
[Sex & Xes] Is sex about pleasure or love?


When we discuss sex, it's often a binary pro/con debate in terms of pleasure and love, but it shouldn't be a binary of which is right and which is wrong. When we think of sex in terms of love, we generally have a lot of positive feelings, but when we think of sex in terms of pleasure, we have more negative feelings. We might ask if pleasure is bad, because pleasure is a strong positive feeling, so why do we have negative feelings about sexual pleasure?

This is because pleasure and love work differently in the mind: pleasure is the maximization of the sensations felt in your own sensory organs, and it's only for yourself. Love, on the other hand, is the work of the human mind in the company of another human being. That's why pleasure itself isn't bad, but it can destroy relationships and cause harm to others, because when you pursue only your own pleasure, you don't care about others at all. Sex, in particular, is an act of intense pleasure. If you start to think of the other person as a means to an end, with the sole purpose of your own sexual pleasure, it will destroy both your own psychology and that of others.

So what about the idea that sex is love"? Technically, sex is not love, but sex is a natural accompaniment to a romantic human relationship. Sex serves to strengthen the passion of a man and the love of a woman. Sex is an accompaniment to love, but sex cannot be love. If sex is love, then it must follow that if there is no sex, there is no love.

So we shouldn't look at sex from a binary perspective, debating whether it's love or pleasure. The correct definition of sex is a sexual act and nothing more. We use sex as a means for living happily as human beings with love and passion. The energy created through sex enhances love, passion, and happiness.

It's worth noting that when we don't know exactly how sex gives us pleasure, how it strengthens passion and love, and what the purpose of sex is, our values about sex become muddled, leading to distorted ideas and conflicts in human relationships.


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[Mother Therapy] Finding healthy ways of healing stress is essential.


Many people are concerned about their mental health as well as their physical health. If you look at a typical day, one-third of it is used for sleeping and two-thirds is used for working or doing various activities. When you are working or doing different activities, sometimes you are alone, but more often you are with other people, and when you are with other people, you are more likely to have a conscious relationship with them, and when you have a conscious relationship, you naturally tend to suppress your unconscious expressions, and you use more of your conscious expressions, and that's when you get tired. You're thinking more consciously than unconsciously, and you're thinking a lot, and you're stressed.

Most people who have worked hard for the day want to go home and relax, or have a drink at a comfortable place, or meet up with their close friends, to relieve the stress of their conscious relationships. It's great for our mental health to have our own ways of dealing with stress, but what happens when we don't do it in a timely manner? Stress can accumulate and cause physical and psychological problems, or it can lead to interpersonal conflicts as you unconsciously express stress when you're with people you love and are close to.

Important tasks, demanding jobs, and situations with strict hierarchies require rational control and a lot of thinking, which takes up a lot of mental energy and contributes to even more stress. You can excel at your job, but if you don't have your own healthy stress-relief methods, you may find that your relationships suffer because you may freely express your negative emotions inappropriately in intimate, unconscious relationships.

Additionally, if you're constantly dragging your feet about the stresses of your job, you're increasing chances of developing psychological problems. No one is immune to stress, so it's important to create your own healthy coping mechanisms to deal with stress as it happens instead of holding on to it. Stress doesn't go away by avoiding it, so it's important to create your own ways to address it. 

Stress relief can be done in a variety of ways, including exercise, hobbies, or talking to someone you find comfortable with. By regularly and healthily relieving stress, you'll prevent unconscious stress outbursts, which in turn will help you maintain healthy relationships and improve your physical health. If you don't have a personal favorite relaxation method, take the opportunity to create one or more, and if you already have some, maintain them and create some more different ones so that you have a variety.


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[Sex & Xes] Men who like only kinky sex


I want to first say that my intention is not on whether kinky sex is right or wrong, good or bad. The word "kinky" is often used with a negative connotation for something that is abnormal and deviant, but what is normal for one person may be abnormal for another, as the standards of what is normal for sex are extremely personal and subjective in the first place.

What should be emphasized is that sex, in any form, shouldn't be damaging or destructive to others, and that the people having sex should be pleased and happy through it. Seemingly "kinky" and outlandish sex can certainly make the people healthy and happy, but people who enjoy only kinky sex because they have a warped concept of what sex is, are unknowingly destroying themselves and others through sex. In this video, we will talk about men who enjoy only kinky sex, and deal with women who enjoy only kinky sex in the next video.

Every man has his favorite sex fantasies, but men who like and practice only kinky sex have three major characteristics that may cause problems. First, they think of sex only in terms of their own pleasure, so the woman they're having sex with is only a means to an end of achieving kinky sex for their own pleasure. They don't try to fulfill or support the sex women want, but instead, they tame women to fit the sex they want to have with them, and if the woman doesn't go along with their intention, they think she's useless as a tool and move on to a new woman.

Second, these men usually have sexual problems or sexual dysfunction. They think their sexual function isn't working because regular sex isn't fun enough, but men who are physically and mentally healthy are naturally capable of performing well in any kind of sex. To put it another way, if they don't have the high stimulation of kinky sex, they're not able to perform well.

Third, they usually have high levels of stress, and even if they enjoy a variety of other hobbies, sex and sexual pleasure is the only way they can relieve their stress. And because their standards for sexual pleasure are so narrow and rigid, they will criticize and demean anyone or anything that doesn't meet their standards.

Often, men who only like kinky sex tend to think that they've experienced all sorts of sex and reached some kind of high level when it comes to sex. They may even openly say so, packaging their tastes nicely. But the bottom line is that men who like only kinky sex don't have the sexual capacity to get pleasure outside of certain kinky acts.

A man who is truly sexually competent will be able to support any woman in sex, regardless of what she looks like, to create the best sex possible that will make her feel truly happy. In doing so, the man himself also feels the greatest pleasure and happiness from sex. The sex that these men and women create may be unique and unusual. As the sex they create is new, tailored to their style and their style alone, it may be seen different and peculiar compared with typical, conventional sex.

In the end, kinky sex itself isn't the problem, the problem is that we don't know why we need sex, what we can create with it, and we see it only as a means of pleasure and live our lives being dependent on it.

Please, keep in mind that anyone can create and sustain powerful feelings of pleasure, happiness, passion, love, and more through kinky sex, but if you don't know what sex does for a human being, and you only have sex for the ostensible purpose of pleasure or love, you're going to end up in a weird place where all of your relationships and values are being used for pleasure or for love as you recognize in the conscious.


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[Mother Therapy] Mom's facial expressions and words


Mothers say things like: You need to wash your hands when you get back from going out” Stop playing video games.”Did you do your homework? You should do it.” Brush your teeth, it's time to go to bed.” Get up early, you can't stay up too late.” No, you can't do that. You should do this.” Stop looking at your phone and study.”

As a mom, you say these things to help your kids, but what about your children? They hear it as a nag, not as a confirmation or as a routine, but why? It's because you're not looking happy and you're talking from a mom's perspective.

Have you ever thought about the facial expressions you have when you're talking to someone? When you're talking to other people, you don't really know what you're looking like, but they know very well because they're looking at you. In other words, they know how you look but you don't.

If your children feel they are nagged all the time no matter what you say, you probably don't usually have a smile on your face. Of course, if you're talking to them repeatedly from your point of view, you're going to sound even more nagging and they're likely to close their ears. Even if you're talking to them in a way that makes sense from their point of view, if you're talking to them at length, they're likely to say, “Okay, okay, stop nagging me,” and you're left feeling hurt by the child's expression.

If you treat a middle schooler the same way you treat a kindergartner, you're going to run into trouble. But there is one thing that doesn't change regardless of the age or developmental phase of a child. It is the mother’s happy and smiling face. Even if you're saying the same thing, your facial expression can make all the difference in the world to your child. Studies have shown that a mom's facial expressions have a huge impact on her child's emotions, especially the younger the child, and that her facial expressions alone can change their emotions.

Even if you're feeling a little overwhelmed and exhausted today, try talking to your child with a smile on your face. Your child may be confused at first because you don't look as usual but just smile anyway. Before you know it, your child will be smiling back.


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[Sex & Xes] Sex men want vs. sex women want


Today we're going to talk about the kind of sex men and women want to have. Xesmind activates xes energy to generate moods and feelings in mimind. Having sex creates the most powerful energy and generates moods of pleasure and feelings of love, which are much stronger than general moods and feelings.

Men and women view sex differently. Men generally think of sex as pleasure because it generates moods of passion in men, not feelings of love. Of course, there are some men who assume strong connection between sex and love, or that love is what drives sex, but essentially, healthy male psychology makes men think of sex as something that is just pleasurable.

When a man first sees a woman, he develops passion for her that centers around the pleasure of sex. Then, after a long period of time together and after marriage, the man's subconscious creates love for the woman, and he no longer perceives her as an object of pleasure.

Women, on the other hand, typically think of sex as love. Women don't think of sex itself as something pleasant or pleasurable. Not only that, but when a woman first sees a man, she's not interested in sex per se, nor does she perceive him as a sexual object. When a woman with normal psychology develops a crush on a man, it takes quite some time for this to evolve into love, and only when she's sure she's in love, does she decide to engage in sexual activity.

In a woman's xes psychology, feelings of attraction, love, and sexual actions are connected together as a sequence, and in a man’s xes psychology, passion, sexual actions, and love are separate from one another. The process of developing a relationship must be adapted to the development of a woman's feelings instead of men’s moods.

Sometimes women adapt themselves to men in order to be loved, and these relationships cannot last long. Men can wait until a woman is ready to engage in sexual actions because they can maintain their passion for the woman with or without sexual actions. However, if a woman is unsure of her love but still engages in having sex because she wants to be loved by the man or because she wants to fit in, it becomes a relationship that focuses on the man's pleasure. A relationship that is all about pleasure without love and passion for the partner will quickly wither away.

If mimind is not functioning normally and is disturbed, distortion of sexuality occurs, resulting in psychological disorders. When xesmind is working on mimind, a normal man is supposed to think about sex and pleasure but he does not equate it with love, but a man with a psychological disorder may mistake it for love for the partner. As he equates the moods of pleasure triggered by the woman's responses from talking to eating to touching with love, he becomes more and more immersed in them, and sexual actions are naturally intensified. Seeing themselves immersed in the woman's responses, they become more and more convinced that they are in love.

In women, on the other hand, when xesmind works on mimind, the feelings of attraction and love should have been created first, but when their mimind is disturbed and psychological disorders develop, they may chase the positive moods of pleasure to cap their psychological wounds. Their mimind has already lost its ability to treat wounds, and as xesmind directly works only on the body without being screened through mimind, it seeks only pleasure. Women who insist that women also should focus on sexual enjoyment are considered to be suffering from the psychological disorder of wound dissociation.

Passion and love are both perceived and felt in the consciousness in mimind. When this goes further and becomes a habit in each other's unconscious minds, love and passion are not felt in the conscious anymore, so you may feel like you're not even the opposite sex, but you are unconsciously in love without even realizing it. It is important to know what kind of sex men and women want and to have clear standards so that there will be no misunderstandings and unnecessary conflicts.


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[Mother Therapy] Working mom's strategies for school vacation


It's summer vacation season. While kids are excited to be out of school, for working parents, this time of year can be even more stressful than during the school season. As kids are home for longer periods of time, working parents have more things to keep track of, from meals to activities to safety, which can be stressful and intimidating. Here are a few ways to make the most of this time.

First, get kids involved in programs offered by their school or community. It's great for them to know they're in a safe space so they can focus on their work, and it's great for them to make new friends and experience different activities. There are many different programs for different age groups, so take advantage of them.

Second, you can enlist the help of family and friends. You can share your child's schedule with family and friends and coordinate with them to help with childcare, or you can share childcare with neighbors or other parents, which can really help during the school holidays.

Third, it's also a good idea to give kids opportunities to develop skills that will allow them to do things for themselves when parents are not around. This may include packing a prepared lunch, cleaning up after themselves, or doing chore missions around the house. If they do a good job, you can reward them with a small allowance or other rewards. 

Fourth, we all know that keeping your body and mind healthy is a key factor in balancing work and parenting. In fact, when moms are psychologically stable, their children feel loved and cared for, which strengthens the bond between mothers and children, and positively impacts their children, even if they don't have much time to spend with children due to busy work schedule. Do your best to take time to take care of your body and mind by exercising regularly, eating well, and taking time for yourself every now and then even when you are busy with everything. Don't wait until you're really drained, but recharge yourself beforehand.

You may think of many other things that will work for your situation and environment during school vacation, and remember that the most important thing is your own physical and mental health. When you're healthy and happy, you're better able to balance work and parenting and still keep yourself and your family happy.


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[Sex & Xes] Excess sexual desire


If you're a woman who's ever experienced excess sexual desire, you know what it's like: you're thinking about sex all day long, your body feels sexually aroused all day long, and you can't get enough relief even after you have sex. You're so overwhelmed by sexual desire that it's hard to maintain a normal life. Some people equate excess sexual desire with paraphilia or psychosis. This is because they've never actually experienced it and do not accurately understand how human mind and sexuality work. The tragic result is that many people misunderstand excess sexual desire as something perverted and obscene.

Let's start by looking at why excess sexual desire occurs. When the human mind experiences wounds and stress, it develops a desire to repair itself, and its energy is activated to do so. For ordinary wounds and stresses, the mind can handle this sufficiently, but when the wounds become too deep and powerful, xesmind begins to be activated strongly to repair it. Xesmind creates the energy to make the mind work.

We disperse our xes energy evenly to work, raise children, and live with love and passion, but we experience excess sexual desire when all this dispersed energy is focused on sex to heal a big wound. It's an overwhelming sexual desire, which is essentially an intense desire to heal wounds and restore healthy mind.

What would happen when you accurately understand the concept of excess sexual desire and create the ability to control your energy? You could channel all that energy toward happiness, not sex. In order to do so, you must first heal your wounds and return to a neutral state of mind instead of a negative state, so that you can direct the energy of your xesmind to where you want it to go. If the wound is not healed first, then you will go straight to some kind of addiction with powerful energy of immersion. If you love with a lot of wounds in mimind, it becomes an obsession, not love. Normal love is about feeling additional feelings of happiness on top of a neutral state of emotion, but obsession is about constantly craving love from the other person in order to recover from a negative state of emotion.

What happens if you raise a child in a state of excess sexual desire? You'll either become a helicopter mom or you'll abuse your child. When you pour all the energy you can’t even handle into your child, how could the child bear it?

Men's excess sexual desire is a little different from women's. By women's standards, all normal men are in a state of excess sexual desire. They always have a certain degree of sexual desire and use it as energy of passion to pursue values of life. However, there are times when a man's sexual desire is just too much even by men’s standards. This happens when a cause they are passionate about and immersed in stops working, when a business fails, when there's a major crisis at home, or in extreme situations such as wife infidelity. All of these may cause in men an over-activation of xesmind in order to get back on track and pursue happiness normally.

Excess sexual desire can occur in young men too, usually when they lose enthusiasm about their studies, their career, or their future. They're at an age where they're supposed to be very enthusiastic about the future, but when that's not happening, all their energy may go into their sex drive. If these men are able to channel their passion for pursuing values smoothly, their excess sexual desire will disappear. People who don't know the mechanism of mimind and xesmind call it a mental illness, and some people advise them to exhaust their body by working out, but the problem is that exhausting your physical strength has nothing to do with sexual desire because desire is a thought.

Please, remember that even if you are struggling with energy that you can't handle at the moment, you can learn to use imcomparably great energy for your happiness by understanding the mechanism of human mind and sexuality and by building the ability to control it.


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[Mother Therapy] Is this the same son I knew?


     Does your adolescent son make no sense to you? Do you wonder what's in his head? Don't know what the heck is wrong with him? Then, just stand by him, trust him, and he'll go through it on his own. Adolescence is an inevitable and necessary part of growing up. He has been learning how to relate to people in a sheltered environment so far, and now he is creating his own thought standards, which is naturally accompanied by anxiety and confusion, and then, there's the physical changes called secondary sex characteristics, and you are having a very disconcerting experience with your son who's not the same as before.

     As a mom, it's hard to accept the unfamiliarity of your son, and you try to talk to him, soothe him, and argue with him to get him back to the way he used to be. It's unnerving to think that he's becoming less and less like the child you once knew.

     Of course, you went through puberty yourself, so you often look at your child through the lens of your own experience, but you are looking at the situation from the perspective of the mother but not the child, and his circumstances and environment are completely different from yours. You are a woman, so it is hard for you to know about the changes in boys during that period. If you look at your son through the lens of your own experience, you are bound to make a lot of errors.

     So you send an SOS to your husband and tell him to do something about it, but he says, “Leave him alone,” which can make you feel like he's not interested in parenting and that only you are freaking out, but that's not the case. He's actually offering a good solution, and you're just feeling frustrated and upset that he didn't say it the way you thought he would.

     Your son needs time to himself while he's still developing his own thought standards. This doesn't mean you shouldn’t care whatever he does. It means you should care but not interfere. Sometimes the mother has limited thought standards, so she cannot see him from a lot of different perspectives. He may be doing something wrong, but if he's not hurting anyone or getting into legal problems, share your experiences and information with him, but don't push it. If you're consistent and trusting, he'll form his own healthy thought standards through trial and error, and the day will come when you'll look at each other and smile as if you never had had this conflict.

     We're all different, but we make the mistake of assuming that others will be like us, especially in intimate relationships. If you recognize your son as an independent person and support his growth, he'll find his own way. It may not make sense by your standards, but just because it doesn't make sense to you doesn't mean it's all wrong. You can use your son's adolescence as an opportunity not only for him but also for you to grow. 


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[Sex & Xes] Sex for happiness vs. sex for pleasure


Sex can have either positive or negative effects on humans. The effects of sex are so powerful that they are more extreme than others. When we have sex, our xes psychology comes into play, and it always works in conjunction with our psychology. It's actually psychology that's felt in conscious, and xes psychology operates without being recognized in the conscious.

When a man's psychology is positively affected by his xes psychology, it becomes a source of passion for him. Compared with the passion generated by positive moods in everyday life, the passion generated through having sex is very powerful, so if you pursue values for happiness based on the passion generated through sex, you will be able to immerse yourself in the pursuit of values more powerfully. This is the case where sex works positively in a man’s life.

Also, when a woman's psychology is positively affected by sex, her feelings of love grow. Even if she fights and struggles with her man, when the xes psychology is activated through having sex with him, xes energy is transformed into feelings of happiness as it heals her wounds, and the feelings of love for her partner grow. When the feelings of love grow, the woman feels that she has a meaningful life and happiness. The love and meanings of life that sex creates for a woman in a positive way is the happiness she feels. When sex works positively for men, activating strong passions and values, men also feel happiness.

However, when sex works in a negative way in men, with xes psychology being distorted, psychological disorders occur. In this case, xes energy, which is much greater than general energy, acts as a destructive force. Although men's passion and value pursuits are increased through sex, they become passion and value pursuits for sex and pleasure, not for happiness in life. Then, they perceive sex as the most important thing in life, and they think that without sex, they are not happy.

The same applies to women. They feel so much love and so much meanings of life through sex, and sex becomes the object of their love. Then, they think that if they don't have sex, they can’t love, and if they don't have sex, their partner doesn't mean anything to them. Their children, who cannot be the object of sex, become nothing. Psychologically disturbed women with distorted concepts of sexuality don't take good care of their children because without sex, there is no love and no meaning of life for them.

Men and women with healthy psychology activate passion and pursue values for true happiness, They have a clear understanding of true love and meanings of life. Normally, men are passionate about their work and feel relaxed and happy when they come home from work. However, men with psychological disorders don't want to come home from work since they always pursue pleasure. Women also live their lives thinking that the love they feel from sex is what makes them happy. This is something that is actually recognized by them, so they can't accept the other way no matter how many people around them tell otherwise.

Having sex can be the best thing in human life when it works in a positive way, but the worst thing when it works in a negative way. Worse yet, in the case of psychological disorders, the perception of good and bad is reversed, so that sex that destroys lives is perceived as being very good and exciting, and sex that creates happiness is perceived as being boring and pathetic. This is usually the case with people who emphasize sex techniques and pleasure of sex, and tell us that we should all enjoy this good thing.

Psychological disorders can occur to anyone at any time, so it's important to accurately understand how human sexuality and mind work and prevent the distortion of sexuality and psychology. Please, take a look at whether you are living your life for the pleasure of sex sacrificing other values and meanings of life, or using sex as a means to an end to achieve true happiness.


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[Mother Therapy] A quiet Child


Your child may start talking about something and then shut up. You may wonder what's wrong with him or her and feel frustrated. Why are some children so quiet? There can be many different reasons, depending on the environment and situation, so there's no "one answer" to why children are quiet. However, children often choose to remain quiet when parents insist on their own opinions.

Many parents mistakenly believe that they are having a conversation with their children when they assert or persuade them of their opinions. A conversation is an exchange of feelings, and if it's a one-way street, it's coercion or informing, not a conversation.  For example, "Mom, I'm going to go to a study cafe" "What study cafe?" "My friends are going to the study café tomorrow, and I think I will go too because it has a good atmosphere for study" "You don’t study even at home." "That's why I'm going to try it this time" "No, You can just study in your room. Why do you have to spend money to go there?" "Mom, I'm not doing anything else, I'm just saying I'm going to study..." "Why do you stop talking? What is it?"

If you were talking to someone and they kept interrupting you with objections to your opinion, would you be able to continue the conversation? If you feel that you're being questioned and judged, you will stop talking because you don't want to hear what they have to say, no matter how right they are.

When your child expresses their thoughts or feelings, and you respond by arguing with them about whether they're right or wrong, or trying to convince them that your opinion is the only one that applies to them, they're more likely to stop talking because they don't feel the need to continue the conversation. Taking it a step further, if the parent is unable to control his or her emotions and spills over into a harsh outburst, the child will not have the opportunity to speak further, and silence may be the child's choice, either because he or she doesn't know what to say or because he or she wants to avoid making things worse.

This can lead to misunderstandings, as parents freak out and don't think about their own attitude and only see the child's silence as a problem, which leads to a buildup of negative emotions on both parents and children. The conflict is bound to escalate as the parent sees the child's silence as the child's problem. Then, what can you do about it?

Here's what we all know. We know that listening is the first step in having a healthy conversation, but when it comes to the relationship between parents and their children, instead of thinking and expecting them to listen to you, why not try to listen to them first?

For healthy communication between parents and children, it is very important to listen to your child's thoughts and opinions without judgment, even if they are different from your own knowledge and experience. It's also important to note that your child may need time to process and recover from their silence. However, if you notice that a period of silence is getting too long, try changing the subject to get the conversation going again. This may even give you a chance to open up about previous conflicts.  


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                              Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net

[Sex & Xes] The Duality of Sex in Women


Having sex generates a lot of emotional energy for women, and it's important to know whether that energy is positive or negative. There are two things that women perceive in their minds when it comes to sex: One is pleasure and the other is the opposite emotion, which is psychological wounds.  Both pleasure and wounds are felt as the mind processes information about sexuality, and the xesmind uses the information about sexuality as a vehicle to ensure that the emotions felt in the mind are in pursuit of happiness. If a woman's mind is happy, having sex serves to make her happier, and if she has wounds in mimind, it works to repair the wounds.

So when a woman is suffering from wounds in her mimind, she feels she needs attention and consolation: she feels lonely, she wants to be loved, she wants to meet with someone and talk about her frustrations. This is what moves mimind to engage xesmind, or more precisely, to engage xesmind to heal the wounds. If she receives attention and consolation from a man, she will feel attracted to him by activating her xesmind. If a woman's wound is really big, her xesmind will work even harder, and she will love the person who gives her attention and consolation.

In this way, a woman's xesmind energizes her mimind to heal her wounds, and if she has no wounds, it enhances her happiness. So in essence, a woman doesn't need sex just to enjoy sex; it's rather that pleasure comes through sex as a side effect of healing her wounds and enhancing her happiness. This is the state of mind of a woman with a healthy xesmind. The attention and consolation of saying, "I see you're hurting," a simple hug, a pat on the back, or holding her hand, all activates xesmind in women.  

Women with healthy psychological condition don't always have a sex drive, or are physically ready for sex all the time. For them, sometimes sex is good, sometimes it's not. But what happens when a woman is trying to heal wounds and the person who gives her attention and consolation changes? The object of her feelings of love and happiness also changes. If a husband is only hurting his wife and not healing her wounds, and a man who isn't her husband is giving her attention and consolation, she may develop distorted psychological condition. Women need to understand why their minds work the way they do so that they don't think, "I finally found true love," or "I finally found a man who truly cares about me," or "This is the man I was meant to be with," when they are actually taken advantage of sexually.

Men see these women as nothing more than sexual playthings, and if a woman continues to think that the sexual attention she receives from a man is healing her wounds, the wounds actually grow bigger and bigger, and the moment the wounds cross a threshold, she no longer feels them. In a distorted relationship, the wounds don't heal, they get bigger and bigger, and the wounds are covered up by being sexually attended to and experiencing sensory pleasure. The pleasure of sex then feels like the happiness of life, and a woman's sexuality becomes overly activated for the pleasure of sex, so that no matter who she has sex with, her body is always ready, and her sexuality is always activated, so she can have pleasurable sex with anyone.

Women are designed to live for their own happiness through activating sexuality by the workings of her mimind and xesmind. However, when her sexuality is overly activated, dissociation occurs, and she is unable to control the pleasure of sex with mimind, and the workings of her xesmind are directed to the partner, not to her own mimind, turning her into a sexual plaything. At this point, since the woman is already psychologically disturbed, she mistakes this for happiness, and because she has a tremendous amount of wounds that she doesn't recognize, sometimes the slightest stress triggers all of her wounds to come out at once, causing her to lose her reason and lash out. This is hysteria.

Nowadays, many women are exposed to tons of information about sex from a young age, and the age at which hysteria occurs has become much younger. Normally, a woman's healthy mind takes in stress, converts it into wounds, keeps them in mimind until it is healed, and when the wounds are healed, the emotion of happiness is created. However, when a psychological disorder occurs and the woman becomes hysterical, her mimind cannot work to protect her anymore.  

Women need to know how xesmind works, how it relates to the workings of mimind, and how sexuality works in duality in women. Without knowing the mechanism behind it, they can unwittingly lead themselves to their own destruction, driven by feelings and thoughts that they recognize as they perceive them in their consciousness. Knowing these basic concepts can help women protect themselves.


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