
[Mother Therapy] Children and teenagers who refuse to go to school


There are times when a child or a teenager doesn't want to go to school or wants to drop out. As a caregiver, you may try to convince the child or the teenager to stay in school or not drop out. In some cases, caregivers may not think it's a big deal to not go to school or drop out, telling them, "It's your life, it's your decision," or "I respect your decision." Others may offer a plan for not going to school or dropping out, or they may simply assume that the child will figure it out.

There are many reasons why children and adolescents may choose not to go to school or drop out. They may not feel the need to do school work, they may be stressed or hurt at school, they may have more fun or interests outside of school, they may have problems with their relationship with their teacher or with their peers, or they may be victims of bullying, verbal abuse, or violence.

These are all signs that a child or adolescent is experiencing trial and error in the formation of psychological habits, or that they have developed problems in the habits of psychology. Children and adolescents try to avoid going to school or drop out in order to feel safe or comfortable.

In this case, the first problem is that the formation of psychological habits may be distorted, and problems in the habits of psychology may develop. This will cause serious problems in the growth process of children and adolescents, and when they become adults and pursue self-actualization, they will have many difficulties in life.

The second problem is that it can cause problems with knowledge education. Acquiring knowledge is a necessary process for higher education and intellectual development, so we must find ways to replace knowledge education in schools so that children and adolescents can continue knowledge education on their own.

The third problem is that children and adolescents give up their rights and are easily exposed to self-actualization as if they were adults. In this case, children and adolescents may be victimized for other people's self-actualization, become perpetrators or victims of crimes, and have everything they have taken advantage of by selfish people.  

Then, what can you do if a child or a teenager refuses to school or wants to drop out? First, you need to keep them safe, which means creating an environment where they can't be taken advantage of by others. Second, the primary caregiver needs to rebuild the relationship with the child or the teenager. You need to build a good relationship with the child or the adolescent so that they can trust you and talk to you. The third is to help the child or adolescent understand their rights and responsibilities for self-actualization, which should be understood by children or adolescents, but not taught or imposed upon them.

Fourth, you should help children and teenagers develop habits for healing stress and treating wounds, and help them develop these habits on their own, rather than having caregivers, teachers, or professionals create habits for them. Fifth, you need to help them create habits of problem solving, trial and error, and overcoming challenges. Sixth, you need to help them find good things about school.

By following these six steps in sequence, you can help children and teenagers who refuse to go to school or who want to drop out of school. Not going to school or dropping out may not not a sign of a serious problem, but it's important to know exactly what the benefits and drawbacks are, and what the problems and solutions are.


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                   on child's psychological problem

                              Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net

[Sex & Xes] Women’s masturbation


Today we're going to talk about masturbation in women. We're going to talk about it from a psychological perspective. Masturbation is the act of arousing oneself to sexual pleasure. In general, women masturbate less than men. Whether or not you masturbate depends on whether or not your sexual desire leads to direct sexual arousal or not. Different individuals have different levels of sexual desire, different passive or active approaches to sex, different ways of expressing themselves, and different perceptions of sex. If you have a negative perception of sex, you will tend to have a strong aversion to masturbation.

      Women value psychological satisfaction and emotional connection when it comes to sex, which is a major factor in women’s sexual arousal. Therefore, women tend to believe that it is more appropriate to have sex with a partner to achieve physical and emotional satisfaction than to masturbate just to please their sensory organs. Women's different levels of sexual desire results in the difference in how often they masturbate. Rather than most women having an average level of sexual desire, women tend to be on a spectrum of either very high or very low sexual desire, so they either really enjoy masturbation or really dislike it.

For women who enjoy sex and are familiar with the pleasure of orgasm, masturbation can be very helpful, but overall, women who enjoy sex are more likely to prefer having sex with a partner to masturbation, as masturbation usually has only 70% of the satisfaction level of having sex with a partner. You can take a full control in masturbation, whereas having sex involves a lot of movements that are out of your control and the arousal is intensified by the perception of the other person's response in having sex.

     There is still a negative perception of female masturbation in society, and women who haven't experienced the benefits of masturbation may have a negative perception of it. However, as a substitute for sex, masturbation has many benefits for women. Women may prefer masturbation to avoid the negative aspects of sex, such as stress, hassle, and exhaustion that come with sex. They can feel comfortable expressing their desires that they may not be able to show to the partner, and they can experience the pleasure of sex without being judged by their partner. Sexual stimulation is also beneficial because it provides a sense of comfort and security, both physically and psychologically.

     Women have the ability to generate xes energy on their own, and they can be trained to generate xes energy and utilize it as positive energy in their daily lives. In this sense, masturbation can be a very effective practice compared with suffering from and struggling with incompatible sex with a partner. In recent years, female masturbation has been on the rise, and it has become more socially acceptable. The number of single women living on their own is also on the rise, and their personal preferences for sex and their right to pleasure are being recognized more.

There are many different ways for women to masturbate. Each person has their own preferences, so it's a good idea to expose yourself to a variety of information and then, find your own way. There is another thing to keep in mind. Any imaginary sex you have while masturbating should only be for the duration of your masturbation and you must leave it at that. Trying to make it a reality or continuing to connect emotionally in your daily life is asking for trouble. Masturbation is not just for men; it's a very useful tool for women, and women should try to have a positive perception of it rather than a negative one.


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[Mother Therapy] Dependency in children and teenagers


There's an old saying that goes, ‘Habits formed at age three stay with you to age eighty.’ This means that psychological habits formed during childhood and adolescence are with us for life. Children and adolescents have the right to be safe and have the right to form healthy psychological habits. What does the future hold for children and adolescents if healthy psychological habits are not formed and dependency habits are formed?

     Dependency is the habit of relying on the words and actions of others. Children and adolescents who have developed habits of dependency are likely to follow the words and actions of others. They may grow up to be good children who listen to their parents, teachers, and other adults. They don't have confidence in their own words and actions, so they tolerate by following others rather than asserting themselves.

      Children and adolescents develop dependency when their caregivers are overprotective, coercive, controlling, or interfering. Children and adolescents form healthy psychological habits through trial and error by solving problems and recovering from them on their own. However, if they lose the right to form healthy psychological habits and others recognize their trial and error as a problem and always solve the problem for them, they are unable to form their own healthy psychological habits.

As a result, they feel comfortable only living the way others want them to live, so they do what others tell them to do. As a result, they form the habit of being dependent on others. Once you have developed this habit of dependency, you're not only dependent on your caregivers, but on everyone else in your life. This can lead to a lifetime of struggle without developing self-directed relational habits, emotional habits, and thinking habits.

      In order to correct dependency habits in children and adolescents, caregivers need to understand the rights of children and adolescents to be kept safe and to form healthy psychological habits, and to apply the right parenting methods to help children and adolescents form healthy psychological habits. In particular, when addressing psychological habits in children and adolescents as well as in adults, self-help methods that do not involve psychological counseling are necessary because psychological counseling can aggravate psychological habits.

By applying the right parenting method or self-help method, children and adolescents will form their own healthy relational habits, emotional habits, and thinking habits while preventing or eliminating dependency habits. They will also form their own stress healing habits, wound treating habits, and problem-solving habits. Korea Institute of Psycho-education helps children and adolescents form healthy psychological habits by providing Mother Therapy, Father Therapy, and self-help programs such as Youth Mind Training and KIP Mind Training.


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                              Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net 

[Sex & Xes] What it means by a man protecting his woman with respect to sexuality


Nowadays, all sexual information is skewed towards sexual pleasure, so much so that both men and women have the misconception that a man's sexual instinct is all about seeking sexual pleasure. However, a man's true sexual instinct is about protection of women. It is the essence of a man's sexual instinct to protect and accommodate his woman so that she can safely and freely engage in sexual actions using him as a vehicle. That is why a man does not attach meaning and emotion to sex. If a man attaches his own ideas or specific meanings and emotions to sex, he will not be able to accommodate a woman's sexual actions freely because he will apply his own standards to her sexual actions.

Without knowing this principle and essence, most men think that it is a man's sexual instinct to pursue sexual pleasure, especially if he does not attach any meaning, emotion, or thought to having sex. Pleasure is a natural need in human life, but its basic nature is "for me". Pleasure is the maximization of the positive sensations felt by my sensory organs, and the pursuit of pleasure is basically for myself, not for the other person.

The essence of a woman's sexuality is the generation and radiation of xes energy, which means that a woman generates and radiates xes energy and transmits it to a man when the man protects and attunes to her. Therefore, from the womans point of view, the partner himself is actually much more important than sexual actions or sexual pleasure to be able to keep herself safe. This is because a woman can basically generate as much xes energy as she wants on her own, so sexual actions or sexual pleasure isn't as important as the partner with whom she can share her sexuality and reinforce her xes energy. The partner must be able to protect her and he must be valuable enough to share her sexuality with.

Therefore, it is a basic value for a woman to attach meaning, feelings, and thoughts to having sex, because if she engages in sexual actions without these elements, she cannot be guaranteed for her safety. However, today, women's sexual instincts also have been understood in distorted ways, and women are preoccupied with these meanings, feelings, and thoughts, putting aside the generation and radiation of xes energy.

When a man says he wants to protect a woman, he's actually saying, "I don't want to use you for my own sexual pleasure," which means he wants to make sure she doesn't become a vehicle for his own self-pleasure. This is how a man's sexual instincts work, so even if he doesn't know how it works, when he finds a woman he truly loves, he will want to protect her by restraining himself. Also, the same sexual action has completely different outcomes when the woman is the main agent and the man complies with the woman, and when the man is the main agent and uses the woman as a means to his own sexual pleasure.

Since a man can generate xes energy only at a negligible level, sexual actions that are dominated by a man end up achieving only the temporary pleasure in the sensory organs, and since this is such a short hedonic response, a relationship that is dominated by this aspect quickly becomes boring, and the woman actually creates a lot of wounds in the process.

On the other hand, in a relationship where the man is attuned to the woman's happiness, not his own sexual pleasure, and where the woman is in control, passion and love are strongly activated and long-lasting, beyond the pleasure of the sensory organs. This is because xes energy that a woman generates and radiates through sexual activity strengthens passion and love for both herself and her partner.

In order for the relationship to be virtuous in nature, it is essential for a woman to stop being sexually dependent on a man and become the master of her sexuality, but no matter how much a woman becomes the master of her sexuality, she will be useless to a man who values sexual pleasure and is unable to adapt himself to her. Therefore, a man must also become the master of his sexuality, knowing that his sexuality is protective and supportive, and that he can use his sexuality to protect and comply with his woman, not for his own sexual pleasure. Please, remember that sexual pleasure, no matter how ecstatic, is fleeting, while passion and love are lasting and fulfilling.


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[Sex & Xes] The danger of using adult products to overcome boredom or sexual dysfunction


When sex in a couple is not going well due to boredom or sexual dysfunction, some people may try to use sex toys as a way to restore sex in their relationship, but this is very dangerous and futile.

Women and men's xesminds work in opposite ways. Women only accept familiar sexual information that accords with their xes habits, and the more sexual information they have in their memory, the better their sexual performance becomes. Men only accept new sexual information that is not in their xes habits, and the more sexual information they have in their memory, the more sexual wounds they have, and the worse their sexual performance becomes.

As a married couple live together for a long period of time, the husband's sexual function gradually deteriorates as he accumulates new sexual information from daily life, and the sexual information that comes from his wife becomes so familiar that he no longer recognizes her sexually. On the other hand, most wives start out with relatively little sexual information and sexual function, and as they meet and have sex with their husbands, their sexual function gets better and better because they accumulate more and more familiar sexual information from their husbands.

What would happen if the husband starts looking for adult products to restore sex with his wife? During this search, he accumulates more and more new sexual information, and his sexual performance gets worse and worse. Meanwhile, the wife tries to stick to the familiarity of her xes habits, so she bounces from one sex toy to the next, saying "I don't like this one, I don't like that one," and so on.

However, during this process, the wife gradually accumulates sexual information regarding adult products, and before you know it, the wife's sexual performance improves as she becomes more familiar with the products. The problem here is that when a woman's sensory responses and her sexual performance improve, she begins to prioritize physical pleasure over feelings of love. Now, it may not have to be the person she loves or her husband, and it just has to be pleasure.

The husband may also be new to using adult products, so his sexual performance may initially improve as he perceives the new sexual information, but as he gets used to it, his sexual performance may deteriorate again, and he may eventually switch to seeking out other new sexual information, leading to the destruction of the relationship eventually.

So, you might be thinking, "Does this mean that we should just throw our hands up in the air when boredom or sexual dysfunction strikes?" Well, no, it doesn't, and it's really something to be celebrated that a couple doesn't give up on their relationship when boredom or sexual dysfunction occurs. That's why it's important to know how to rekindle the passion and love in a way that's satisfying and safe for both of you.

 First and foremost, you need to get back to being a man and a woman, not husband and wife, or dad and mom. You need to intentionally set aside time for just the two of you, and during that time, you should never think about your children. A lot of people say that you have to solve marital problems with having sex, but men and women who meet for the first time never start with having sex. You have to have conversations and talk about each other and your lives, but of course not as parents or as husband and wife. The conversation should always be about "me and you", just like it was when you were in a dating relationship. Of course, it's going to be very awkward and hard at first, so you have to be committed and make efforts for each other.

If you can do this, you'll start to feel passion and love for each other again, and sex will naturally follow. In fact, the sex will be even more flavored and ripe than when they were in a dating relationship. But there's another thing to keep in mind here. You shouldn’t focus only on the pleasures of ejaculation and orgasm in activating sexuality. In the healthy and happy sex life, the woman first enjoys the attention she receives from her partner and amplifies her feelings of love, and the man gets great satisfaction, excitement, and pleasure from watching her.

Thus, the process leading up to having sex is what's important: just wanting to touch the person you love, feeling good about touching them, and feeling excited and happy just fantasizing about sex is all part of the process. Penetration and ejaculation are only a small part of sexual actions; when you go traveling, everything you feel together in a new destination is sex, and every date you go on together is sex. That's the love, passion, and sex in a romantic relationship.

This is also women-centered sex. Women amplify the pleasure of sex into feelings of love, and the more you feel in love, the more satisfying and orgasmic the sex will be. But surprisingly, men also perform better when they have sex with the perspective of the mind with the passion to make their partners happy, rather than focusing on the pleasure of senses such as ejaculation and orgasm. In this situation, everything men do with their partners leads to men’s passion that they feel in their mind.

Couples who make the effort to overcome boredom, sexual dysfunction, and sexlessness should be cheered, but it's worth remembering that if you go about it the wrong way, it's often the cause of your relationship's demise, and it's usually due to a distorted perception of human sexuality.


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Sex Therapy for Men : https://www.xestherapy.com/


[Mother Therapy] Rights and responsibilities of children and teenagers


Childhood and adolescence are periods of psychological development during which children and adolescents are kept healthy and safe, and form psychological habits that enable them to pursue self-actualization as adults. While adults have the right to self-actualization and the pursuit of happiness, and must take responsibility for their own self-actualization, children and adolescents have only the right to be healthy, safe, and protected, and to form psychological habits for self-actualization in their future. In this process, the responsibility that comes with rights must be taken by parents, schools, society, and the state, and responsibility should not be placed on children and adolescents alone.

       In particular, children and adolescents go through a lot of trial and error in their psychological development and the formation of psychological habits. Parents and caregivers are primarily responsible for the problems that arise during this trial and error process. Parents and caregivers need to know how to parent and how to solve problems so that they can help their children and teens solve problems. If parents and guardians don't take responsibility, then schools and teachers, or society and the state, must take responsibility. Most importantly, parents and guardians, schools and teachers, and society and the state must have accurate knowledge about human bodies, minds, sexuality, relationships, and the pursuit of meaning and value in life.

      When parents and guardians, schools and teachers, society and the state do not know this, they may take away childrens and teenagers rights for adults selfish  purposes and make children and teenagers be responsible for problems. Holding children and young people responsible for their mistakes, they may tell children and teenagers that they should be able to do it themselves because adults have already taught them, telling children they did the best they could, or telling them that adults are not responsible. In the end, children and teenagers are harmed, and they grow up feeling victimized, competitive, resentful, and angry, and develop distorted psychological habits in mimind about responsibilities and rights. When these children and teens grow up and become adults, they carry these distorted psychological habits with them for the rest of their lives.


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                   on child's psychological problem

                              Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net 


[Sex & Xes] The purpose of having sex


What is the purpose of sex? For men, it should be for the happiness of the woman they love, and for women it should be solely for the happiness of their own mind. This is the easiest and fastest way to restore the essence of sex, which has been distorted for quite a long time in the history of mankind. Of course, the moment you hear this, you may think it's nonsense, because your conventional wisdom and common sense will never allow you to understand what it means.

"A man should have sex for the happiness of the woman he loves, and a woman should have sex solely for her own happiness." This statement is a condensation of the Theory of Mimind and the Theory of Xesmind into a single phrase, and it actually requires an accurate understanding of the Theory of Mimind and the theory of Xesmind in order to understand what it means. But you don't need to know these theories in detail to apply the concept in your life.

There is an element in the above quote that applies to both men and women. It is  "women's happiness." and this has nothing to do with feminism at all. And another thing, when I say "happiness," I'm not referring to sexual happiness, such as orgasm or sexual satisfaction. I'm talking about the pure happiness of the mind that is created after sex with a loved one, using sex to energize the mind. Having sex is just an act that serves as a vehicle for mimind and xesmind to work.

When a man has sex to make the woman's life happy, not for his own pleasure and enjoyment or to see her sexual response, his own life becomes energized. When a man has sex with no thought other than the woman's happiness, he will never experience sexual dysfunction, no matter how old he gets. Sexual dysfunction is not an aging issue.

Women should not have sex for pleasure and fun, for sexual attention, or to please a man, but solely to create the energy of happiness in their own lives. When this is possible, the woman’s mind becomes impervious to wounds of mimind and can have tremendous self-healing power. When a woman is able to make herself happy, her partner is also able to make himself happy and live a life of lasting passion.

Animals mate only based on the instinct to reproduce, but humans activate sexuality to pursue self-actualization, searching for meaning and value in life. Having sex is just one of the means with which we generate energy to fulfill self-actualization, but these days, people rarely think of having sex as separate from pleasure or love. Human sexuality is supposed to work in accordance with the operation of human mind. The most important thing to keep in mind when having sex is that for men, it should be with the intention of making the woman they love and protect happy, and for women, it should be with the intention of making themselves happy.


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[Mother Therapy] Adopting computer games in education


There are many attempts to apply computer game rewards and goals to children's education, but does it work? First of all, children's education is all about knowledge and creativity. If you apply game rewards and goals to education, it may be effective for knowledge education, but creativity is difficult to be formed.

      Creativity is built through trial and error based on the person's own experience, so if you only study knowledge with set rules, creativity will not be formed. To foster creativity, we need to create a safe environment that encourages children to struggle and solve problems through a variety of trial-and-error approaches to problem solving.

      If children get into the habit of studying through computer games, they'll be good at acquiring knowledge, but they won't learn how to study on their own. You have to create your own problem-solving skills by looking through many books and other resources, asking and answering questions to solve problems. Acquiring knowledge is important, but creativity is formed through trial and error.


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                              Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net 


[Mother Therapy] Parents who ruin their children's lives


When a child has a problem, it's understandably difficult for parents, but they try to solve their child's problem no matter what. In most cases, parents are greatly helpful in solving their child's problems, but in some cases, they're ruining their child's life.         

Let's take a look at two cases of how parents can ruin their children's lives. The first is when a parent ruins their child's life because they have serious psychological problems of their own. This is when a child has a problem, but the parent abandons or neglects their child because they are having a hard time with their own life and don't want to deal with their child's problem. 

In this case, most of the child's problems are actually caused by parental indifference, neglect, abuse, violence, etc. Children are then unable to turn to the parent for help when they get into trouble with themselves, school, friends, or others. If parents themselves have psychological problems, they must either take Mother Therapy so that they can create habits of healing themselves and enjoy raising their children, or they must do Mother Therapy in combination with KIP Mind Training so that they can restore healthy mind and build habits of healing and happiness, and also enjoy raising their children. Then, parents will have the ability to solve all of their children's problems, and they will be able to live a happy life while raising their children, and their children will be raised safely and healthily.

      The second is when a parent's inability to solve their child's problems ruins their child's life. This is usually the case when a parent has tried many ways to solve their child's problems, but the child's problems persist or worsen, or when they solve one problem and another problem arises, and they are convinced that there is nothing they can do to solve their child's problems. They may think that they have done their best, and eventually they may give up trying to solve their child's problems.

      In this case, the child's problem gets worse and worse, and the parent feels helpless, blaming self or other people, and the family breaks down. The first step to take in such a case is to find the right way to solve the child's problem. Maybe the solution was wrong, or the parent was applying the solution incorrectly. In solving the child's problems, the parent must help the child to solve the problem on his or her own, and  raise the child in a safe and healthy environment so that both the parent and the child can live happily.


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                              Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net  

[Sex & Xes] Men’s sexual desire


     Sexual desire is the desire for having sex, and this desire is a thought. A person's thoughts are shaped by the memories they have lived with since birth. Thoughts are never uniform, and they are unique to you, made up of your own memories.

     This is why the criteria for a need is never absolute: Other people may think that you have enough, but you may feel that you don't have it and you want more of it. Sexual desire is driven by a perceived lack or absence and excess sexual desire indicates that you have a problem with the operation of your sexuality.

     The way men and women experience sexual problems is a little different. For women, they have wounds in mimind, but they dont develop wounds in xesmind. Womens sexual problems they recognize in the conscious are actually problems that occur in their mimind related with wounds in mimind. So when women have wounds in mimind, they may develop sexual desire. The size of womens sexual desire varies depending on the size of their wounds in mimind and womens sexual desire is manifested as simply wanting comfort and attention or as wanting to have sex as a means of consolation.

     Men, on the other hand, experience xes wounds in their xesmind, and they dont develop wounds in their mimind. Since the workings of xesmind are not directly recognized in the conscious like the workings of mimind, and because the workings of xesmind are only transmitted to the unconscious, men may have very strong sexual desires that they cannot explain.

If a man is directly and consciously aware of a sexual problem, such as sexual dysfunction, his sex drive becomes extremely strong. When sexual dysfunction occurs in men, the basic foundation for sexual achievement, which men consider to be so important, is broken, so they become very nervous and stressed, not only during having sex, but also in everyday life and work.

     As a result, their sexual desire becomes stronger in order to recover, and as their sexual desire becomes stronger, they gradually perceive most of what they perceive in their daily lives as sexual information, which leads to a vicious cycle of growing xes wounds and developing even more serious sexual dysfunction. Especially when they deliberately acquire all kinds of knowledge on sex in order to cure their sexual dysfunction, the more they learn, the worse their sexual performance becomes. It's like drinking salt water when you're thirsty, and the more you drink, the thirstier you become.  

     There is one distinction that needs to be made here. A common misconception is that young men have a strong passion for sex, but technically, this is not sexual desire. It's literally about being very healthy and full of enthusiasm in both body and mind. It's about having a very strong sense of pleasure from pursuing something, and sex is the most powerful means of pleasure that can utilize all of your senses, so it can be felt as having strong sexual desire. In fact, men tend to have stronger sexual desire as they get older and as they become more sexually experienced. This mechanism explains the phenomenon of older men being more prone to sexual transgressions.

     Sexual desire is a form of energy that seeks to fill a need for something that isn't there, which can be good or bad depending on how you harness it. Your sexual desire can be seen as an activation of energy in your mind to fulfill or achieve something, so if you use it for work, for example, you may be able to make a great achievement in your field. As I have mentioned earlier, desires are thoughts, and you can change what you focus on by changing your thoughts.

     To be able to do so, rather than debating the good and bad of sexual desire, it's important to clearly understand the mechanism by which sexual desire arises and develops further, and to avoid having a distorted notion of sexuality to ensure that they are not harmful to ourselves and others, and that they can be used to pursue happiness with a healthy mind and body.


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[Mother Therapy] Children and teens running away from home


Many children and adolescents run away from home, and many become victims or perpetrators of incidents after they run away. Whatever the situation, it is important to know exactly why children and adolescents run away, to address the issues and causes of running away, and to prevent them from running away.

     Children or adolescents may run away because their relationship with their parents or caregivers has become problematic and they feel they are being harmed and are convinced that they can no longer be kept safe by their parents or caregivers. Or they may run away because stress and wounds are always occurring at home but they are unable to heal themselves or deal with them, and are convinced that they can no longer bear it. It is very likely that neglect, abuse, or violence against the child or youth has occurred during this process.

      When a child or adolescent runs away, it is a dramatic change in life. First, running away from home is not a natural part of the process of forming psychological habits, but it is likely to cause psychological problems in them. Second, children and adolescents lose both the right to be safely protected and the right to form healthy psychological habits. Third, they must pursue the rights of their own happiness, happiness in relationships, and values of life, also taking responsibility for them like adults.

A serious problem is that psychological habits that can take on the rights and responsibilities of self-actualization have not been fully formed, and because they have problems of psychological habits, many people who meet them after running away can take advantage of them. As a result, they feel that their thoughts before running away and the reality after running away are very different, but they do not want to go back to the state before running away, and they end up living as perpetrators or victims of accidents and crimes after running away.

The best thing that can be done is to prevent children and youth from running away in the first place. To prevent them from running away, we need to keep them safe, help them develop habits of healing stress or treating wounds, and help them develop habits of conflict resolution, and help them grow while forming habits of relationship, habits of emotions, and habits of thoughts.

However, if a child or adolescent has already run away, the following steps should be taken: First, the child or adolescent must be helped by a facility, institution, or organization that can keep the child or adolescent safe; second, the child or adolescent must be helped to treat their own problems of psychological habits; third, the parent or caregiver must be able to help the child or youth develop healthy psychological habits while keeping them safe. The fourth is to help prevent runaways by addressing the issues of relationship, emotions, and thoughts that led to the runaway. This way, the runaway can learn how to deal with the issues, develop stress-healing or wound-treating habits, and develop healthy psychological habits through trial and error.


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                   on child's psychological problem

                              Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net  

[Sex & Xes] Forbidden love is not love, but misguided sexual desire.

  Forbidden love is often the subject of movies and novels. Forbidden love can include incestuous relationships, love between minors and adu...