surprisingly, it has nothing to do with human relationships. Xesmind works solely to energize our own mind and body. Mind exists to be with others, but xesmind and xes psychology exist solely for the sake of the individuals’ mind.

In a human relationship, our mind interacts with the other person's mind, and our xesmind energizes our mind. Xesmind is not supposed to be directed at the other person, and the workings of xesmind and xes psychology are not even recognized in the consciousness: everything you feel when you have sex is felt in the mind.

But today, this structure is perceived to be completely reversed. The mind is centered on what I feel, what is for me, what pleases me, and it is centered on satisfying individuals’ feelings rather than its role in relationships. Of course, it's true that my mind works for me, and all relationships start with me, but we are human beings living together, and when mind works only for ourselves, we can no longer move toward shared happiness.

There's a more serious problem. The workings of sexuality, which should be yours alone, are directed towards the other person. Everyone who discusses the psychology of sexuality analyzes it putting meanings in relation to the mind. Having sex is just a sexual action that is the result of the working of mind and xesmind. There is no meaning in the sexual action itself, and having sex should be used solely as a means of energizing one's own mind.

What happens when your xesmind is directed toward the other person, rather than toward your own mind? Most commonly, we interpret having sex in relation with love and pleasure. We want to look good to the partner, we become possessive or use the partner for our own pleasure, we want to fit in, or we learn sex techniques to show off and please the partner.

In modern society, these distorted notions are so thoroughly instilled in us from early childhood sex education that our minds are molded in this direction. The problem with current sex education is that it mostly focuses on having sex and issues related with it. With such a deeply ingrained distortion, how can we possibly have a proper perception of human mind and sexuality?

If we can at least get to the bottom of it, then we can at least strive to pursue the right standards, and we can give the next generation the right mindset from the early age. The education program exists to guide you to accurately understand the nature of human sexuality, if you are willing to change.

When your mind and xesmind are operating in a distorted way, it's only natural that your psychology will break down. Today, psychological problems are so common and many people live with neuroses, depression, and addictions and don't even realize they have them. It's important to learn what it takes to keep your mind and psychology healthy, and what is causing us to live in such a sick and troubled society.


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[Mother Therapy] What type am I? (Based on working styles)


Harvard University studied what it takes to live a happy life by following over 1,000 people for nearly 85 years, and according to the research, the most important factor for a happy life is relationships. Strong, stable relationships have a huge impact on happiness.

When we think of relationships, we often think of family, friends, and romantic partners, but we can't ignore our relationships with people at work. We spend a significant portion of our day at work and are closely connected to our coworkers and the people we meet through our work, so the relationships we have at work have a huge impact on our lives.

Today we're going to talk about the types of people you meet at work based on their working styles and how they affect your work and yourself.

The first type is people who have executive ability. These are the people who make a plan and then jump right into action. They get things done quickly, and when problems arise, they deal with them immediately. Working with them is a great way to achieve your goals. However, their fast pace can be exhausting for those around them, and they can be hard to keep up with.

If you are this type, your ability to work and cope can be very good personally, but you don't work alone, so you need to share and coordinate with your coworkers on a daily basis, so that you can pace yourself and keep a balance all working towards the same goal.

The second is people with lots of ideas but not enough execution. These are the people who are creative and full of ideas, but take time to realize them or lack the ability to execute them. In other words, they're “all talk, no action.” Having a lot of ideas is definitely an important strength, but if they don't follow through, they can lose credibility with team members and cause disruption. 

So how can these types of people make the most of their strengths? Partnering with someone who is a good executioner can help them keep their ideas alive and lead to tangible results. Setting clear goals can also help compensate for their lack of execution, and it can be helpful to routinely envision how their ideas will be implemented. 

The third is people who are critical but not problem-solving. These people are good at pointing out problems and quickly identifying areas for improvement, but they often don't offer any solution. Criticism is important because it points out errors and inefficiencies so that we can move in a better direction. However, if you only point out problems and don't offer any concrete ideas on how to solve them, it slows down progress and lowers morale.

That's why it's important to have conversations that are open to criticism, but also work together to find solutions. It's not just about pointing out problems, it's about turning that criticism into concrete solutions.

What types do you see in the people you work with now, and what type do you see yourself as? We get to work with a lot of different types of people, and I think if we can capitalize on their strengths and complement each other's weaknesses, we'll get a lot more out of our work.


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[Sex & Xes] Sexual prowess is not created by practicing sex techniques.


One of the stereotypes we all have is that “sex skills are built by practicing sex techniques.” But this comes from the idea that sex is an obviously limited act that is solely about the senses, mostly the sense of touch. Both men and women think of sex as being focused on the outcome of orgasm and ejaculation, and that's all that matters.

But this idea comes from a strictly masculine view of sex. Men take less time to orgasm than women and have more localized erogenous zones than women, so they don't really understand women's sex. Even women don't understand women's sex. If women understood what female-oriented sex is, both women and men would be able to enjoy much greater sexual pleasure than they currently do.

It's not your fault that you don't know what women-centered sex is. The problem is that there's no one to tell you what women-centered sex is, and that's because most people don't know how the male and female minds work and how the xesmind works. Women perceive sex as being more related with the mind than just a physical act, amplifying everything they perceive through their sensory organs into emotion, and feeling as much pleasure and orgasm as the amplified emotion, so it's not really where or how you stimulate them that matters, but all the moods and feelings of love that lead up to sex. In other words, the process of having sex is very important, rather than the outcome of orgasm and ejaculation.

In fact, women often find that even if they don't reach orgasm during sex, they get enough satisfaction from the things their partner says to them, the way he looks at them, and the way he ejaculates. It's about knowing in their hearts that their partner is incredibly passionate about them, which makes their own sexual arousal fulfilled. That's why women really dislike sex that's just about penetration and ejaculation. Women have a completely different perception of sex than men do.

In order for sex to be female-centered, and for women to achieve pleasure and orgasm in sex, you have to know how the female mind works. Sexual empowerment is not about sex techniques, it's about knowing how the female mind and male mind work. A woman's sex ability is knowing how to fully pleasure herself in sex, and knowing how to enlist the help of her partner to do so.

When a woman's sex ability is created so that she is able to achieve endless climaxes in sex, not only the woman but also the man feels a fullness that he has never felt before. This is because men become more aroused and judge the perfection of the sex by watching women's sexual response.

Women have the ability to amplify perceived information into emotion, so if you can understand a woman's emotions, you can bring her to orgasm without penetration. Unfortunately, neither women nor men know this concept, so men have to take the lead with the little knowledge they have, which leads to sex becoming male-dominated and limiting pleasure.

Always keep in mind that it's the heart that feels the pleasure of sex. The passion of a man and the love of a woman make sex more meaningful, enjoyable, and blissful. Sex without passion and love, just to make your sensory organs feel good, is no different from masturbation. To build sexual prowess, it is very important to learn how human mind works, not the technique.


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[Mother Therapy] Types of people you meet at work

In your work, you'll meet a variety of people, some of whom you can positively influence and grow with, while others can be a constant source of conflict and hinder your growth. Some people even cause lasting damage to you. So what kind of people are you working with right now?

When you're working, no matter how clear your goals and direction, no matter how capable you are, there's a limit to how much you can do on your own, so you naturally realize that you can't do it all on your own, and you find people to work with.

The people you work with determine not only the outcome, but also the pace and direction of your work, so “who you work with” is a very important issue for success. I've categorized the people I encounter in my work into three main types.

The first is people you can grow with. It's a mutually beneficial relationship where you grow and they grow. It's a very positive and ideal relationship. If you have someone like that in your life, it's really important to keep that relationship alive and well, because you're helping each other grow.

The second one is someone who stunts your growth. Honestly, you want to avoid these people, right? But the reality is that you can't pick and choose who you want to be around. These people tend to tear you down out of envy or jealousy, or they tend to put you down, and it's easy to get stressed out and see them in a negative light, and when you see them in a negative light and pay attention to them, it's stressful and hurtful. It's a vicious cycle, and instead of seeing it as a negative thing, you can use it as an opportunity to reflect on yourself and say, “I must be doing something right,” because their envy and jealousy could be a sign that I'm doing something right. In other words, their negativity could be a reflection of my success. The important thing is to take care of yourself and not let the negative energy of these people get to you. Having your own way of dealing with stress and wounds can be very helpful!

The third type of person is someone who leads you in a wrong direction. These are the people you need to be careful of, as they often try to use you for their own gain. It would be nice to cut ties with these people completely, but sometimes that causes more problems. For example, they may attack you in other ways after you cut ties with them. So rather than cutting ties altogether, it may be wiser to keep a healthy distance from these people and engage with them only when necessary. This way, you can minimize the negative impact they can have on you.

In the end, in order to achieve any goal, you have to be careful and selective about who you surround yourself with. It's important to find people who can grow with you and cherish those relationships, while keeping the right amount of distance from those who have a negative impact on you, so that you don't lose your way. I think all of the above are conditions we cannot help facing at some point of our career to achieve greater growth.


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[Sex & Xes] The concept of sexual memory


When the mind processes information about sexuality, the body's functions work together to recognize sexuality, remember sexuality, and express sexuality. In this video, we'll talk about sexual memory, where we store and retrieve information about sex and become aware of it.

The mind is composed of conscious and unconscious parts. First, the unconscious works so that we can feel and be aware of it as consciousness, and then the mind-body interaction of perception, memory, and expression is controlled by the unconscious, and then the conscious becomes aware of it and feels it.

When we perceive external information, all five sensory organs are controlled by the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind takes it all in before the conscious mind feels it, but it selectively filters and decides what to remember and what to bring to conscious awareness. The filtering is done by the “habits” in the unconscious mind. The habits in the unconscious mind also interact with the external information and the stored information in the memory to determine whether it is sexual or general information, and then bring it to conscious awareness. This is why each person perceives the same thing differently depending on how the habits in the unconscious mind have been formed.

In the process of recognizing and remembering sex, the unconscious mind works to store the perceived information in memory and retrieve it again from memory, reinforcing or changing what is already stored. As with all psychology, the workings of the habits in the unconscious mind are paramount when it comes to psychology of memory. When it comes to processing and recognizing information about sex, the habituated unconscious forms one’s values, perceptions, and ideas about sex. That is, we have unconscious habits that cause us to think about sex in a certain way when we consciously think about it.

Strictly speaking, it's not something external that comes in and makes you feel it, but rather, it's the information stored in the memory that is retrieved and recognized, which is triggered by the perceived external information. When something is recognized that does not fit with what is stored in the memory from the past experiences, the unconscious mind tries to understand it and readjusts the memory accommodating the new information. The unconscious habits can be changed by adding knowledge, experiences, thoughts, and external expressions. Therefore, even if distorted values and ideas have been formed by the distorted information so far, it is possible to change the stored information and form correct thinking habits by updating the memory by adding accurate information about values and ideas of sexuality in the future.


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[Mother Therapy] Being responsible for what you have tamed


Have you ever read the book The Little Prince? You may or may not have. I remember it was listed as one of the must-read books at school, and even if you haven't, you probably know the title because it's so famous.

The other day, I stumbled across a quote from The Little Prince, where the fox says to the prince: “The reason this rose has become so dear to you is because of the time you've spent with it, but don't forget. You will always be responsible for what you have tamed. You are responsible for your rose.”

It's not just about having a relationship with someone, it's about the feelings, expectations, and responsibilities that come with that relationship. This quote made me think about myself as a parent. When I read it as a student, I thought it was about relationships with friends, but now I'm thinking about the role of a parent.  

In the relationship between a parent and children, we create a special bond with our children by giving them love and attention, and in the process, we naturally feel a deep responsibility for them. The expression ‘tame’ here doesn't mean simply raising a child in a parental way, but rather the process of building a loving relationship and trust with a child.

In addition to simply caring for a child, parents play an important role in shaping their emotional stability and social relationships so that children learn how to relate to the world through their parents and discover themselves in the process.

In the end, “responsibility for what you have tamed” means that we are not just responsible for the physical care of our children, but also for their emotions and their whole lives. It is our responsibility to be there for them when they need us, to understand and help them through their emotional struggles, and to encourage them to grow on their own.

When I saw the quote from The Little Prince, I dwelled on the phrase “responsible for what you have tamed,” and it gave me a chance to reflect on my role as a parent in my relationship with my children. What do you think your responsibilities are in your relationship with your children?


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[SATW] All human happiness and unhappiness originate from sexuality.


All women are born with true sex ability and true sexual charm, but not many women know that they have sex ability. The conventional concepts of sexuality available for education and information women are exposed to for the whole lifetime are seriously distorted. No one tells them how human sexuality is supposed to operate and how the operation of sexuality affects human body and mind.

     The Theory of Mimind and the Theory of Xesmind that attempt to explain the operational mechanism of men's and women's mimind and xesmind postulate that human sexuality is supposed to operate with women at the center instead of men. However, problems cannot but continue to occur throughout history since distorted concepts of sexuality that put men instead of women at the center and prioritize having sex as a core component of sexuality prevail all around the world.

     Xesmind generates mimind, and mimind activates psychological operations. Humans live in a society forming relationships with other people. When individuals' sexuality or the operation of xesmind, which is the basis of all human relationships, is distorted, their mind collapses, psychology is damaged, and not only individuals but also the whole society suffer from all kinds of problems due to distorted and ruined relationships. At the center of all these problems exist women with true sex ability as major agents of restoration of happiness of individuals and the society.

     When women understand the true nature of human sexuality and restore true sex ability through Sex Ability Training for Women, they can build wound treatment ability and happiness ability as well as powerful sex ability in a true sense. They can live a happy life as women who have the best charm and as major agents who generate happiness and sexual happiness, making all the relationships related with them healthy and happy. Only women can have this ability.


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[Sex & Xes] The Concept of Sexual Expression


Today, we're going to talk about “sexual expression” in the context of xes psychology. Sexual problems that arise in human relationships that directly affect others are caused by the expression of sexuality.

Of course, before there is a sexual expression that can cause sexual problems, distorted values and ideas are formed from perceiving and remembering sexuality, but even if you have distorted values and ideas, they will not directly cause damage or affect others if you only have them as thoughts without expressing them.

We first perceive some information from the outside world. Our unconscious mind works with our memories to determine whether or not the perceived information is about sex, and then moves to bring it into our conscious awareness, creating moods and feelings such as joy, anger, pleasure or sorrow around the perceived information.

The problem is that when this unconscious mind is at work, the expression is always at work as well, and since over 90% of our expressions are unconscious, we may not be aware of them at all, or if we are aware of them, it's only after we've already expressed them that we recognize them again, and we're aware of what we've expressed.

What we express is what we say verbally, what we do with our hands, feet, and other gestures, and the expressions on our faces. And then there are thoughts, which are internal expressions that don't show up externally. The thoughts that we have and the facial expressions and gestures that we make on purpose are conscious and intentional expressions that we're aware of, but they're actually less than 10% of our total expression. To make the 10% of conscious expression, there's 90% of unconscious expression that goes on.

The same is true for sexual expression. Sexual words, sexual facial expressions, and all other sexual behaviors are all sexual expressions, and the problem is that less than 10% of our sexual expressions are conscious and intentional, and the other 90% are unconscious, which is why they are so dangerous. That's why sex education is so problematic, because you can only consciously control less than 10% of the sexual information that you receive through knowledge education. Control over sexual expression must be made 10% consciously and 90% unconsciously, which justifies the argument that the power of control must be formed in the unconscious habits.

We don't casually touch the body of the opposite sex in general relationships. Is this really conscious control? The knowledge and experiences that we have lived through create habits in our unconscious minds, and they are controlled before we become conscious of them. However, some people, regardless of whether they are male or female, casually touch the body of the opposite sex, and we can think that they lack knowledge and experience.

When wounds and stress are operating powerfully in the unconscious mind, sexuality is often activated to repair those wounds and stress. Sexual attention, comfort, and sexual expression are much more powerful than normal processing of information, so women who are overwhelmingly hurt think they're creating love and happiness through sexual expression, and men who are overwhelmingly stressed think they're creating stress relief and passion through sexual pleasure. All of this is unconscious, not conscious, and the problem is that when they happen in relationships, they affect other people.

The unconscious is the part of sexual expression that we shouldn't miss. It's important to keep in mind that the only way we can have healthy control over our sexual expression is that we develop the right values and perceptions about sex as unconscious habits.


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