
[Sex & Xes] Sexual Hedonism and Sexual Objectification


You've probably heard the term sexual hedonism, and sexual objectification is the perception of an individual only as a tool for sex. Often, the parties involved are unaware of the concept of sexual objectification because the person who is already hedonistic about sex and perceives the other person only as an object of pleasure doesn't care about the other person's position, and the person who is perceived as an object of sex doesn't know that they are being used as a tool for sex. 

A sexual hedonist values the pleasure itself above all else in sex, perceiving everything else as a means to that pleasure. They perceive the other person as an instrument of pleasure in order to pursue the pleasure of sex, and are not concerned with the pleasure and happiness of the objectified person. They also assume that if they are satisfied and happy, the other person will be satisfied and happy.

If you use everything you have to enjoy the pleasure of sex, and consider it to be the highest value and happiness, you're going beyond hedonism, especially if you're in a position of economic and social power. Sexual hedonism and objectification are more common among people with some degree of social power because they use their ability and power to realize their hedonism.

This is because it is advantageous to have a certain level of wealth, status, popularity, etc. to use others as a tool for sex. Sexual hedonism and sexual objectification can occur easily as successful people lose sight of their life goals and indulge in the pleasures of sex. The perception that anything is possible if you have the ability only reinforces this distorted perception.

Sexual hedonists are unable to escape the distorted pleasures of sex because they don't know the true flavor and coolness of sex. This is a phenomenon that has been primarily driven by men in the past, but in recent years it has also been driven by women. Once the pleasures of sex lead to addiction, you can never get out of it on your own. Sex is such a personal and secretive act that only the parties involved know about it, not the outside world.

As sexual hedonism and sexual objectification progress, people no longer get pleasure and enjoyment from sex between a couple or with a lover and lose interest in it, so they seek out sex with different stimuli and seek endless variety in sex. They try to brainwash and persuade everyone around them to join them in their sexual hedonism and objectification. As the stimulation of sex becomes more and more intense, it spirals out of control and every aspect of their lives becomes related to sex.

People who are sexually hedonistic and see others as nothing but objects of pleasure cannot address their condition on their own because they are so thoroughly mired in their own logic: they become dogmatic and closed off to sex styles that are different from their own, even though they think of themselves as open-minded with respect to sex. They are also very obsessive about sex, so what they think about once, they try to make happen. Their spouses often get caught up in this and slip into sexual hedonism with them.

People who practice sexual hedonism and sexual objectification have lost the concept and value of proper sex and live out their sex fantasies, which is why they are so permissive about sex with others. Having pleasure is a fleeting moment, followed by a search for greater stimulation and pleasure. These people should be reminded of their true sexual capabilities with a detailed explanation of the need for change, and to transition to feeling intense pleasure and happiness even from sex between two people in a normal relationship.

Sexual hedonism and sexual objectification are a phenomenon that can happen to anyone, and many people are currently in quite serious conditions. There's nothing wrong with enjoying sex, but it needs to be done in the right way and with an awareness of the other person's true happiness.

To do this, we need to first recognize the importance and value of human relationships, and then we need to educate ourselves about sexual empowerment so that we can enjoy the true flavor and beauty of sex. Surprisingly enough, most men want this. Women also need to know the value of true sex ability and build their sex ability, so that they can escape and prevent the objectification of sex. Pursuing only the pleasure of sex will make your body and mind sick. Please, keep in mind that you need to know the correct concepts so that you can know what true pleasure is and reach true sexual happiness.


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[Sex & Xes] If you want to get the best woman


Men aren't actually interested in women with good hearts. They usually like women who have a pretty pretty, have a good body, and are sexually capable. Women who only have these things are great for a momentary fling, but they're not what men want to be in a relationship with. They want to be with women who have all of the above, plus feelings of love.

In other words, they want a woman who is not only pretty and sexy, but also a woman who will be loving and caring to her husband and children, and of course, there are women who are both pretty and sexy and have feelings of love. In order to get such a great woman, a man must have the ability to protect her. There are men who only want women for their looks and sexual prowess, not their feelings of love. Once a woman is taken by such a manipulator, she loses the ability of love. Therefore, a man must have the ability to protect his woman from such a womanizer.

And men shouldn't go around looking for women, because if they do, they have already become one of the womanizers. A man should be able to protect a woman and wait for a woman. When a man is ready and able to wait, the woman he wants will come to him. And when he lives with that goal in mind, he will be passionate about pursuing his values, and do his best in whatever he does.

But if a man can't wait and starts looking for a woman, he won't be able to meet such a great woman. Such a woman won't come to a man who is looking for a woman because she has healthy mind. In fact, a woman should go looking for a man who can protect her.

A woman who has good appearance without having feelings of love is not the kind of woman a man would want to protect as his woman. If a man falls for a woman like that, he's only looking for a sexual relationship, not love, and that makes him sexually dysfunctional, and when you're sexually dysfunctional, you lose the ability to protect your woman, so a man should never go around looking for women.

When a man builds true sex ability, fulfills his values, and wants to protect a woman's love, a woman who has it all will find him. The most important thing for a man to do to get the woman he wants is to have the ability to protect her.


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[Mother Therapy] Your life, your choice (Psychological dependence and independence)

What was the first choice you made this morning? I briefly debated whether to sleep in for another 10 minutes or get up right away, but I chose to get up right away, which allowed me to complete the morning routine I had planned the day before, with the added bonus of feeling good about myself.

From the moment we wake up in the morning till the end of the day, we make a lot of choices, some of which we make on our own, but a surprising number of them are influenced by others. We often make decisions based on what our family, friends, and coworkers think of us, or what they expect us to do.

While it's important to respect and consider other people's opinions, we often lose sight of what we really want in the process. What's more, being overly dependent on others makes it harder to live our lives to the fullest, as we become more dependent on their reactions than our own decisions. 

So why do we need to be able to make our own choices and not lean on others? Leaning on others for a moment can be comforting and supportive, but if it's repeated, you're constantly asking someone for many parts of your life. You can become dependent on them for every single decision including the smallest matters, which can make them feel overwhelmed, which can lead to conflicts and make it harder to maintain a healthy relationship. 

Being psychologically dependent means that you've surrendered your power to other people, and you're at their mercy, which means that a lot of your life is dictated by their reactions, and you're bound to feel a sense of loss and helplessness when they change or leave, making it harder for you to live your life on your own terms. 

Psychological independence, on the other hand, is about valuing yourself and living by your own standards, not being swayed by other people's opinions. This doesn't mean that you should cut off relationships with others; it's important to cherish and protect relationships that meet your standards. The key is to understand the difference between dependence and independence clearly and to develop the ability to make your own choices.

Everyone can make their own choices, and although it's not easy, you can make a difference with time and effort. Once you've achieved psychological independence, economic independence will naturally follow, and you'll no longer depend on others for happiness. You can create your own happiness and share it with those around you.

People say that our life is formed based on how we look at it, and we can choose how we react in every moment, so it's all up to us. We have the power to make ourselves unhappy, or we have the power to make ourselves happy, so why spend energy on making ourselves unhappy? Wouldn't it be better to use that energy to choose happiness?


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[Sex & Xes] Focus on women's sexuality, not feminism


Today's feminism tends to be extreme. Whereas early feminism cried out, “Women are capable of taking responsibility, so give them the rights they deserve,” it has been distorted into, “Women are not responsible for anything. Just recognize our rights already!”

The idea that “women can't take responsibility” is actually the male chauvinistic view of early feminism. The current distortion of feminism is the result of that resentment bubbling up like pus. In other words, distorted feminism comes from women's wounds, and by pouring all of life's wounds into feminism, distorted feminism has ended up with a group of wounds that are nothing like the original feminism. It means that they connect every hurt they receive from men to sexism or sexual inequality.

It's a very codependent way of life, and while it talks about women being independent and rebelling against the system, it's deeply rooted in male chauvinistic ideas. A truly independent woman does not associate her life with, nor is she influenced by, male supremacist ideas; even if she lives within a male supremacist system, she is empowered to transcend it. On the other hand, the very act of resisting chauvinistic ideas means that you are already positioning your dignity as a subordinate concept within those ideas.

The problem with male chauvinistic ideas and distorted feminism is that they distort the intrinsic roles in sexuality. In the intrinsic roles in sexuality, women are the active agents of sexuality, and men play a supporting role in sexuality, protecting and aligning themselves with women. Humans activate their sexuality to create passion and happiness in their hearts, and while women are capable of generating inexhaustible xes energy on their own, men are only capable of generating limited and weak xes energy, so men can only create greater passion and happiness by being fed with the xes energy that women generate.

In the essential gender role, men keep women safe and secure and cater everything to her so that she can generate xes energy to her heart's content. In distorted gender roles, men become the main agents of sexuality themselves and focus on exploiting women's sexual energy, not protecting and supporting women. This is the result of distorted gender roles and the root of male chauvinism.

In the past, this exploitation of women's sexual energy was supported by a social system that ignored women's potential and kept them in the home and denied their rights. This was changed by early feminism, and women now have many opportunities. However, to take it a step further, the reason why women cannot have both responsibilities and rights on an equal basis with men is because women themselves don't know who they are as sexual agents and keep trying to play the role of sexual support to men. This is no longer an issue of ideas like male chauvinism or feminism, but of distorted gender roles.

Women who become true sexual agents and generate and supply their own xes energy in all situations and circumstances will naturally be protected and supported by men. This is because instinctively, men need women's xes energy to create passion and happiness. Women need to be self-aware and unwavering in their sexuality, so that men who try to discriminate or exploit them will be culled from the group by men who want to protect them.

No matter how powerful a woman is as a generator of xes energy, if she doesn't recognize herself as the main agent in sexuality, her xes energy will only be exploited by men. From the perspective of a man living with distorted gender roles, a woman needs to be locked up for a specific reason and made to provide sexual energy only to him. This is because if she were to provide sexual energy to other men, he would find himself outcompeted by men who are more passionate than him.

The current distorted version of feminism is a strong argument for women to be recognized as objects of sexual exploitation. No one can understand true feminism if they exclude the idea of intrinsic roles in sexuality. Men and women who live in accordance with their intrinsic gender roles live in a world that transcends male chauvinism and feminism. It's a world where women, as well as men, enjoy the most powerful passion, happiness, and pleasure. We need to focus on women's intrinsic role in sexuality, not on feminism, and transform ourselves so that both men and women can fulfill their intrinsic gender roles.


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[Mother Therapy] Starting is half the battle, but only half.

Is there something new you're trying these days? We start a lot of new things in our lives, whether it's studying, taking up a new sport or hobby, or dreaming up a business. For each of these endeavors, we set goals, both big and small, but do we achieve them all at once? I think I rarely achieve my goals all at once. No matter how exciting the start, there are bound to be trials and errors along the way.

Take a business, for example: you start out thinking, “I'm going to launch a product that's so perfect and so good, it's going to be a hit!” and then it doesn't turn out the way you thought it would, and if it does, it's most likely the result of a lot of trial and error and refinement.

The problem is, we know this, but we don't apply it to ourselves, and that's where a lot of people get stuck. They only see what they want to see, and they envy someone else's success and want to emulate it. It might get you started, but it's not sustainable, because you're not looking at the effort and the process, but you're just looking at the outcome, and you're comparing yourself with others.

You may say reasons why you can't keep doing it - “I'm not talented enough,” “I don't think I can do that no matter what I do,” “I don't have the environment to do that,” etc. But it is usually more likely that it's not really that you can't, it's that you don't.

Some people pretend they don't work much but it’s more likely that they work really hard. In fact, they do their best every moment of their life without even realizing it. Most people I see are working hard in their own way.

There are some people who feel sorry for themselves because they're working so hard and they don't have any time for themselves. They feel sorry for themselves because they think, “Why do I have to work so hard?” But I think they should be proud of themselves, not sorry for themselves. They should be proud and happy that they're able to work hard every day.

It's true that starting is important, so you can say, “Starting is half the battle,” but starting is not the end. Any achievement requires continuous effort, and in this case, if you take a product as an example, it doesn't sell by itself when you launch it. You have to constantly manage it and improve the quality, and you have to pay attention to sales, service, delivery, etc. because it's not just the product that should be good and there are so many other things to take care of. If you neglect these things, even the best product will disappear sooner or later.

There's so much you can do, and if you start anything, stick with it, and you'll see results, or you'll find yourself becoming an expert in your field. Starting is half the battle. But if you just start and don't put in the effort, you're literally only halfway there, and we all know that just starting doesn't mean you're done.


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[Sex & Xes] How sexuality shapes the mind


Today, we're going to talk about the process of sexuality affecting the mind and the caveats that come with it. Xesmind works within your own mind, energizing only your own mind. It also affects the psychological operation of the mind, and it's important to remember that xesmind, mind, and psychology all belong to you.

Xesmind is designed to help the mind pursue happiness on its own by energizing it. It's supposed to create love and passion and heal wounds, but in today's society, where the concept of sexuality has become so distorted, it's easy to let your xesmind take over your mind and be directed toward other people. Especially for women, their xesmind should be working for their own happiness, but most of them direct their xesmind toward others because they want to look good to other people, because others want their sexuality, because they want to please others, and so on. Or they combine sexuality with social ideas or systems, and they end up having a negative perception of sexuality and even feel guilty about enjoying sex, or they do the opposite and have sex for pleasure that is recognized in the conscious mind, causing all kinds of problems.

But when all the sexual energy that should be feeding your own mind is directed toward the other person, your mind can't be healthy. You won't have the self-esteem you need, and you won't have the energy to repair stress and wounds on your own, resulting in frequent psychological problems and psychological disorders.

Humans are supposed to pursue happiness and live in self-actualization activating the conscious and unconscious mind, and xesmind works to support this process. However, as  xesmind gradually becomes more and more directed toward other people, the operation of mind and psychology are no longer centered on the mind, but on the xesmind, and mind, xesmind, and psychology become all entangled. As a result, mind continues to create wounds in relationships, and sexual desire keeps arising to repair these wounds to no avail. Sexual desire is generated as xesmind works to restore one's own mind, but no matter how much  xesmind works, psychology is bound to be ruined since it is directed toward others or outside.

When a man or a woman develops a psychological disorder, their sexuality is overly expressed and their sexual desire is intensified. When you have sex in this state, you can't help but feel a very powerful pleasure unlike anything you've ever felt before, because your mind is no longer in control. Needless to say, there's no need for human happiness anymore because you're living as if the pleasure of your sensory organs is the most important thing and you're mistaking pleasure for happiness.

There are exceptions. Depression in women and neurosis in men are also psychological disorders, but in the case of depression and neurosis, mind blocks out everything about sexuality, so instead of having a sexual desire, you become extremely resistant to having sex. When this happens, you can't even think about recovery or happiness because your xesmind can't energize your mind.


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[Mother Therapy] Are you happier when you're alone or together?


Are you happier when you're alone or together? There are times when we are alone and times when we are with someone. We naturally move back and forth between being alone and being together, and depending on our own experiences, we say “I like being alone” or “I like being together,” but how we feel is highly dependent on our current emotions and circumstances, so some people feel more comfortable and better when they're alone because they're currently struggling in a relationship, while others feel happier when they're with people because they're currently feeling lonely and empty.

The important thing is to recognize what you need now, not just one way or the other. If being alone feels comfortable and good to you right now, it may be the break you need at the moment, or if being with someone brings you joy, it may be a sign that your heart needs a relationship.

It's interesting to note that people feel happier when they bring joy to someone else than they do when they get pleasure for themselves. Perhaps we are naturally altruistic beings. For example, preparing delicious food for children and seeing them enjoy it brings you more joy than when you eat it. In this way, other people's happiness can become your happiness, too.

But if I'm struggling in a relationship, I need to take a moment to focus on myself. When I notice that I'm feeling a little more emotional than usual, or that I'm overthinking about things, I intentionally move my body to shift gears. Going for a walk, exercising, or just tidying up around the house really helps me. When we're in an emotionally unstable state, we can have a negative impact on the people around us, which in turn can make us feel worse, so it's important to look at how we're feeling and take care of ourselves first and foremost.

We all experience both happiness when we're alone and happiness when we're together. It's important not to stay in one or the other, and by creating healing habits of self-care and taking care of yourself well, whether you are alone or together, you can stay emotionally balanced.

We all know that the state of your body affects the state of your mind, so taking care of your health is also an essential part of self-care. To be happy both alone and together, find balance in your day by seeing yourself as you are right now and taking care of yourself physically and psychologically.


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[Sex & Xes] The way you think about sexuality is the rudder of your life.


Today we're going to talk about the connection between your perception of sexuality and your life. Many of you might be thinking, “What big impact does sex have on your life?” And you might be thinking, “Well, maybe marriage and childbirth, or disease, or crime, or something else that's a big deal should have a greater impact,” but actually your perception of sexuality is the rudder that steers your life. Sexuality may be nothing, but it can also be everything.

We often say, “It's all in the mind,” and this is true. No matter what kind of environment we are in, our happiness or unhappiness is determined by how we perceive it and how our mind works. But it is the xesmind working within the mind that creates this mind. Although it is not recognized by the consciousness, it is responsible for healing stress and treating wounds by supplying energy to the mind, or, on the contrary, worsening wounds and stress. Therefore, the body and mind can be healthy due to the work of the xesmind, or, on the contrary, the body and mind can be destroyed by the xesmind.

Most importantly, most people associate xesmind with sexual actions. However, sexual actions are merely a manifestation of the xesmind's work on the mind. Also, the work of the xesmind and the mind changes depending on what perceptions and ideas we have about sexual actions. In fact, the xesmind is just a constant source of energy, and it's the mind's job to use that energy in ways that either promote happiness or unhappiness.

For example, sexual actions may be perceived as being very negative for someone. They've formed memories that make sexual actions uncomfortable, annoying, painful, or frustrating. For others, it's perceived as being very positive. It's enjoyable, fun, loving, and pleasurable. Sexual actions can be all of life's highs and lows, but the problem is that stereotypes are often applied only in one direction. Sexual actions are a double-edged sword that can be very painful and unhappy for some, or healing and revitalizing for others.

When a distorted perception of sexuality takes hold, sexual actions can become extremely pleasure-oriented, or the opposite, extremely aversive. This is because the emotions generated in the mind by the distorted concept of sexuality are set up that way. In such a case, psychological disorders are caused by the energy of the xesmind being supplied to the mind for pursuing excessive pleasure or for excessive nurturing of wounds.

When we think of sexuality, we usually think of it in an eroticized way, as a sexual act between a man and a woman. But sexual action is the result of the workings of the xesmind and mind, and it is not just about pleasure or love. If you have the right perception of sexuality and understand how it works in essence, you can use it as a rudder to help you heal your stresses and treat your wounds and live happily ever after.

Having sex itself is just a sexual action that pleases your sensory organs and generates temporary positive moods that you can turn around and forget no matter how many fancy techniques you know and apply. When you know how human mind and sexuality work behind the scenes, you can use sexual actions appropriately to make your mind and psychology healthy and happy, and live the life you want.


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[Sex & Xes] Is a complete life impossible? (Complete love and success through sex training)


The reason we think our lives are not perfect is because they are not in our control completely. To put it another way, if we could control our lives, our life would be perfect. The two most important things in our lives are love and success. A human being who is able to love enough and achieve enough will feel they have a perfect life, where there is nothing lacking.

However, even if we marry for the sake of perfect love, it soon withers away, and even if we achieve the material values that others envy, we feel it is not enough. In other words, we live an ironic life where the more we love and succeed, the more we feel lacking. Many people analyze this by connecting it to dopamine, and others by connecting it to religion, psychology, and philosophy, but I would argue that it's due to the intrinsic nature of human sexuality.

We have an instinct before we have a mind to navigate the world, and sexuality is an instinct. Sexuality creates the energy that fuels the mind, which is called xes energy. The energy generated by sexual action can become positive energy for restoration and creation, but when it is combined with relationships, purposes, and emotions in the mind, it changes to negative energy. However, we don't know that xes energy is working on us because we don't feel it directly in our consciousness.

The problem is that negative energy, created by the combination of our feelings for relationships or purpose and sexuality, is an energy that is wasteful. This negative energy burns our own bodies and minds to create love and passion, so the more we love and achieve with negative energy, the more we feel a deficit created by something that has been burned away. We feel satisfied only in the moment when we are immersed in the good feeling of love and passion, and when that moment is gone, we feel an even greater deficit, and our desire grows stronger.

However, love and success can be achieved only in relationships, so if we don't know the mechanisms and methods of converting this negative energy into positive energy in relationships, we cannot but live with endless needs. In other words, if we know how to convert negative energy into positive energy, we can live a full life, with enough love and success, without deficiency.

To do this, we need to train ourselves to understand exactly what the nature of sexuality is and how to change ourselves accordingly. Instincts cannot be overridden, but the mind that allows them to work in order can be changed by training our thoughts and habits.

This is how a man who shifts to a life that generates positive xes energy rises to the top of the pecking order over a man with the greatest success that comes from negative xes energy. And a woman who shifts to a life that generates positive xes energy can live a life filled with love and happiness, no matter who she is with. Men and women who generate positive xes energy have no deficit.

You've often heard the saying, “If you envy, you lose,” meaning that lack and want make you feel inferior and prevent you from feeling complete. No matter how much you try to change this by adopting philosophy, medicine, or religion, the harder you try, the more your needs will only grow, because none of them teaches you a way to shift the workings of your xes energy to a positive one.

Of course, when you let go of everything, feelings of deficiency and inferiority disappear. Such a life may be a comfortable life, but it will not be a complete life, because love and passion will also disappear if you put everything down. On the other hand, a life lived by converting negative energy into positive energy will definitely give you fulfillment in love and success in healthy ways, which will allow you to live a perfect life.


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[Mother Therapy] The Power of Organizing : Creating Psychological Space

The autumn season is such a great time of year that you can do just about anything, but I'd like to recommend organizing. We often think of organizing as simply rearranging the clutter around us, but what I'm talking about is separating what we need from what we don't need, and getting rid of what we don't need by giving it away or throwing it away. It may not seem like a big deal, but it's about freeing up the space in our mind as well as at home.

We all have a lot of stuff around us that we don't need, and we probably don't think much about it, but when we accumulate what we don't need, no matter how much we clean them, they quickly become cluttered again. Not only do they take up space, but they can also make us feel psychologically overwhelmed and affect our attitudes and routines negatively.

In fact, studies have shown that when we accumulate stuff we don't need, our brains are flooded with unnecessary information, which can lead to stress and anxiety. It's like having a head full of unnecessary thoughts, which makes it harder to focus on what's important and makes you feel more stressed over small problems.

But even when you feel the need to get rid of things, you may find yourself thinking, “I might use this later...” or “I paid a lot for this...”, and you can't get rid of it. This is the hardest part of organizing, but if you don't organize and leave it behind, will you really use it again? No, you won't. Most of the things you leave behind will never be used again. We need to have the courage to organize.

For example, you've probably had the experience of going through your seasonal clothes to organize your wardrobe, only to find that you haven't worn them in the last year, and you can't bring yourself to throw them out because you think, “I'll wear them someday,” or “You never know,” or “They're still good,” and every year you take them out but don't wear them. If you hesitate at the moment of choice to throw them out or not, and you end up hoarding them, it's almost like an obsession, and it can develop into a compulsion to feel psychological security through them.

It's helpful to have clear criteria to help you organize such as: “If I haven't worn it in a year, I don't need it.” When you're ready to part with it, you can fill the empty space in your closet with what you really need and reduce the stress of going through so many things to find what you need.  

You can leave the empty space as it is, or you can use it to fill in the space with new things you need. The best part about decluttering is the freedom and possibilities. You can organize any time of year, and it doesn't have to be in the fall, but I like to recommend it now because the cooler weather and quieter atmosphere can be so calming and relaxing. Autumn is a good season to organize your thoughts and feelings as well as your possessions. By getting organized, you'll be able to slow down a little and think about what you can do for the rest of the year, while also preparing for the new year.


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[Sex & Xes] Why both mind and sexuality are so distorted today


We all have mind, and we all have psychology that works connecting the mind and the body. Psychology is composed of three parts: perception, which recognizes information from the outside world; memory, which stores and retrieves the perceived information; and expression, which expresses the results of the mind's work back to the outside world. The human mind takes in external information and expresses internal thoughts and emotions to the outside world through psychological processes. Why? Because we live in relationships with other people. The human mind is necessary for connecting with others.

Meanwhile, within the human mind is xesmind. It energizes our minds and bodies. Xesmind also has xes psychology that recognizes sexuality, remembers sexuality, and expresses sexuality, but surprisingly, it has nothing to do with human relationships. Xesmind works solely to energize our own mind and body. Mind exists to be with others, but xesmind and xes psychology exist solely for the sake of the individuals’ mind.

In a human relationship, our mind interacts with the other person's mind, and our xesmind energizes our mind. Xesmind is not supposed to be directed at the other person, and the workings of xesmind and xes psychology are not even recognized in the consciousness: everything you feel when you have sex is felt in the mind.

But today, this structure is perceived to be completely reversed. The mind is centered on what I feel, what is for me, what pleases me, and it is centered on satisfying individuals’ feelings rather than its role in relationships. Of course, it's true that my mind works for me, and all relationships start with me, but we are human beings living together, and when mind works only for ourselves, we can no longer move toward shared happiness.

There's a more serious problem. The workings of sexuality, which should be yours alone, are directed towards the other person. Everyone who discusses the psychology of sexuality analyzes it putting meanings in relation to the mind. Having sex is just a sexual action that is the result of the working of mind and xesmind. There is no meaning in the sexual action itself, and having sex should be used solely as a means of energizing one's own mind.

What happens when your xesmind is directed toward the other person, rather than toward your own mind? Most commonly, we interpret having sex in relation with love and pleasure. We want to look good to the partner, we become possessive or use the partner for our own pleasure, we want to fit in, or we learn sex techniques to show off and please the partner.

In modern society, these distorted notions are so thoroughly instilled in us from early childhood sex education that our minds are molded in this direction. The problem with current sex education is that it mostly focuses on having sex and issues related with it. With such a deeply ingrained distortion, how can we possibly have a proper perception of human mind and sexuality?

If we can at least get to the bottom of it, then we can at least strive to pursue the right standards, and we can give the next generation the right mindset from the early age. The education program exists to guide you to accurately understand the nature of human sexuality, if you are willing to change.

When your mind and xesmind are operating in a distorted way, it's only natural that your psychology will break down. Today, psychological problems are so common and many people live with neuroses, depression, and addictions and don't even realize they have them. It's important to learn what it takes to keep your mind and psychology healthy, and what is causing us to live in such a sick and troubled society.


About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)

Sex Therapy for Men : https://www.xestherapy.com/

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