
[Review] Working to become a good father and husband


     I have relationship addiction. However, I didn't have affairs or have sex with other women. I just used to meet women and had conversations with them casually and comfortably, which is also considered as symptoms of relationship addiction.​

     I have been married for 10 years. My wife had symptoms of depression, lethargy, and delusional jealousy displaying rage and anger for all those years. I began KIP Treatment to restore a happy family. 

     However, the treatment program seemed less systematic than I had expected, and I felt I was not supported enough. Still, I kept working on it since I paid quite a lot of money for the treatment.

     Then, my wife began to recover little by little and I had less conflicts with my wife and children. I began to realize that I had so many bad habits and inappropriate behaviors. Now, I understand why my wife used to say to me that I was so out of touch with the real world. Above all, I became to understand that I was in relationship addiction and my wife was in post traumatic stress. ​

     I still don't understand exactly what relationship addiction is. I just know that I think and behave in distorted ways due to perception disorder and expression disorder. I don't understand exactly what the meaning of life is probably because I am a man, but I know that the meaning of my life is my wife and children. It seems that understanding concepts and being treated are completely different. ​

     I study and do therapeutic tasks everyday but I am slow to change. ​However, I know that I have a psychological disorder and it takes time to restore psychological balance. I can't wait to become a good husband and father after completing the treatment program. 


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[Mother Therapy] A teenage girl who wanders about


     Q. My 13-year-old daughter seems to have become a troubled adolescent. She behaves so differently that I have a hard time adapting myself to the situation. She smokes and goes late for school. I try to talk to her but she slams the door on me, and constantly talks with her friends on the phone in her room. I am divorced and a single mother. She is the only hope and meaning in my life, but these day, I feel I am lost. I don't know what to do and feel frustrated.

     A. A 13-year-old daughter is in the phase of forming thought standards in the psychological development. She gets stressed and wounded when she cannot understand the situation based on her own knowledge and experience. 

    You may be busy as a single mother from working and parenting. You have done your best to provide a good environment for your daughter, but your daughter's unexpected behaviors make you feel disappointed and bewildered. You may try to talk to her adopting your own standards, but you are likely to express your own wounds in mimind in the process, and your daughter cannot easily understand your thought standards. 

     The mother must understand that the girl is in the process of forming her own thought standards. The mother must try to understand the daughter's situation from the daughter's point of view instead of trying to make her understand the mother's point of view. When the mother has many wounds in mimind and unstable psychology, she is likely to try to find her own comfort in the relationship with the daughter, and the daughter may feel burdened by the situation. 

     What the daughter needs is the mother who provides warm caring and attention instead of the mother who looks to her for comfort and consolation. It is your daughter who needs your attention without projecting your psychological instability. To approach to your daughter naturally, you can start by just casually talking about daily life during dinner time, and listen to her about her school life and friends. Your daughter will talk less and less to you if you keep trying to talk about her problematic behaviors with a serious tone. 

     Mother Therapy guides mothers to learn about children's psychological development, and adopt the right treatment method and parenting strategies in daily life. It leads to building happiness for both mothers and children. By taking Mother Therapy, you will be able to help your daughter solve psychological problems, and build happiness ability on her own instead of wasting time and effort by trying to solve individual problems every time they occur. 


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                     on child's psychological problem

                            Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net/

[infidelity Therapy] The difference between infidelity and prostitution


[infidelity Therapy] The difference between infidelity and prostitution, the sexuality of the husband, the wife, the adulteress, and the adulterer in husband infidelity and wife infidelity

     Infidelity is legal and prostitution is illegal. Infidelity is considered to be a form of love and prostitution is considered to be a form of business. When someone gets involved in infidelity with many people for the purpose of earning money, it is also considered to be a form of business. Infidelity destroys self, the spouse, children family and human relationships. Prostitution destroys one's body, mind, and sexuality. Infidelity is caused by relationship addiction. Prostitution has the purpose of exchanging sexual pleasure and economic gain. Prostitution evolves into infidelity, which is a more advanced psychological condition. Infidelity is more hedonic than prostitution. 

     People in infidelity destroy their spouse, children, family, and human relationships and people who buy sex destroy their own body, mind, and sexuality. The husband in infidelity invest his time, effort, and money for having sex with the adulteress and destroys all human relationships. Infidelity has more adverse effects than prostitution. The wife must understand that the husband considers the adulteress as a prostitute. The wife in infidelity must understand that she is considered as a prostitute by the adulterer. The adulteress and the wife in infidelity are only sexual objects of the adulterer. 

      The husband who suffers from wife infidelity must understand that the adulterer considers his wife as a prostitute. The husband must treat his post traumatic stress and then, punish the adulterer regardless of their marriage relationship. The husband who commits infidelity to get even with his wife in infidelity makes his adulteress a prostitute. 

     The husband in infidelity and adulteress have developed relationship addiction, which is an advanced condition of psychological disorder and the victimized wife has developed post traumatic stress. The wife in infidelity and the adulterer have developed relationship addiction and the victimized husband has developed post traumatic stress. They may develop intermittent explosive disorder or hysteria when the conditions progress even further. Everyone who gets involved in the infidelity issue develops psychological disorders and their conditions progress as time passes unless properly treated.

     KIP Treatment is provided to treat psychological disorders and restore balanced state of mind. It also guides you to build the ability to prevent the relapse of pathological conditions as well as habits of wounds treatment and habits of happiness to achieve complete cure. It is an innovative and highly effective non-contact self-treatment method. 


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[Infidelity Therapy] Self-injury that kills your mind : fake wounds

[Infidelity therapy] You mind perishes when fake wounds are turned into real wounds.

   The spouse in infidelity has developed relationship disorder, which is an advanced condition of psychological disorder. The victimized spouse develops post traumatic stress upon the discovery of spouse infidelity. Relationship addiction distorts one's thoughts and ideas and the spouse in infidelity perceives everything in distorted ways. The victimized spouse also develops distorted thoughts and ideas. 

     The victimized spouse perceives all his or her past memories as negative ones and aggravates the psychological condition. Psychology counseling, lawsuits, divorce, and taking other practical measures also contribute to the aggravation of post traumatic stress. It is crucial to treat post traumatic stress in the right way as soon as possible.  

     The unconscious in human mind generates emotions and have the conscious recognize them by operating the three components of psychology, which are perception, memory, and expression. Psychological problems or disorders makes you recognize negative emotions in the conscious 

     One component of psychology operates in a distorted way in the early condition of psychological disorder. Two operates in a distorted way in the advanced condition of psychological disorder. Three components of psychology operate in a distorted way in post traumatic stress. 

      People who have psychological disorders hardly feel the need for treatment but people with post traumatic stress feel that they need treatment since their psychological pain is so excruciating. When they take psychology counseling to treat their condition, they have to analyze their past experiences one by one to find the cause of the pain. Then, their distorted and false wounds are turned into real wounds in their mind making all their past memories real wounds. They used to think that they are happy when they are with the person who they love. Now, they may think that they can be happy when they are with anyone as far as they can have sexual pleasure.

     Fortunately, the distorted ideas are developing but have not been fixated for people in post traumatic stress. They can restore the balanced psychology by taking a right treatment. They can build habits of wound treatment and achieve complete cure. They can restore happiness and family and give the spouse in infidelity to treat his or her condition.

     Any other approach will only aggravate the condition and your mind will perish eventually destroying yourself and people around you. You must make your own efforts to treat psychological disorders or post traumatic stress. You must treat yourself, build habits of wound treatment, and achieve complete cure on your own. 

     Korea Institute of Psycho-education provides an innovative non-contact on-line self-treatment method of psychological disorders, which will lead you to complete cure of psychological disorders without adverse effects of conventional psychology counseling.


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[Review] Peace of mind returned.


Before the treatment, my mind was like wild sea.

I was in the hell whatever I did and my life was squeezing my heart.

Daily life would be impossible to continue if anyone lived that way.

Five months into the treatment.

I make sure I do the therapeutic tasks everyday.

My children are happy to be with me and always express their love for me. 

My spouse gave me an opportunity to look back on my whole life, treat all my wounds I have accumulated, and realize that I deserve to be loved and be happy.

I usually listen to the recording for training doing house chores. 

It always sounds new to me and I am learning a lot.

I guess my complexion and attitudes have changed a lot since people treat me differently. I feel that my feelings of happiness and the sense of self-respect are recognized by others. A happy person always seems to carry happy energy around. 

I have realized through Mind Training that everything that happens in our life has two sides, and it is the nature of the universe. 

The longest night signals the beginning of the spring and the darkest moment of the night signals the rise of the sun. 

To know the brightness of the light, the shade of the darkness should be known.

I have learned that the darkness is a necessary part of my life. 

I am grateful to the darkness.

I tend to forget about therapeutic tasks since I feel comfortable a lot these days. 

I will gather up my will not to lose my first intention.


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[Mother Therapy] A 13-year-old girl who speaks carelessly to friends


Q. I have recently heard that my 13-year-old daughter speaks carelessly to her friends. I checked with my daughter for the fact and she said it was right. She wants to become closer to her classmates in her 7th grade class but she still feels distant, and her friends from the 6th grade have already made many new friends, making my daughter jealous. My daughter used to cry often because her friends hurt her in different ways, and she couldn't speak out even when she was treated unfairly. Now, she is the one who hurts other girls by speaking carelessly and speaking ill of others. I feel speechless out of disappointment and worry. I thought I raised her to be polite to people but she is even rude to her own family members these days. What should I do?

A. From parents' point of view, it is only natural that parents are disappointed and worried when their daughter behaves inappropriately. You must have felt really sad when she admitted her inappropriate behaviors after you have made all the efforts to teach her to be polite. 

Your daughter said that she behaved rudely because her old friends made many new friends when she still felt distant to new classmates. Your daughter seems to have wanted to look superior to other girls or get attention from classmates by speaking carelessly. 

Your daughter seems to feel unstable since her needs are not satisfied somehow. She tries to satisfy her needs by getting attention from friends and family, but it doesn't work so she behaves rudely. She speaks carelessly not because she doesn't like friends and family, but because she wants attention. It is not wrong to express her emotions but she needs to learn how to control her speech and maintain good relationships with people. 

When you learn about the process of children's psychological development and apply the right parenting strategies and treatment methods by adopting Mother Therapy, your daughter will feel that she is getting enough attention from her mother and be able to stabilize psychology.

When you naturally let her know that it is good to express her emotions to people instead of suppressing them, but she must express her emotions in ways others are not hurt by her expressions, your daughter will find how to express her emotions appropriately on her own.


                                Apply for free consultation 

                     on child's psychological problem

                            Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net/


[Infidelity Therapy] A lawsuit against the adulteress, and then what?


     There are many ways for the wife to punish the husband and the adulteress. The easiest way is to publicize the fact of infidelity to humiliate the husband and the adulteress or to file a lawsuit. Filing a lawsuit may look like a cool and rational way to deal with the issue at first. However, if you win the lawsuit and even get compensated financially, would the issue of infidelity solved completely?

      Getting financial compensation through a lawsuit makes you unable to appeal further in any way since your damage is considered to be legally compensated. Filing a lawsuit against the adulteress equates with acknowledging husband infidelity in return for money. 

     The wife may choose the lawsuit as a way of revenge out of indignation but the result is only abjectness. The wife has endorsed husband infidelity for a small sum of money. In addition, getting even with the adulteress by a lawsuit cannot eliminate the wife's rage and distress. Rather, her post traumatic stress deteriorates and rage and distress keep growing everyday.

     As the wife continues suffering from rage and distress, the husband begins to defend himself thinking that he has paid for his infidelity by going through the lawsuit. Both the husband who admitted his wrongdoing and the husband who justified his behaviors begin to be convinced that his wife is the most peculiar person. The wife who still gets enraged even after winning the lawsuit helps justify the husband's infidelity. Even the husband who asked for forgiveness admitting the wrong doing leaves home or demands a divorce. 

     Have you thought about the result of filing a lawsuit? It is an utter mistake to think that you will become free from rage and distress when you win the lawsuit. You may feel better temporarily after the lawsuit, but then, you will face your post traumatic stress that has deteriorated and the worse marriage relationship. The only choice you can make in the face of the overwhelming situation is getting a divorce. 

     Filing a lawsuit must wait until you treat post traumatic stress and restore happiness. Filing a lawsuit when post traumatic stress is deteriorating is to take out the frustration without thinking clearly about what to do next. Please, keep in mind that the result of the hasty action is manifested as your own mind destroyed, marriage relationship severed, and children's psychology ruined. 


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[Infidelity Therapy] Treatment, suppression, or revenge upon experiencing husband infidelity

     There can be three different paths of life of women who experience husband infidelity. All of them start with the pain of death due to post traumatic stress upon discovering husband infidelity. The first type of women try to recover through treatment of the condition, the second type avoid the pain by becoming dependent on something, and the third type become pleasure seekers based on the vindictive mentality. They all try to do something about their pain since they cannot bear the excruciating pain. 

Treatment_ beginning : I can't believe I haven't known about the mechanism of human mind at all. Now I think I understand what happened. 

Suppression_beginning : Many women live with husband infidelity. It happens to most couples. He is just my husband. I can live focusing only on my children. 

Revenge_beginning : How dare he cheat on me? I will definitely get even with him. I can attack the adulteress first. Of course, I am entitled to enjoy dating other men.

     All three types of women try to recover in their own ways. One woman really begins to treat her condition, another one caps her pain with dependency on other things, and the other one starts to destroy both herself and other people to be compensated for her pain. 

Treatment_middle : I understand what happened to me, but it still hurts. I feel better one day and feel hurt the next day. Am I doing the right thing for me? I guess I have to keep going and try harder for my treatment.

Suppression_middle : How come my children give me such a hard time when I devote my whole life to them? They are everything for me. Maybe I should try harder to be a better mother. They are my only hope. 

Revenge_middle : I have been so stupid so far. I wasted my life living with my husband. Now, I will enjoy my own life.

     The condition of post traumatic stress changes for the better for the first type of women and for the worse for the second and the third types. Women in the first case may go through ups and downs of emotional state, but they eventually restore feelings of love and happiness. The second type of women may feel comfortable and forget the pain while they are being dependent on something but their condition advances and they feel miserable and lost when they are not. The third type of women develop relationship addiction on top of post traumatic stress, and they cannot bear the pain and emptiness without getting men's attention and sexual pleasure. They begin to destroy all human relationships that get in the way of their pleasure seeking. 

Treatment_end : How beautiful the world is! How adorable my children are! I am so grateful to my children for being healthy and happy. Life is worth living and every life is precious even when it experiences pain and suffering on the way. 

Suppression_end: Children have left me. What should I do with my life now? I feel suffocated. Is it menopause or empty nest syndrome? Maybe I should get a divorce, eventually. 

Revenge_end : Life is for pleasure. Those stupid women couldn't imagine how exciting life is. No men would stay with such boring women. They don't even know how to satisfy men. I feel so sorry for them. 

     Women who achieve complete recovery from post traumatic stress know how to be happy in human relationships and live happily. They generate feelings of love and happiness and can decide whether they will stay with the husband or not, keeping emotional balance. They are happy whether they are divorced or not. Women who suppress their pain and become dependent may keep living unhappily growing their pain and wounds, or become a pleasure seeker when they cannot stand the pain anymore. Women who try to revenge by living a pleasurable life end up destroying their life and the lives of many others. They cannot but live a miserable life of the worst adulteress. 

     Every woman wants to get out of pain and suffering when they discover husband infidelity. They may want to avoid the pain or take revenge. However, it is only women themselves who can choose the path of their future life : a life of happiness after recovery or a life of unhappiness and destruction. 


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[Review] My resolution


Sometimes, I feel that I have come through the deadly tunnel. 

Other times, I feel that I still have a dark long tunnel in front of me.

Looking back, I am proud of myself for coming this much at least.

I don't cry anymore these days.

I used to cry a lot asking, 'Why me?' and feeling sorry for myself.

I feel that it was a long time ago so I can hardly remember.

I tried and tired as if I were clutching at straws. 

Now, I can manage stress and wounds to a certain degree.

I used to waste time taking psychology counseling and fortune telling. 

I am finding myself and my life back taking Mind Training.

I will keep trying until I am completely cured and restore happiness.


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[Mother Therapy] Helping children and teenagers build habits of treatment, prevention, and happiness.


     How would you help children and teenagers solve psychological problems? Parents do their best to solve their children's psychological problems by adopting diverse methods. They usually believe that psychology experts can solve the problem. However, in many cases, psychological problems are fixated or aggravated, the treatment continues for years without much improvement, or a symptom disappears but a new symptom appears. In the mean time, the whole family suffer from children's psychological problems and the psychological condition of children deteriorates as time passes. 

     Most conventional treatment methods of psychological problems address specific symptoms and individual problems. They do not address the underlying mechanism of human mind and psychology thereby leading to the aggravation of the condition. Addressing specific symptoms and individual problems hinders children from building habits of treatment, prevention, and happiness. 

     Children and teenagers go through 3 developmental phases of psychology : the phase of survival (from birth to age 5), the phase of adaptation to relationships (from age 3 through 13), the phase of formation of self (from age 11 through 19) before they become adults. They naturally experience many psychological problems in the developmental process of psychology. When only individual symptoms and problems are separately addressed every time they occur, children's overall psychological condition necessarily deteriorates. 

     When children and teenagers build habits of treatment, prevention, and happiness on their own, they can protect their psychology without unnecessary counseling and education. They can adopt two different methods of building habits of treatment, prevention, and happiness depending on their circumstances.

     1. When the mother has feelings of love and pays attention to children. 

     The mother can apply Mother Therapy to solve children's psychological problems. Mothers can easily help children build habits of treatment, prevention, and happiness through daily interactions when they have feelings of love and pay attention to children. They can do without unnecessary professional interventions. Mother must not have their own selfish purposes when adopting parenting strategies of Mother Therapy to avoid the aggravation of the children's condition.  

     2. When the mother is absent, the mother does not know about Mother Therapy, or children's psychological problems have developed due to mother's psychological problems. 

     When children and teenagers have a protector or a primary care giver and they have the belief that they are safely protected and cared, children can take Youth Mind Training to solve psychological problems to build habits of treatment, prevention, and happiness. The protector or the care giver must not have selfish purposes in helping children and teenagers such as success in their own career, reputation, or financial gain, which will aggravate children's psychological condition. 

     Conventional approaches that address individual symptoms and problems cannot provide fundamental solutions to psychological problems of children and teenagers as well as to the problems of adults. They usually aggravate psychological conditions. When children and teenagers build habits of treatment, prevention, and happiness, they don't need professional intervention for symptomatic therapies every time they experience psychological difficulties. All human beings experience diverse psychological problems in the course of life and what we need is to build our own habits of treatment, prevention, and happiness. 


                                      Apply for free consultation 

                       on child's psychological problem

                            Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net/

[Infidelity Therapy] The husband in infidelity, the wife in pain, and the adulteress as a sexual object


     All parties involved in a case of infidelity, the husband in infidelity, the wife in pain, and the adulteress as a sexual object are living an unhappy life. They end up living a life of destruction unless they take a proper treatment such as KIP Treatment. Without proper treatment, all of them end up living a life of destruction destroying love, happiness, and sexuality as well as all human relationships pursuing only their own survival and pleasure. 

     [The wife in pain] When the wife suspects or discovers husband infidelity, she develops post traumatic stress. She may end up destroying love, happiness and sexuality as well as all human relationships. Post traumatic stress deteriorates as time passes unless properly treated. 

     1. She develops dependency on things, activities, or people. The objects of dependency could be anything from children, family, career, religion, study, hobbies, counseling, to shopping, traveling, plastic surgery, diet, or sex. They feel comfort and relief only through the activities that cap their negative emotions. Their level of dependency increases and post traumatic stress advances, which destroys their own life and the life of many others.      

     2. She destroys her whole life. As post traumatic stress advances, she destroys love, happiness, and sexuality as well as all human relationships. She only pursues her own pleasure including sexual pleasure. She easily becomes a sexual object of many men and a victim or a perpetrator of crimes related with affairs whether she is divorced or not. 

     3. She destroys the life of her husband and children. Post traumatic stress her husband's relationship addiction progress as she suppresses her pain, develops dependency or obsession, or keeps taking practical measures. The husband eventually develops intermittent explosive disorder and destroys his life. Children's psychology also deteriorates and they develop psychological problems. They will experience spouse infidelity or commit infidelity themselves when they become adults.

     The wife who is suffering from husband infidelity must treat her post traumatic stress and build habits of treatment, prevention, and happiness by taking proper treatment programs such as KIP Treatment. When she treats her condition and live happily with children, she can give her husband an opportunity to treat his relationship addiction. 

     [The husband in infidelity] The husband does not realize that he has developed relationship addiction. He is addicted to the adulteress's sexual response and destroys his own life. Relationship addiction is a psychological disorder that destroys love, happiness, and sexuality as well as all human relationships. 

     1. He can be damaged by the adulteress any time. As the adulteress's sexual response grows bigger and bigger, she may develop hysteria and destroy everything.           

     2. The husband in infidelity usually neglects his wife thinking that his wife can never commit infidelity. In the mean time, the wife may easily respond sexually to men around her as her post traumatic stress progresses and become an adulteress. 

     3. The husband and the wife have developed relationship addiction and post traumatic stress respectively. In the mean time, children are not cared properly and can develop psychological problems. They are easily taken advantage of by other people. 

     The husband in infidelity must take KIP treatment to treat relationship addiction and sexual dysfunction. Then, they will build habits of treatment, prevention, and happiness and never commit infidelity. When the husband recovers, he can protect his family and persuade his wife to treat post traumatic stress. 

     [The adulteress as a sexual object] The adulteress does not realize that she has developed relationship addiction, which is an advanced psychological disorder. She is addicted to men's attention and consolation and easily becomes a sexual object of many men. Of course, she destroys love, happiness, sexuality as well as all human relationships. She may be attacked by the adulterer's wife or become a victim of intermittent explosive disorder of the adulterer. She is in danger of becoming a victim or a perpetrator of crimes related with infidelity. She may mistake becoming a sexual object of many men for happiness and pleasure and feel confident and proud. 

     The adulteress must take KIP Treatment and treat her condition on her own without anyone's help. She can restore happiness by building habits of treatment, prevention, and happiness. 



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[Review] Deeply moved and overwhelmed for the first time in my life


I was diagnosed for being completely cured. I was surprised and began to cry. ​

I started on October 20th in 2019. It took 131 weeks. 

I remember my first visit to the KIP office. I registered and took all the textbooks and publications home being anxious to start the training. 

I did my best to treat myself. ​

Of course, I went through trials and errors. 

I failed and began again several times. 

I was anxious but time went by slowly.

Eventually, time went by and I was cured. ​

My past life passes by fast in my memory. 

I feel moved and overwhelmed and speechless.

I shed tears of gratitude. 

I am happy, proud, and grateful. 

I got myself back. 

I got my feelings back.

I am ready to live happily for myself and for my loved ones. 

I feel confident and healthy again. ​

I would like to thank all the staff, who helped proceed with the program,

and Mr. Beomyoung Kim, who designed the treatment program based on the Theory of Mimind. 

Thank you.


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[Infidelity Therapy] How the husband in infidelity can recover


    The husband in infidelity has developed relationship addiction, which is an advanced condition of psychological disorder. Relationship addiction causes the destruction of relationships, love, happiness, and sexuality. It is impossible for the husband to recover only by trying on his own. 

   The victimized wife develops post traumatic stress and perceives all her memories of past experiences as wounds suffering from excruciating pain. She is on the verge of developing a psychological disorder that destroys relationships, love, happiness, and sexuality. It is also impossible for the wife to recover only by trying on her own. 

    There are two ways the husband in relationship addiction can recover. One is to have a strong will power to live after he loses everything he has achieved in his whole life and almost gives up on his life. He must realize that the cause of his collapse is psychological disorder and build up a strong will power to recover by taking KIP treatment program. He must treat relationship addiction, prevent the recurrence of the condition, and build habits of healing and happiness. He can restore happiness and regain what he has lost after he is cured completely.

   If he has not collapses completely, not lost everything he has, not experienced a crisis of losing his life, and he does not have a strong will power for life, he wouldn't even think about recovery. He couldn't recover even if he tries unless he realizes and admits that his relationship addiction has caused his misfortune, and adopts a right treatment method with professional help. 

    The other is for the victimized wife to build happiness ability through KIP treatment program and the husband an opportunity to treat relationship addiction. When the wife restore happiness, the husband can have hope for happiness and have the will poser to treat his condition. He can treat relationship addiction, prevent the recurrence of the condition, and build habits of healing and happiness. He can restore happiness and regain what he has lost after he is cured completely.

     When the husband recover through the two methods described above, he never commits infidelity again and lives happily with his wife. When the husband has recovered but the wife has not, it is impossible for them to stay together. When the wife refuses to treat herself and insists on staying with post traumatic stress, the husband has to get a divorce to protect children from the wife and live happily with children.            It is not important to argue about who is in the wrong and who is in pain when infidelity occurs. The life of the whole family is at stake. Both the husband and the wife must treat their psychological disorders to restore individuals' happiness and the happiness of the family. 


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[Infidelity Therapy] The spouse in infidelity can never feel the pain you feel.

 [Infidelity Therapy] Displaying rage and taking practical measures does not solve the problem of infidelity.

      Empathizing with the victimized spouse does not help solve the issue of spouse infidelity. It is only natural that the victimized spouse suffers from excruciating pain when spouse infidelity is discovered. You may have to deal with many other related problems, too. However, the spouse in infidelity has already developed relationship addiction, which is an advanced condition of psychological disorder that destroys relationships and sexuality.

     The spouse in infidelity perceives the victimized spouse's display of rage and anger only as stress instead of empathizing with the pain and suffering, which aggravates relationship addiction. Some people say that their expressions of pain and suffering have led the spouse in infidelity to ask for forgiveness and become nice to the victimized spouse. He of she is simply trying to get red of stress by being nice. No one understands that relationship addiction only deteriorates in this process.      Displaying rage and anger or expressing pain and suffering only aggravate relationship addiction and post traumatic stress. 

     What you urgently need now is not expressing how you feel to feel better or taking practical measures to solve the issue of infidelity. It is not also important to find proof of infidelity or what happened to your spouse. The important thing is to understand that your spouse, your children, and you are in the crisis situation that may destroy family and everyone's life.

    The only person who can lead the spouse in infidelity to treat relationship addiction is the victimized spouse who is suffering from post traumatic stress. First, you must treat your post traumatic stress and restore happiness. Then, you must protect your children and restore a happy family. Then, you can give the spouse in infidelity an opportunity to treat relationship addiction. Following the suggested order is also important. 

     Any other attempt to address the issue of infidelity may lead to the aggravation of psychological conditions of all family members and lead to the life of destruction and destruction. Displaying rage and anger, expressing pain and suffering, suppressing yourself and enduring the situation, or taking practical measures never leads to happiness of the individuals and family. First and foremost, you may treat your post traumatic stress to restore happiness of yourself and your children. 


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[Mother Therapy] How can I teach my teenage son to manage allowance?


     Q. My teenage boy spends away allowance within a week regardless of the amount of money. I would like to know if I have to give him weekly allowance and how much money is appropriate. 

     A. We must first ask ourselves why parents would give allowance. It is probably because parents want to have children build the right concept of money and learn how to spend money in an appropriate way. 

     When your boy was younger, he must have asked for money every time he needed money for specific purposes. Then, as he grows, he gets allowance and spends money by his own planning. He has never managed allowance before so he must be less organized in spending money and may spend all the allowance in a short time. Then, he has to spend some time without money and experience inconvenience. He may experience diverse trials and errors such as asking parents for more allowance or even losing money sometimes. 

     From parent's point of view, the child's way of managing allowance is so clumsy and worrisome. He may be spending money on unnecessary things or look thoughtless in money management. Then, parents may try to change the pattern and the rule of giving allowance to the child. 

     You can make reference to other families around you for how much money is appropriate and the term of giving allowance. Of course, the final decision must accord with your family's situation and ideas on money management. You must also discuss how allowance will be given with your boy since your boy is a teenager, who is in the process of forming his own thought standards and would not comply unless he can understand everything from his own point of view. You must not simply impose your standards on your teenage boy to prevent him from generating unnecessary stress.         

     When you accurately understand children's psychological development and the right parenting methods, you will be able to adopt appropriate way to give him allowance with reference to other families around you and guide him to manage allowance in the right way. 

     It is natural and important for teenagers to experience trials and errors in the process of forming their own thought standards. Parents must provide the right environment for building the right thought standards for children. Mother Therapy guides mothers to learn about children's psychological development and the right parenting methods so that mothers can provide children with the right environment for forming healthy thought standards making trials and errors. 


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                       on child's psychological problem

                            Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net/


[Infidelity Therapy] Parents who have relationship addiction or post traumatic stress must not raise children.


     When spouse infidelity occurs, the spouse in infidelity has developed relationship addiction and the victimized spouse who discovers spouse infidelity has developed post traumatic stress. Relationship addiction, which is a psychological disorder, causes the spouse in infidelity destroy relationships, love, happiness, and sexuality. 

     The parent in relationships addiction damages children's psychology since he or she raises children in the condition of psychological disorder. Children must be separated from the parent who has relationship addiction so that they can grow with healthy psychology. The parent who has relationship addiction must treat his or her condition before they can raise children in a healthy way. 

     Post traumatic stress also causes the victimized spouse destroy relationships, love, happiness, and sexuality. Taking any practical measure aggravates the condition developing into a severe psychological disorder. The condition may become even more serious than relationship addiction when neglected. 

     Children who are raised by parents who have relationship addiction and post traumatic stress easily develop psychological problems, so it is not recommended children stay with parents with such conditions. Of course, the parent who has developed post traumatic stress must treat his or her condition and restore happiness first before resuming parenting. 

      No parent wants to destroy their children's psychology by their own hands knowing that their psychological disorders are detrimental to children's psychological health. Not doing their best to treat themselves adopting accurate methods even when they know that they can damage children equates with deliberately trying to damage children. When parents treat their conditions and restore love and happiness, all family members can live together happily providing children with the best environment for growth. 


About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education) 

[Mother Therapy] Dependency in children and teenagers

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