
[Mother Therapy] The process of psychological development


    The process of psychological development consists of 4 phases. The first is the phase of survival which usually lasts until the child is 5 years old. The goal of the child in this age range is to survive. They develop psychological problems when their condition of survival is threatened and they can be stabilized when the condition is restored. All parents know that they can soothe the baby by giving them food, changing diapers, or cuddling. From the baby's point of view, being fed and feeling comfortable is so important that they express their hunger and discomfort with all the strength it has.          

     The second is the phase of adaptation to relationship, which covers the age from 5 to 13 in general. They learn how to adapt themselves to human relationships. They learn how to form and manage relationships with people through interacting with parents, siblings, teachers, and friends. The psychology of boys and girls is operated differently in the phase of adaptation to relationship. Boys apply their own standard of right and wrong, and they generate positive moods in the right relationships and generate stress in the wrong relationships. Girls apply their own standard of like and dislike, and generate positive feelings in relationships with people they like and generate wounds in relationships with people they dislike. Children in this phase develop psychological problems when they have difficulties in relationships. The most important thing is to help them have a good relationship with the primary caregiver, and then, they can be led to learn how to manage other relationships. 

      The third is the phase of formation of self-identity, which covers the age from 13 to 19. Boys generate positive moods when the information they perceive suits their own thought standards and generate stress when it doesn't. Girls generate positive feelings when the information they perceive suits their own thought standards and generate wounds when it doesn't. 

     Children in this phase are in the process of forming thought standards. They try to understand every situation they encounter from their own point of view. They may develop problems and conflicts when the information they perceive doesn't suit their standards. Adults should help them to process the information in a rational way and help them build healthy thought standards. 

     The fourth is the phase of self-actualization, which covers from the age of 20 and on. They pursue self-actualization in diverse human relationships based on their thought standards they have formed during teenage years. They experience difficulties when they have problems in pursuing meanings and values of life. 

     Parents must accurately understand the process of psychological development of their children to help them grow with health and happiness. Children should learn how to manage relationships and form healthy thought standards through trials and errors. Since they are in the process of learning, which is their right, it is not right to have them take all the responsibility for their actions. Pursuing self-actualization as adults means pursuing meanings and values of life in harmony and order with other people. Adults make decisions on their own and take full responsibility for their actions. 

     Understanding the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology helps parents to adopt right parenting strategies and enjoy parenting coming one step closer to the happiness of parents and children. Parents should neither take control of nor neglect children, but provide the safe environment for children to grow making trials and errors on their own. 


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                        on child's psychological problem

                             Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net/

[Sex & Xes] How men can satisfy women sexually


     Hello, everyone. Today, let's talk about men who have many worries and questions about having sex with women. In general, men feel that women are emotionally complicated and women feel that men are relatively simple emotionally. This is true in a sense since moods operate in men and feelings operate in women. They also have different defense mechanism to deal with stress and wounds. 

     On the other hand, when it comes to sexuality, men seem to be more complicated and show greater interest. Men tend to be more sensitive and think more about sexuality, and they can easily retrieve past memories regarding sexuality when they cannot remember much about other things. They try to accumulate knowledge and information on sex and make plans for sexual actions. They have many thoughts about how to have a good sex with the partner, what to do during having sex, how to prevent premature ejaculation, and how to satisfy the partner and so on and so on. 

     The above phenomenon applies to men who have relatively healthy psychology and have pure passion toward the woman partner. Men who have a psychological disorder seek only their own sexual pleasure and proceed as they please disregarding the partner. They don't have many thoughts about sexual actions since they focus only on their own pleasure. They may think that it is easy to satisfy women and they are very good at it. They may develop the sense of superiority comparing themselves with other men.

     Interestingly, these men are likely to meet women who have good sexual functions due to many experiences of having sex with multiple partners. These women are easily attracted to men who have selfish purposes in relationships since they mistake sexual pleasure for getting attention and happiness.  

     On the other hand, normal women prefer to go through some procedures before having sex with men. They think feelings of love and trust should exist before taking sexual actions.  They consider the partner more important than sexual actions and their sexual actions are based on their feelings of love. 

     Normal women have weaker sexual functions than women who activate sexuality casually since their mind controls their sexuality. Women who activate sexuality casually are considered to have developed problems in mind. Normal women do not experience orgasm or get immersed into sexual actions easily even when they have sex with men who boast their sexual ability. 

     Women's sexual satisfactions do not come from men being good at sex with great sex techniques. Some women respond easily to sexual actions regardless of partners and some women do not. Women's sexual satisfactions come from their own conditions and functions of the body, mind, and sexuality regardless of their men partners. Women's sexual pleasure cannot be given by men partners. Women need their own xes habits connected with their body and mind to be able to have sexual pleasure. 

     It is no use for men to think and worry about having a good sex to satisfy their women. Women's sexuality is in women's hand. Men will only be disappointed and feel frustrated when they try to lead everything in sex no matter how much knowledge and information on sex they have and apply in practice. 

     Men's role in having sex and in everyday life is to comply with women in every aspect instead of leading women. It is women's role to lead and generate happiness through sexual actions. Men's sensory organs are designed to be sensitive to women's responses, which makes it possible for men to comply with women by activating their body, mind, and sexuality. Men become happy when their women show happy responses upon their actions and share happiness with men. 

     Conventional concepts of human sexuality, which are highly distorted, lead men to get immersed into women's responses to have their own pleasure instead of using their senses to comply with women. This can lead men to develop response addiction or relationship addiction. They may put priority on seeking their own sexual pleasure sacrificing everything they have including their family. 

     Healthy men try to make their women happy and be sensitive to women's responses in sexual actions to satisfy women instead of focusing on their own pleasure. Women's response in sexual actions is like a signpost that tells men where to go. Distorted concepts of sexuality lead both men and women to activate sexuality in the opposite way from the original design. Not many women know how to be active main agents in sexual actions, so men can't find signposts. No wonder men have a hard time wanting to satisfy women but not knowing what to do. It is no one's fault. 

     Then, how can we achieve sexual actions in the way women become main agents and men comply with women in every aspect? Women can develop true sex ability through Sex Ability Training for Women. Men can build true sex ability through Sex Therapy for Men. They will be guided to discard distorted concepts of sexuality and conventional information and knowledge on sex and build the ability to to have the most powerful sexual functions without sexual desire. 

     Ideally, men need to be able to naturally comply with women without conscious thought. In that state, men can have the most powerful sexual functions without any sexual desire. Both men and women can experience utmost sexual pleasure and men can generate pure passion and women can generate feelings of love. Focusing on their own sexual pleasure will only lead men to lose sexual functions and develop psychological disorders destroying both themselves and their women partners. Just remember that there is a way to achieve healthy and happy sex life. 


About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)

Sex Therapy for Men : https://www.xestherapy.com/

Sex Ability Training for Women : http://www.sextraining.net/


[Mother Therapy] Right standards of parenting


    What did you think when your child was born? You may or may not remember, but you are most likely to have hoped your child will be healthy and happy all their life and to have thought you would do anything to help your child become healthy and happy. However, as you continue parenting for years and years and children grow, you may lose the initial resolution and begin to have more and more additional standards. Then, you feel frustrated and unhappy since all those standards cannot be met in parenting. 

     It is only natural that your standards of parenting can become different as time passes. However, when you put too much meaning to diverse standards of parenting, you will suffer from difficulties since you have so many things to manage and control. You may think that you and your children should be this way or that way and the number of rules keeps growing. You may feel frustrated and overwhelmed by the standards of parenting you have set up voluntarily when things don't go as you planned or expected.  

     At first, you have started only wishing that your child would become a healthy and happy person and it also made you happy. Then, you ended up adding one standard after another in parenting without even accurately understanding the developmental phases of child psychology. You naturally get stressed and develop wounds from parenting. You become irritable and get angry at children. You begin to think that your children have some problems. 

     Parents must accurately understand the developmental psychology of children and must adopt the right parenting strategies to be able to raise children in healthy ways. When you adopt parenting strategies based on only your own thought standards, you will necessarily develop stress and wounds in your mind, which in turn makes parenting even more difficult and causes conflicts in the parent-child relationship. Every parent should accurately understand developmental phases of child psychology and the characteristics of each phase. Then, you will find that parenting can be simple and quite enjoyable. 

     When you adopt the right parenting strategies, children will feel protected and nurtured, which makes their psychology stable and their thoughts and behaviors healthy. You don't have to set rules for each and every matter of children's life. You can encourage and wait for them to make trials and errors and find their goals and dreams for themselves. Accurately understanding the developmental process of psychology may look trivial but it can be of great help if you feel burdened with parenting. 


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[SATW] Women who want to be good at sex


    There can be many reasons for women wanting to be good at sex. The reasons are usually to satisfy the partners rather than themselves. Women usually do not think that they want to be good at sex for their own sexual happiness because they are just satisfied with the fact that they have sex with the partner they love regardless of the level of sexual satisfaction. Women's satisfaction of sex is not in proportion with the levels of orgasm. It is in proportion with the levels of feelings toward the partner. 

     When women want to be good at sex, it is usually for satisfying the partner. Or they may want to build the sense of confidence in sexual actions. The sense of confidence also comes from the partner's response in most cases, so either way, it is not for their own sexual happiness but for complying with the partner. 

     After all, women want to satisfy their partners because they love their partners. It is quite different from the reason for men wanting to satisfy women. Normal men perceive their women being satisfied as their own pleasure. However, women do not perceive their men being satisfied as their own pleasure. They may just think that men's love toward women have gotten stronger due to good sex. Women's wanting to satisfy men is the desire for love rather than the desire for sexual pleasure. 

     However, women's activation of sexuality in this way wanting to be good at sex leads them to activate xes energy in negative ways and develop wounds and sexual desire in women. They may keep wanting stronger sexual attention from the partner since they use sex as a means to getting love. Women's wounds keep growing when the desire for sexual attention is not satisfied and they may develop the vicious cycle in which they become dependent on and obsessed with the partner. 

     It is fine for women to have sufficient information and knowledge on sexuality since women are the main agents of their own sexuality in activating sexuality and generating positive energy. However, women should not directly apply information and knowledge on sexuality to having sex, but they should internalize it and let it manifest naturally as sources for generating positive energy. 

     Women who can activate xes energy for themselves can generate great sexual happiness. Then, they don't have to try hard to do anything in sexual actions and still the partner can also have great sexual pleasure. 

     The conventional concept of sexuality is mostly male-centered and quite distorted. Both men and women focus on men's point of view in having sex thinking that it will give greater sexual pleasure to both parties. However, it is women's satisfaction and women's sexual happiness from their own point of view that bring both parties true sexual pleasure and happiness. 

     Women who want to be good at sex in a true sense should learn how to become the main agents in activating sexuality. Women becoming the main agents in sexual actions is the only way to generate sexual happiness without generating wounds in mimind. This can be achieved through taking Sex Ability Training for Women. 


About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)

Sex Ability Training for Women : http://www.sextraining.net/ 

[Mother Therapy] What is Mother Therapy?


Many people ask what they can achieve through taking Mother Therapy. In a nutshell, you can learn about mother's happiness and help your children generate happiness for themselves. Many people think and know that parenting strategies and parent-child relationships are important in child rearing. Parents willingly take lectures and read books about parenting. Then, why does the relationship with children become more and more difficult as time passes and parents and children become more and more distant from each other as they children grow? How come some intervention strategies make the situation worse?

     There can be three points to consider when parenting doesn't work as you have intended. First, the mother should understand what mother's happiness is. Mother's happiness comes from giving love and attention to children. It is the opposite from the mother asking children to do something for her, whatever the something is. However, many mothers misunderstand this point and have distorted idea of mother's happiness. The mother with distorted concept of mother's happiness may keep asking children to be compliant or do well at school, thinking that it will make her happy. Then, conflicts necessarily occur in parent-child relationship. Conflicts may increase as time passes. 

     Secondly, mothers need to keep making efforts in the right direction. They have to accurately understand the mechanism and apply the right parenting strategies. You don't have to discard all your habits and routines. You only have to add a few right strategies based on accurate understanding. You can go step by step without getting yourself and your children too stressed. You can form new habits of parenting and put them into practice. As you keep making efforts, you will find yourself and your children smiling and talking together sharing everything in daily life. 

     The third point is that every parenting is unique and every child is unique. Other parents' parenting methods may have worked for their children but may not work for you and your children. It is not recommended that you follow specific parenting methods that are supposed to be effective. You just need to accurately understand the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology and apply the right parenting strategies to suit your situation. You may make mistakes at first, but you can just keep working keeping the right standards in your mind.

     Mother Therapy guides mothers to adopt the right parenting methods that promote mother's happiness and children's happiness at the fundamental level. You will take Mind Training and do tasks getting feedback on your progress. Any mother can build the basis for happiness of mothers and children and apply it during daily interaction with children. You will apply your own unique parenting strategies based on accurate understanding of the operational mechanism of human mind. You will become happy as a mother, help your children flourish in a safe and nurturing environment, and naturally build good relationship with your children. 


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                        on child's psychological problem

                                 Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net/


[Sex & Xes] The distinction between sex and xes


     Most people tend to relate sexual actions when they think about human sexuality, but the core concept of human sexuality is related with the energy that makes human beings think and act by activating their mind from inside at the fundamental level, thus referred to as xes energy. Xes energy is activated every time human mind is activated, and sexual action is only one of many outward manifestations of our emotions and thoughts all combined including sexual desire. 

     Xes energy is being activated all the time inside us. All of our inward or outward expressions may stem from the operation of xes energy, which can be referred to as xes expressions. When xes expressions are not connected with emotions and conscious thoughts including sexual desire, they are just pure xes expressions, but when xes energy is connected with emotions and conscious thoughts in mind, they function as sexual expressions with selfish purposes in human relationships usually with negative and destructive effects.

     For example, women's expressions of wounds are the result of xes energy being activated combined with negative emotions in mimind. Then, they function as sexual expressions in human relationships. Women's expressions of wounds are intended to activate xes energy more by getting attention and consolation from some external sources, thereby treating wounds and restoring happiness. Surprisingly but naturally, this same mechanism applies to the process of women developing sexual desire. 

     Positive xes expression is defined as xes energy being manifested positively without being combined with emotions and conscious thoughts including sexual desire and selfish purposes. Negative xes expression is defined as xes energy being manifested combined with emotions and conscious thoughts including sexual desire and selfish purposes. Maximized negative xes expressions present themselves as sexual actions.

     For example, when a mother scolds her son based on her negative emotions, it functions as negative xes expressions. Of course, she may not think relating her scolding with any sexual action, but she is in the condition where she is trying to get attention and consolation from any external source to recover from her wounds in mind. Then, her condition will affect her son in negative ways making him feel extremely stressed by his mother's behaviors and avoid the situation, become rebellious, or suppress his emotions. 

     Interestingly, men who operate xes energy in negative ways and have sexual desire activate sexual desire toward women's expressions of wounds in spite of themselves. They may willingly give such women attention and consolation and feel pleasure themselves. Women may not realize that their expressions of wounds function as sexual expressions, but the same mechanism is in operation as when women develop sexual desire. 

     Men who activate xes energy in negative ways in extremity may recognize their own selfish purpose of giving consolation to women and getting response from women. Women who activate xes energy in negative ways in extremity may also recognize their own selfish purpose of getting consolation from men and giving response to men in return. Then, they can be considered to be exchanging sexual expressions through empathizing with each other without direct sexual actions. 

     People who activate xes energy in positive ways do not connect xes energy with their emotions and thoughts including sexual desire and selfish purposes. They make xes expressions in pure forms. On the other hand, people who activate xes energy in connection with their emotions and thoughts including sexual desire and selfish purposes and make expressions based on negative manifestation of xes energy are living their life with the purpose of getting consolation and attention in women's case or getting their own pleasure in men's case. 

      Activating xes energy in positive ways leads to generating positive energy for your body and mind. Activating xes energy in negative ways leads to generating negative energy for your body and mind and destroying self and others. 

     Not many people know about the existence of xes energy, which operates human mind and body at the underlying level. Not many people understand that connecting emotions and thoughts with xes energy results in the same process that develops sexual desire, which, in turn leads to sexual actions. 

     Xes energy can be used to make people healthy and happy when activated in positive ways, but it can also be used to destroy self and others when activated in negative ways. It is important to accurately understand the operational mechanism of human mind and sexuality at the fundamental level to use xes energy to promote happiness of self and others. 


About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)

Sex Therapy for Men : https://www.xestherapy.com/

Sex Ability Training for Women : http://www.sextraining.net/

[Mother Therapy] Why do mothers worry about children?


     Mothers are always worried about their children. You may be worried about little things such as your child having skipped breakfast, not getting along well with friends, not doing school homework, and so on and so on. On top of that, mothers want to make sure every family member is healthy and well, and they also want to manage all the things that happen in the family properly. It is only natural for mothers to always think about their children and tend to have many worries about children's well being.          

     all mothers are women. Women consider present happiness more important than future happiness. They pursue present happiness and they feel that their future will be fine when they think they are happy at present. Of course, they think that they will not happy in the future when they feel unhappy at present. Thus, women tend to focus on everyday matter and become worried about little things that are happening at present, such as thier children skipping breakfast because they got up late. 

     On the other hand, men pursue future happiness. Men can deal with stress that happens at present as far as they have hope for the future. They don't think much of trivial problems that is happening at present. This can cause conflicts between women and men and the mother and the father in parenting. 

     The typical conversation between the mother and the father is like this. They mother says, “I am so worried about Tom. He watches his phone until so late at night.” Then, the father says, “boys at his age are all like that. You worry too much. He will be fine.” Then, the mother goes, “How could you take the matter so lightly? Aren't you worried about Tom at all? do you even care?” “Of course, I care. You are the one who is overreacting. Tom is a good kid. Why do you get angry at me?”      

     Mothers being worried about even little things about children and family indicates that they want to take good care of family. They activate their feelings more for their children than other people and it is sometimes manifested as being worried all the time.      However, when the mother becomes worried too much about children and develops anxiety, it affects all the family members negatively. 

      For example, when the daughter has an argument with a friend and just wants to stay alone for a while, the mother may become too anxious and express her worry to her daughter. She may say, “I am so worried about you. You shouldn't stay alone like this. It will make you feel worse.” Then, the daughter may stop telling the mother about what goes on in her life keeping the distance. 

     Worrying too much may lead you to develop anxiety, fear, doubts, and even obsession as well as conflicts among family members. Worrying about children as a mother is a natural phenomenon, but we should make sure we don't get immersed into worrying too much. If you feel that you are worried about your children all the time, you can reflect on the causes and develop your own coping strategies to manage your worries at a moderate level and maintain your family life with stability and happiness. 


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                        on child's psychological problem

                                 Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net/


[Sex & Xes] Men who claim they have no sexual desire


     Hello, everyone. Today, let's fact-check on men who claim they are asexual. In a nutshell, men who claim they are asexual are most likely to be lying about the matter. They are likely to have more sexual desire than other men. They usually claim they are not interested in having relationships and having sex because they are not satisfied with their sex life. 

     Firstly, they are likely to consider having sex only as a means for satisfying their sensory organs. The process of hedonic adaptation makes them continuously seek new stimulation based on this distorted concept. They may try different ways to satisfy themselves sexually, but they naturally end up finding limitations for every new attempt. Then, they reach the point where nothing is new to them and nothing satisfies them. This phenomenon occurs since they do not understand anything about the nature of human sexuality. 

     Secondly, some men may develop sexual dysfunctions since they have accumulated too many xes wounds inside themselves due to past experiences of having sex. They may experience impotence and the reduction of the pleasurable sensation in ejaculation. That is, they have developed both physical and psychological problems due to too many xes wounds, which results in sexual dysfunctions and makes them say they have lost interest in sex. 

     Ironically enough, men who have sexual dysfunctions due to different reasons tend to have stronger sexual desire than normal men. They have stronger desire for stronger stimulation, more exciting sex, and more powerful sexual functions. This is how human desire of any kind operates. The more you feel you lack something, the more you want it. Men cannot but grow sexual desire as their sexual functions diminish. 

     Men who claim that they are asexual are actually saying that they have problems with sexual functions. Not many people understand this mechanism, and innocent women are in danger of being deceived by men who claim they are asexual. Women who develop a relationship with such men may develop psychological problems and may be used for satisfying men's perverted sexual desire. Women naturally develop wounds in mimind in the process of getting involved and getting separated from such men. 

     If men feel that they are actually losing interest in sex and losing sexual desire without any specific reason, and recognize in the conscious that it is problematic, they must think that it may indicate they have some psychological problems and must try to recover. They must accurately understand the operational mechanism of human mind and sexuality and learn about the right concept of sexuality. Then, they can activate their xes energy in positive ways, which will restore their powerful sexual functions and enjoy sexual utopia with the woman they love and protect for the whole life time.


About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)

Sex Therapy for Men : https://www.xestherapy.com/

Sex Ability Training for Women : http://www.sextraining.net/


[Mother Therapy] Is the stormy period of adolescence natural?


  What do you think when your teenage children argue for their own thoughts and you feel they have changed kind of in an undesirable way? You may think they are going through the stormy period of adolescence. Teenage years is the period of forming their own thought standards independently from their parents. Children who used to be so compliant with parents' ideas and guidance would begin to disagree with parents on every single issue. 

     Teenagers need to learn to form their own thought standards as a developmental phase of psychology. They naturally experience stress when their ideas and parents' ideas are different, and they would express their stress and different thought standards in quite clumsy ways. When parents just try to apply their own thought standards without understanding that teenagers need to learn to form their own thought standards, parents will assume that their children are simply going through the notorious period of adolescence, and conflicts may occur in parent-child relationship. 

     Parents should not neglect this situation or force their own thought standards against children's thought standards. Teenagers may not be fluent in expressing their thoughts and feelings and may look rebellious sometimes, but parents should understand that they are going through the necessary phase of psychological development. They are in the process of forming thought standards and their thought standards keep changing during the teenage years until they start self-actualization as adults. They will begin to take responsibility for all their actions when they become adults, but teenagers do not take full responsibility since they are still in the process of development through trials and errors. 

     Teenagers form thought standards through their knowledge and experience during teenage years. Both positive and negative experiences will influence their thought standards. When parents understand this process and provide the environment in which children can form healthy thought standards, they will develop the ability to incorporate even negative experiences into balanced and stable psychology. When they are deprived of such nurturing environment, they may be trapped in negative thought standards and continue to have unstable psychology even when they become adults. 

     The period of adolescence is important in both physical and psychological development. It is not right to viewing this period negatively for being rebellious or difficult. In the same vein, it is not right to justify teenagers' aggressive or disobliging behaviors thinking that it is only natural. Teenage years can and must be constructive and happy years of development when parents understand the mechanism of developmental phases and provide the nurturing environment for children to form healthy thought standards through trials and errors. 


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                        on child's psychological problem

                                 Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net/

[Mother Therapy] Qualifying conditions of parents


What would be qualifying conditions of parents so that they can nurture children's healthy growth? The most important one of them must be parents' stabilized psychology. We all know that children are greatly affected by parents. However, we don't think much about it as far as children don't display any problematic behaviors. 

     When parents have unstable psychology and negative perception of themselves and others, it affects not only themselves but also their children in negative ways. Parents' distorted psychology can even have destructive power over children's life. It must be noted that parents' psychological condition affect children much more than most people think. Children perceive parents' unstable psychology and are directly affected even when parents don't express their psychological condition overtly. 

     Not many parents know about parenting from the start, but all parents want to be good parents and help their children develop healthy body and mind. Parents' stable psychology is the most important condition for children's healthy growth. If parents have psychological problems, they must treat their condition before they do anything else. Then, they can naturally nurture their children in healthy ways. 

     Anyone can develop psychological problems during the course of life either by being affected by other people or by developing problems themselves. Realizing that they have psychological problems and properly addressing them is the first step for becoming good parents. All parents can and must restore healthy psychology if they have unstable psychology. All parents can and must examine their psychological condition and make efforts to maintain or achieve healthy psychology with strong will power for happiness of themselves and their children. 


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                        on child's psychological problem

                                 Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net/

[SATW] Do women feel less sexual pleasure than men?


You may think that women feel less sexual pleasure than men because it is usually men who seek sexual pleasure more than women. However, women's sexual pleasure is much greater and much stronger than men's sexual pleasure by nature.

      Men's sexual pleasure is recognized only when sensory stimulation through vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch exists. Men's sexual pleasure disappears the moment sensory stimulation disappears. On the other hand, women can amplify the sensations from sensory stimulation into feelings in mimind and can feel them in their body again even after the stimulation stops. Also, men have only limited erogenous zone in their body, but for women, all their body parts can be erogenous zone. Women's feelings in mimind can amplify the sensory stimulation and make them feel pleasurable sensations for much longer time than men after having sex. 

     Misunderstanding about women's sexuality leads women to develop sexual sensations at the surface level. Women can develop sexual sensations and sense more sexual pleasure by accumulating sexual information to have more xes habits. Women who don't have much sexual information may not be able to sense as much sexual pleasure as women who have more sexual information as their xes habits. 

     However, it is quite dangerous for women to train themselves for the purpose of enhancing sexual functions or sexual pleasure. By design, women protect their mimind by not overly pursuing sexual pleasure or pursuing in distorted ways. As women begin to pursue sexual pleasure per se without understanding the operational mechanism of human mind and sexuality and without being able to activate xes energy positively from inside, they become to lose love and happiness including maternal love. 

     Training for or pursuing sexual pleasure at the surface level destroys the balance in human mimind and xesmind. Such distorted and dangerous actions include studying on sexual pleasure, physical training, or surgeries. 

     The most important point is that the essence of women's sexuality is not about whether they have sexual pleasure or not. Some women may recognize great sexual pleasure and others may sense only marginal sensations. The same woman may feel differently for every sexual action. The most important thing is whether they can activate sexuality in the right way instead of the distorted way to generate love and happiness in their mimind and human relationships. Operating sexuality in the right way will naturally be accompanied by great sexual pleasure without pursuing sexual pleasure per se. 

     Any adult woman can build true sex ability regardless of age. Even women who have no knowledge and information on sex or have no interest in sexuality at all can learn about the operational mechanism of human sexuality and safely operate their sexuality to generate love and happiness as well as sexual happiness in a true sense. 


About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)

Sex Ability Training for Women : http://www.sextraining.net/ 




[Sex & Xes] Women's sexual desire


     Hello, everyone. Today, let's fact-check on women's sexual desire and related issues. First of all, women's sexual desire is the manifestation of the desire to treat wounds in mimind. Women's mimind has the ability to treat wounds on its own, and small wounds that occur during daily life are treated naturally by the operation of mimind. Untreated wounds are accumulated in women's memory, and they are retrieved and treated later when the conditions of treatment are met.

     However, when women have too many wounds accumulated in memory without being treated, or some great wounds occur suddenly, they cannot be treated only by the operation of mimind. Then, women become to activate xes energy in xesmind to provide energy into mimind to treat wounds in mimind. Thus, when women have many untreated wounds in memory in mmind, women become to activate xesmind and this phenomenon is manifested as women's sexual desire. 

     Women's sexual desire is manifested as many different sensations and emotions, and the desire to have sex is only one of the conscious recognitions of sexual desire. One very common manifestation of women's sexual desire is loneliness. As mentioned, women's sexual desire includes all the desire to treat wounds in mimind and it is not just the desire for sexual pleasure, so women's sexual desire must be analyzed and interpreted always being connected with women's wounds in mimind. 

      Women's wounds in mimind are naturally treated when women accurately understand the cause of wounds and get attention and consolation directly related with the specific wounds. Most wounds are treated only by accurately understanding the cause of them without getting attention and consolation, but not many women can understand about the underlying cause of wounds since they don't understand the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology. 

     Then, women naturally grow the desire to get attention and consolation as their wounds are accumulated in their memory more and more. When their desire to get attention and consolation is not satisfied, it is manifested as the feeling of loneliness, and women begin to seek someone toward whom they can activate sexuality. It is because they can recognize a greater sense of happiness and satisfaction when attention and consolation are accompanied by activating sexuality. Yes, they become to want a relationship with men. Xes energy activated by xesmind is much stronger than mind energy activated by mimind. so both positive energy and negative energy get stronger when sexuality is activated in women as a result of the strong desire to treat wounds. 

     If women feel that the scale and the range of their emotions are greater than before whether it is positive or negative, they can safely assume that xes energy in xesmind is in action. For example, women who don't activate xes energy much don't have much sense of rivalry or jealousy toward other women. The sense rivalry or jealousy is the manifestation of women's sexual desire and the desire to get as much attention and consolation as other women. It doesn't occur when women address and treat their wounds in safe and healthy ways. 

     Women's obsession can be explained in the same way. Obsession is the feeling of strong attachment that goes beyond the normal range. Women's wounds are transformed into the feelings of happiness when they are treated, so women become to like or love the objects they get attention and consolation from on a regular basis. The object of attention and consolation become the object of obsession when women have strong sexual desire, which is strong desire to treat wounds. Women's obsession with anything or anyone indicates that their emotions are being operated based on wounds in mimind. 

     When women who have strong sexual desire are satisfied from sexual attention and consolation, they will recognize the sense of superiority and confidence. It is not difficult to find women who have the sense of superiority and confidence derived by activating sexuality in a society where the concept of sexuality is distorted and activating sexuality is promoted in general. Women are not designed to develop and recognize a great deal of the sense of superiority or confidence unless their sexual desire based on wounds is satisfied. 

     Women's sense of superiority does not just develop from inside women's mind without environmental factors. Thus, women's sense of superiority and confidence is only temporary mood and it's not related with women's true happiness at all. Women's mind is destroyed as the sense of superiority and confidence is reinforced by the desire for attention and consolation being satisfied more and more. 

     Women develop sexual desire in negative ways when they don't understand that they can manage their xesmind as they wish and treat their own wounds and generate happiness on their own. It is like they have all the abilities to generate happiness inside themselves, but they don't even know that they have them, let alone how to use them. Then, women try to activate their sexuality through the external conditions or other people, and all their needs for treating wounds are manifested as negative emotions such as loneliness, emptiness, jealousy, obsession, or self-blame. They try to achieve their goal of getting attention and consolation sexually, and become easy targets of men who seek sexual pleasure. 

     On the other hand, some women maintain self-centeredness in their life even if they don't understand the operational mechanism of human sexuality and human mind. They have the sense of self-respect and don't activate sexuality putting other people at the center. The sense of self-respect instead of the sense of confidence is important in women's psychology. However, even women who have maintained the sense of self-respect so far are in danger of collapsing and developing sexual desire since they don't understand the operational mechanism of human sexuality and human mind. 

     Women need to not only understand the operational mechanism of mimind and xesmind but also internalize the habits of activating sexuality in positive ways to be able to generate positive xes energy and happiness in mimind. Women who have sexual desire based on wounds in mimind may have distorted operation of emotions and justify their distorted thoughts and behaviors. Then, they may pursue only sexual pleasure mistaking it for happiness or completely block activating sexuality choosing to live in unhappiness. 

     On the other hand, women who have true sex ability always have the sense of self-respect and are free from loneliness, self-blame, obsession, or jealousy. They can have their own unique charm in the eyes of everyone regardless of age and gender. 


About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)

Sex Therapy for Men : https://www.xestherapy.com/

Sex Ability Training for Women : http://www.sextraining.net/

[Sex & Xes] Men's sexuality and emotions

I said in previous videos that women tend to connect sexuality and emotions very closely, but men do not. Many men would argue that men also connect sexuality and emotions and men want to have sex only with women they love.

Sexuality as we recognize in the conscious is the result of the operation of mimind rather than the operation of xesmind. Analyzing sexuality with reference to the conscious recognition leads to the distortion of the concept of human sexuality and diverse individual and social problems.

The operation of xesmind is not recognized in the conscious and it provides energy to the body and mind. Xesmind operates completely differently for men and women but it may look similar on the surface. Men's and women's sexuality are different but they are designed to work in harmony for sexual happiness when they are activated in the right and natural way.

Then, what is the nature of men's emotions regarding sexuality? It is temporary moods they sense regarding sexuality as xes feelings affect men's mimind. Men can sense only moods instead of feelings in mimind. Feelings are continuous energy generated in the unconscious and moods are temporary energy sensed accompanying sensory stimulations.

Men can sense moods instead of feelings, so they cannot feel anything once they finish having sex since their sensory organs are not being stimulated. Therefore, men cannot connect feelings of love or wounds with sexuality as they do with relationships. However, women can connect feelings of love and wounds with sexuality as they do with relationships.         

Men can have sex with women who are strangers without connecting emotions. Men may find having sex with women they are not familiar with quite exiting. On the other hand, women develop wounds in mimind when they have sex with strangers or men they are not in love with. This phenomenon is the result of the operation of mimind that generates feelings not the result of the operation of xesmind. 

Then, why do men feel love toward women who they had sex with as if they had feelings? It is because their xes feelings in xesmind are operating. Xes feelings in xesmind are activated only on sexuality and they are not temporary but continuous. They are not recognized but only provide energy into mimind and have men recognize positive moods. That is, xes feelings do not carry positive or negative values in themselves, but they affect the operation of mimind and are recognized as positive or negative moods in men.  

Men's xes feelings operate as xes wounds and they affect their body as negative energy. When men have sexual desire, negative xes energy makes their mimind recognize positive moods. Thus, they can sense positive moods in their body and mind even when they have sex with women who are strangers but they may think that they don't like it very much in the conscious. They only have positive sensations in their sensory organs in this case. 

Men who consider their emotions important tend to be activating xes feelings more than normal men. They also have stronger sexual desire than normal men. Men who have stronger sexual desire tend to have xes energy affect their body and mind negatively, so they are likely to have physical and psychological problems. 

Men are healthy physically and psychologically when they minimize thinking about sexuality in the conscious. They may be in the best condition if they are able to not think about sexuality at all. All men are born with the most powerful sex ability, but as they grow and they are exposed to sexual information and knowledge, their sexual desire grows and their sex ability weakens.

It is almost impossible for men to maintain healthy body and mind these days when human sexuality is mostly interpreted by the standard of sexual pleasure. Men must unlearn and discard all the conventional information and knowledge on sexuality to restore their true sex ability. Men must protect and comply with women in every aspect of sexuality to achieve sexual pleasure and sexual happiness without damaging themselves. 

Then, xes feelings and xes wounds are not activated in men, and xes energy is not transformed into negative energy in mimind but it is provided as positive energy to make men develop pure passion as well as utmost sexual pleasure. They can have healthy body, happiness in mind, and sexual pleasure all at the same time this way.

A true expert on sexuality would not analyze human sexuality only on the surface level. 

Human sexuality must be analyzed not only at the level of conscious recognition and visible phenomena from the perspective of individual and separate psychological operations, but also at the level of the operation of xesmind and mimind from the perspective of the fundamental mechanism of human mind and psychology. What men recognize and sense regarding sexuality is not what is going on in their xesmind and mimind. 


About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)

Sex Therapy for Men : https://www.xestherapy.com/

Sex Ability Training for Women : http://www.sextraining.net/

[Sex & Xes] Sexual Hedonism and Sexual Objectification

  You've probably heard the term sexual hedonism, and sexual objectification is the perception of an individual only as a tool for sex. ...